(Spoilers) Julep March 2014

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Quote: Originally Posted by Kelly Silva /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Did no one join to basically get to pick out some nail polish colors each month at a discounted price? Because that's why I joined and all these other "incentives" they're getting rid of were never a priority to me, it was always the getting to pick out a few nail polishes each month (sometimes more than a few!) There are so many deals and coupons to take advantage of, to get every color you could want at a highly discounted price. Yeah they're getting rid of some cool incentives, but I think they have something else up their sleeve planned. It may even be something we like more. I'm a firm believer in showing how satisfied you are with something with money, and if you aren't happy, then you shouldn't give them your money anymore.
I joined to get fresh, new, interesting colors each month -- with an emphasis on "interesting."  I've been skipping a lot lately because they have been churning out the same thing over and over, and a ton of creams (the finish is part of how interesting something is to me, and foils, metallics, shimmers, glitters, and holos are interesting.  Creams are not) month after month.  Some of the "new" colors even seem to be dupes of prior months' colors with new names.  The discounts aren't really a draw for me.  I have *epic* problems picking things out, which is why I like subs that send collections of mystery items out:  I don't have to decide, and a package of potentially awesome things will arrive in my mailbox each month.  While I love Starlooks Starbox, I'm having a horrible time picking out $35 worth of stuff to get with a promotional code I think I have coming my way in this month's box, and I have something like $50 in points and gift cards with Birchbox for similar reasons.  If I want cheap (price-wise, not quality-wise) nail polish, I'll go get a bunch of essence (I love that brand).  I don't do that because decisions are hard. 

And if they have "something else up their sleeve planned," they need to roll that out *at the same time* they take the incentives away.  A simultaneous discontinuation and launch makes it feel like they're *replacing* the old incentive, not just taking it away and *maybe* making it worth sticking around at some undefined future date.  Right now, it feels like having benefits and perks cut at work:  Once a company starts chipping away at, say, your paid time off allowances or your health benefits, they never, *ever* replace it with something better.  They just move on to chipping away at something else, like taking away free coffee and turning off the hot water in the restrooms (yes, this actually happened at my former company.  I happened to work in the group that had made the decision, so I immediately went to the manager and asked why it had been done.  I was told it was a cost-cutting measure and that they were not actually required by law to have hot water in the bathrooms or breakrooms, so the decision had been made to turn it off.  I said that women especially need hot water to wash our hands.  We got hot water back the next day.  There are many reasons why this is my *former* company, but this is actually a major one because I recognized it as a sign of things to come).

Quote:Originally Posted by Kelly Silva /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Did no one join to basically get to pick out some nail polish colors each month at a discounted price? Because that's why I joined and all these other "incentives" they're getting rid of were never a priority to me, it was always the getting to pick out a few nail polishes each month (sometimes more than a few!) There are so many deals and coupons to take advantage of, to get every color you could want at a highly discounted price. Yeah they're getting rid of some cool incentives, but I think they have something else up their sleeve planned. It may even be something we like more. I'm a firm believer in showing how satisfied you are with something with money, and if you aren't happy, then you shouldn't give them your money anymore.

If I'm being honest, I joined Julep b/c the welcome box was free. Then, after trying the polishes that came in my welcome box and LOVING them, I decided to stick around. As a new subscriber without a skip option, the problem for me arrises when the current month's selections are not any that I like and I am forced to choose: a) pay $20 for polishes I don't want or B) cancel. The biggest issue I have with Julep is that the polishes are over-priced/over-valued (to me) and under normal circumstances I wouldn't be spending $20/month on new nail polishes. Plus I get polishes in lots of my other subs, too. BUT I just love the formula/texture/coverage/lasting-power of Julep polishes so I'm hooked! Plus there is a really bright side to Julep that I don't get with my other subs-- And that is the fact that you get to see the selections before-hand and pick your favorite option. None of my other subs offer anything like that.
Quote: Originally Posted by meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I joined to get fresh, new, interesting colors each month -- with an emphasis on "interesting."  I've been skipping a lot lately because they have been churning out the same thing over and over, and a ton of creams...month after month.  Some of the "new" colors even seem to be dupes of prior months' colors with new names.

