(Spoilers) Julep June 2014

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I got my shipping notice late Saturday night and my Maven box was in my mailbox today. Nice going, Julep! I feel like I'm usually one of the last people to get their box so this was a welcome change of pace.  :D  

2014-06-02 16.34.10.jpg

I haven't had a chance to swatch them yet but I like what I see so far! And yes, they did send me 3 purple Pixy Stix, which just so happen to be my favorite.  :p

Discount code included in my box: PERK1020 for $10 off $20+

It seems like the mystery boxes end up being roughly $5/polish, with a little variation on the pricing for products. At that price, I might as well just wait for the polishes I actually want to show up as add-ons (or other very common sales) and get colors that I specifically want. Yanno?

I want so badly to be convinced to buy mystery boxes again, but this just ain't cutting it. I'm still curious about the secret store mysteries though. Those ones looked to be $3.33/polish

Boo. I just called Julep and they haven't even shipped my June box out yet - they said it was because I got an upgraded box. It's supposed to ship out sometime this week. At this rate I won't get it until the end of June  :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

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Still no Maven box or mystery box in the mail. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I guess my Maven box has been delayed because I got the polish lover upgrade (plus three add-ons and the gift that comes with it), but I really wish I had one or the other right now to make up for me being sick. My mystery box is supposed to be delivered tomorrow. If USPS in Orlando holds it hostage like they held my Cupid mystery box for ten days, things will not be pretty.

Turns out the 2 tracking notices I got are for some stuff I may have ordered for my Midsummer Swap FGD and my Secret Store order.  My Polish Lovers upgrade hasn't shipped.  Julep, this shipping is crazy!

I think Julep is taking on WAY too much at the same time each month. They used to do mystery boxes in the middle of the month (around the 8th-12th), now they are doing them right around the monthly boxes AND secret store. Plus they've been opening up the secret store earlier, having it open longer, AND opening it up for everyone (not necessarily a bad thing, just more orders to fill along with getting monthly boxes out and doing mystery boxes too). Not to mention this is the first month of the customizable boxes so it's a learning curve on how long getting the boxes out will take now. 

They should really go back to at least doing mystery boxes a couple weeks after everything from the maven window/secret store is out. Not just from a timing standpoint but a lot of us don't have the budget for monthly box + secret store + mystery box all in one week either. 

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Still haven't gotten my mystery boxes. But I put on Bergen which was the one color that I wasn't sure of. But it is really pretty. In my living room with lighter walls it is pulling green. But in my den it is a really nice blue-grey. There isn't a lot of shimmer in it.

I think Julep is taking on WAY too much at the same time each month. They used to do mystery boxes in the middle of the month (around the 8th-12th), now they are doing them right around the monthly boxes AND secret store. Plus they've been opening up the secret store earlier, having it open longer, AND opening it up for everyone (not necessarily a bad thing, just more orders to fill along with getting monthly boxes out and doing mystery boxes too). Not to mention this is the first month of the customizable boxes so it's a learning curve on how long getting the boxes out will take now. 

They should really go back to at least doing mystery boxes a couple weeks after everything from the maven window/secret store is out. Not just from a timing standpoint but a lot of us don't have the budget for monthly box + secret store + mystery box all in one week either. 
I totally agree, but I think with all the problems with shipping out May Maven boxes last month, they had to delay the mystery box a while, and it just ended up having to go up around selection window and secret store. I think this month will go back to being near the second week of the month like it usually is.

I totally agree, but I think with all the problems with shipping out May Maven boxes last month, they had to delay the mystery box a while, and it just ended up having to go up around selection window and secret store. I think this month will go back to being near the second week of the month like it usually is.
I hadn't taken a mystery box in awhile but I thought they had been doing them at the end of the month (or at least a lot closer to the maven window/secret store) for awhile? I could be wrong though!

eta: huh, you're right! I was totally thinking I'd been seeing the mystery boxes at the end of the month but most of them have been towards the middle :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> well hopefully they'll be back on that schedule soon! They probably should've delayed these memorial day ones a week or two though. 

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I hadn't taken a mystery box in awhile but I thought they had been doing them at the end of the month (or at least a lot closer to the maven window/secret store) for awhile? I could be wrong though!
Looking back at the dates for all of them this year they were all either the 5th, 7th, or 10th day of the month. This one came out on the 25th. So definitely much later in the month.

Looking back at the dates for all of them this year they were all either the 5th, 7th, or 10th day of the month. This one came out on the 25th. So definitely much later in the month.
Which the second week of the month is the perfect timing because it's Secret Store first week, mystery box second week, selection time third week, and secret store last week. That is what is so genius about their schedule because there's pretty much always something going on to spend your money on, with promos scattered throughout the month as well.

Looking back at the dates for all of them this year they were all either the 5th, 7th, or 10th day of the month. This one came out on the 25th. So definitely much later in the month.
Yeah I totally had been thinking wrong :-D 

And I hear ya, Julep is always having a promo/sale/box to throw money at. 

One of my mystery boxes was tendered to USPS yesterday morning, and it's still not here. The other one does not appear to have moved very far.

I think Julep is taking on WAY too much at the same time each month. They used to do mystery boxes in the middle of the month (around the 8th-12th), now they are doing them right around the monthly boxes AND secret store. Plus they've been opening up the secret store earlier, having it open longer, AND opening it up for everyone (not necessarily a bad thing, just more orders to fill along with getting monthly boxes out and doing mystery boxes too). Not to mention this is the first month of the customizable boxes so it's a learning curve on how long getting the boxes out will take now. 

They should really go back to at least doing mystery boxes a couple weeks after everything from the maven window/secret store is out. Not just from a timing standpoint but a lot of us don't have the budget for monthly box + secret store + mystery box all in one week either. 
The secret store is open to everyone now? Then they need to stop calling it "secret." It's just "the store." 

The secret store is open to everyone now? Then they need to stop calling it "secret." It's just "the store." 
I don't think it has been every month but I feel more often than not lately they'll open it to mavens who took the box first (and earlier than usual) and then open it to everyone a couple of days after. 


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