...  Right now, it feels like having benefits and perks cut at work:  Once a company starts chipping away at, say, your paid time off allowances or your health benefits, they never, *ever* replace it with something better.  They just move on to chipping away at something else, like taking away free coffee and turning off the hot water in the restrooms.
Basically I agree strongly with both of these points.  I have been skipping a lot and while I say it was partly for financial reasons at least at first, if I am being "real" I'm not going to skip if I fall in love with the colors. I am just not.  I don't have that kind of willpower when it comes to polish.

The truth is their recent colors are boring, and many are dupes for me.  Some, as @meaganola says, are actually VERY CLOSE to dupes of prior colors Julep themself has done.  Others are just dupes for me because I have a ton of colors already, and especially with creams, which is all Juelp does lately, it is harder for me to be like 'I am REALLY excited about that color, though!' or 'but it is a bit different in this way, though!'

If they want me not to skip, it is easy.  They just have to come up with interesting colors and I do think the best place for them to start is different finishes than just creams over and fricking over again.  If the don't start doing so, I will stick around until they take my skips away, maybe occasionally taking a box, and then I will cancel, without regret.

I also agree it's hard for me to believe that they are going to pull out something AMAZING now to make it all worth it.  I actually think they think that thing is the plie wand which is 
to me.

Quote:Originally Posted by tulosai /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Yeah I think they are counting on the fact that their new members need to take a box and so don't need any silly 'incentive'.

That is what I was thinking, too. I'm a new member without a skip option so I pretty much have to take a box every month. They're not going to give me an incentive for taking the box when I pretty much have no choice anyway.
I agree with Kelly, in that if the Maven sub isn't working for you, you should cancel and let them know why. If people keep giving them their money but complain about how the sub sucks now, nothing will change. Maybe if enough people cancel they'll panic and reinstate some incentives.

I skip a lot, but the extra Love polish got me to take my box last month. I figured the free polish with 3 months would be gone soon since a lot of people can't skip and they would be giving them a free polish every 3 months. I wonder what the mystery box will be this month. I think they are the best value, but they also are a gamble on whether you can use what you get. I am getting so many polishes that I am getting pickier about what I get. I skipped this month. I am thinking about canceling after my anniversary and I have enough points for a free box. Mostly because if I don't cancel and get totally away from Julep and this board I will keep buying. I was looking at my polish stash the other day and there are a lot I haven't tried or ones that I loved but haven't worn again because I am trying new ones. Must stop buying!

The thing is, I don't even think Julep would care if we cancelled our subs or not. We're cutting into their profit margins by buying their products at basically less than half of retail, so if they get rid of us, they just have people willing to pay full price at like, Sephora or Nordstrom or something.

Julep's nonsense seriously makes me want to punch someone. Brushing someone essentially cheating to win a contest under the run...changing the terms of service of the contact basically in the dead of night...getting rid of the 3 box polish code... :madd:
Wait someone cheated? Whoa what happened??
Quote: Originally Posted by itsoliviaaah /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Wait someone cheated? Whoa what happened??

From what I could piece together (since the thread discussing it was removed from Julep's Facebook page), someone basically bought a bunch of votes and joined a group where members push each other up in vote-getting sorts of contests whether those members previously had anything to do with the topic at hand or not (so just making up kinds of potential contests:  Pictures, hot sauce flavors, cute kitties, scary stories, etc.).  Fake Facebook profiles created solely to vote may have been involved, if I recall correctly.

So really....there's no incentive now to take your box, now that they're not giving away the free polish codes anymore.
Yeah. I'm actually surprised they took that away. They seem like they don't want people to skip seeing as they Took that option away from new mavens. So you think they would keep that take 3 boxes in a row and get a free polish thing going for those of us grandfathered in to encourage us to take more boxes.
Opposite the subject of skipping...I ended up unskipping this month. The more I looked at swatches the more I liked the It Girl shades this month, so I'm using my Jules for that. I also have Tania as an add-on and am crossing fingers they re-stock Rae too. Also considering Harriet. I usually start the selection window wanting everything and then gradually narrow it down to just 2-3 colors. This month I started off wanting nothing and now am interested in 5-6 :-D

Did no one join to basically get to pick out some nail polish colors each month at a discounted price? Because that's why I joined and all these other "incentives" they're getting rid of were never a priority to me, it was always the getting to pick out a few nail polishes each month (sometimes more than a few!) There are so many deals and coupons to take advantage of, to get every color you could want at a highly discounted price. Yeah they're getting rid of some cool incentives, but I think they have something else up their sleeve planned. It may even be something we like more. I'm a firm believer in showing how satisfied you are with something with money, and if you aren't happy, then you shouldn't give them your money anymore.
I joined Julep b/c I love nail polish & the concept sounded great. Before I signed up I'd been doing a pretty similar thing; in an effort to grow my nail polish collection, I'd go out of my way each month to buy 1 Essie & 1 Maybelline Color Show. Those would be my colors for the month. I admired Julep from afar but waited until the time was right for me to join. After my 1st semester of college ended & I acquired a 2nd job, I figured it'd be the perfect decision to sign up for my dream subscription service. What made Julep so enticing to me in the beginning was how unique it was. They had insanely cool mystery boxes, they would throw in a golden box here & there, the extra treats in the monthly boxes were great, the Swatch Me stickers were great for people like me who have Melmers, the colors picked for the style profiles each month seemed thoughtful, the shipping was free, you HAD THE OPTION to skip guilt-free, & if you went w/ a box 3 times in a row you'd get a free polish. Now other than the shipping & the extras they put in the box each month, everything else I just listed is gone. On the outside looking in it seemed like Julep really cared about their Mavens, but now I'm not so sure. & I know companies change & nothing in this world is ever permanent, but it's still kinda sad to watch. It's like when you're dating someone for a long time & after a while their personality drastically changes, all the great things you love about them go away completely or get altered immensely for no apparent reason. & it's conflicting b/c on 1 hand you love them & want to see them do great, but on the other hand you're no longer happy. ...I can't believe I just compared Julep to a significant other, lmao sorry ladies! But yeah to answer your question, this was something I wanted to do for a long time & their deals aren't exactly what made me sign up. I'm pretty sure you could still get $2 polishes from Julep even if you aren't a Maven--you just pay for shipping. If you want good quality you'll strive to get it no matter the price. I thought Julep completely deserved my money, & I gave myself a goal to stay until December, then look into other subs (Square Hue, Color Me Monthly, Glitter Guilty). But if more inconvenient changes keep coming, I may just have to bounce earlier than expected. We'll just have to wait & see.
From what I could piece together (since the thread discussing it was removed from Julep's Facebook page), someone basically bought a bunch of votes and joined a group where members push each other up in vote-getting sorts of contests whether those members previously had anything to do with the topic at hand or not (so just making up kinds of potential contests:  Pictures, hot sauce flavors, cute kitties, scary stories, etc.).  Fake Facebook profiles created solely to vote may have been involved, if I recall correctly.
Well that's just disgusting. -_- /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Quote: Originally Posted by itsoliviaaah /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Well that's just disgusting. -_- /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Oops, I forgot one more thing:  The person who won has won at least one (maybe two or three) other similar Julep contests as well.  I don't think anyone would have dug into the votes if she hadn't won as many times previously as she had.

Quote: Originally Posted by cari12 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Opposite the subject of skipping...I ended up unskipping this month. The more I looked at swatches the more I liked the It Girl shades this month, so I'm using my Jules for that. I also have Tania as an add-on and am crossing fingers they re-stock Rae too. Also considering Harriet. I usually start the selection window wanting everything and then gradually narrow it down to just 2-3 colors. This month I started off wanting nothing and now am interested in 5-6 :-D

I did the exact same thing with this collection.  At first glance I didn't really want anything, then I took a deeper look and found 7 polishes that I like.  I couldn't care less about the lip gloss, I haven't even opened my lip gloss from the November box yet but even without the gloss the box is still worth it to me because I like the colors and can get add-ons for $5.

This month I am getting the Boho Glam box with Tania, Rae, and Lilou as add-ons.  If could have a fourth add-on I would have picked up Margaret as well.  This is unusual for me, I've only ever got add-ons twice before (last October and November).

Oh!  Like someone else, I had to call to add Lilou to my box.  The representative I spoke with was so nice and said that when your selections are saved with something that is now sold out (Tania and Rae in my case) that the selection cannot be edited on line but she was able to add it for me over the phone 
  I also hadn't even noticed to select jules but the rep did and asked if I wanted to use them so 2,000 of my jules are going towards the box so I will just pay for the add-ons and I still have some jules in reserve.  Yay!

To be honest, I'm pretty excited about this months collection 

Right now I'm taking the Bombshell box because I really like Monaco but it's sold out as an add-on.  I am not thrilled about the lemon chiffon cream - LiLou.  Anyone have a color similar to this, and if so does it look ok or wash you out?  I have pretty fair skin with pink undertones and am worried this will look awful on me.  I'm also taking Harriet and Tania as add-ons, I wish Rae wasn't out of stock!

I also unskipped for now. Even though I should skip this month.

But, I really like Lilou .. not sure it will look good on me, but the color is so pretty and sunny. Plus, I don't have any yellow polishes and no bright blue one. So I'll be happy to take Monaco as well. And added on Tania which is gorgeous.

I'm not really interested in Rae . I'll probably add it on if it comes back just because I have nothing similar to it, but I won't be terribly sad if I can't.

The only thing I have zero interest in is another lip gloss. O well.

And I might decide to skip again tomorrow .. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I certainly should.

The thing is with the new wand coming out in May .. it kind of makes more sense to me to skip the months until then and only get new polishes once the new wands are out there.

About the free polish .. to me it seems totally unfair to keep that incentive and not offer it to new mavens who are forced to take the boxes. However, if they plan to end it, the right way to go about would be to let all qualifying mavens know that the incentive will end in 2 months from this point on. So, everyone who is already working towards it, gets the chance to grab one last free polish. Communication with customers doesn't appear to be a strong quality with Julep.

I also unskipped for now. Even though I should skip this month. But, I really like Lilou .. not sure it will look good on me, but the color is so pretty and sunny. Plus, I don't have any yellow polishes and no bright blue one. So I'll be happy to take Monaco as well. And added on Tania which is gorgeous.
I really like Lilou too. I had overlooked it when I initially made my selections then when I looked back and saw it I really wanted it. I spent a while trying to make it my 3rd add-on and the system just wouldn't let me. I ended up making my first call to Julep ever to get it added in to my box. I can't wait to get it :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> (When I called I found out it was because I had sold out add ons already selected that I was unable to edit my order by adding Lilou online, not a problem with adding that specific color).
Ah, I went back & skipped just like I thought I would. 

I will probably go back & pick up the few polishes I did want later with a discount code. 

Quote: Originally Posted by prettylights /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Right now I'm taking the Bombshell box because I really like Monaco but it's sold out as an add-on.  I am not thrilled about the lemon chiffon cream - LiLou.  Anyone have a color similar to this, and if so does it look ok or wash you out?  I have pretty fair skin with pink undertones and am worried this will look awful on me.  I'm also taking Harriet and Tania as add-ons, I wish Rae wasn't out of stock!

I own Why Yellow There... from Sephora By OPI. I picked it up about a year ago in the clearance section of Sephora. I'm pale with pink tones too, & needless to say this is 1 of my favorite yellows. It's incredibly flattering & for some reason it reminds me a yellow mixed with vanilla. The formula kicks ass too. Not gross & streaky like most yellows--goes on evenly & opaque in 2 coats.

I know this is a little bit lighter than Lilou but it should still look okay on you nonetheless. & the Julep swatches are always deceiving haha so it may be a little more subdued in person.

Photo creds go to hotpinkaurora.blogspot.com


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