(Spoilers) Julep March 2014

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Quote: Originally Posted by LaStupenda /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  So really....there's no incentive now to take your box, now that they're not giving away the free polish codes anymore.
Yeah I think they are counting on the fact that their new members need to take a box and so don't need any silly 'incentive'.

Quote: Originally Posted by tulosai /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Yeah I think they are counting on the fact that their new members need to take a box and so don't need any silly 'incentive'.
What they are going to do is loose all of their grandfathered and loyal customers that have been there supporting them since the beginning! Ugggh

I understand how it sort of doesn't make sense now that new subscribers can't skip, but I really hope they have something new in store to keep us excited about the subscription. Between the golden boxes ending, mystery maven prize ending, and this, I'd rather just take advantage of their other sets and sales.

Quote: Originally Posted by Lolo22 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I understand how it sort of doesn't make sense now that new subscribers can't skip, but I really hope they have something new in store to keep us excited about the subscription. Between the golden boxes ending, mystery maven prize ending, and this, I'd rather just take advantage of their other sets and sales.

Quote: Originally Posted by LaStupenda /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  It really is almost not worth the subscription anymore, tbh. Just get the Mystery boxes and sales, and you're good.

I picked up 8 polishes that I wanted or liked using the EVERYBODY code and one of the Oscar sets that included the cute little glitter clutch for only $25.95. That's close to what I would pay for a sub but soooooo many more polishes. Sure it's not this months polishes but really, I could get them in a few months when they go on sale. 

  Item Sku Qty Subtotal
 Pink Champagne
10-01-00697 1 $9.99
 Ellie Classic with a Twist
06-01-00143 1 $2.99
 Everybody Wins - Rita Royale
10-01-00689 1 $50.00
 Lauren Classic with a Twist
06-01-00188 1 $4.99
 Lynn Classic with a Twist
06-01-00195 1 $2.99
 Renee Classic with a Twist
06-01-00233 1 $4.99 Order Status processing Subtotal $75.95 Shipping & Handling $0.00 Discount (EVERYBODY) -$50.00 Grand Total $25.95
Julep's nonsense seriously makes me want to punch someone. Brushing someone essentially cheating to win a contest under the run...changing the terms of service of the contact basically in the dead of night...getting rid of the 3 box polish code... 

i saw julep reply to someone yesterday on Facebook that the free polish code was still going on........ they said it will be emailed a few days after the maven window closes.

I'm seriously starting to think that they are deliberately trying to run off all of their subscribers, both old and new.  The old ones are probably not getting as many boxes because, yawn, so many things we've seen over and over, not to mention all of the changes.  The newer ones are going to be annoyed by not having the skip option that older subscribers keep talking about -- until Julep decides to do away with that option for *everyone*, which I think is coming by the end of the year.  The mid-range subscribers who were getting boxes to earn credits towards a free bottle every three months are probably going to be more likely to skip.  Everyone except the people getting the Plie Wand will be annoyed at the new caps (SO UGLY and completely not in line with the more-upscale image they want to convey).  If I wasn't an early-days subscriber, I would bail now, but I'm really curious to see whether they try to right this ship and get back to figuring out how to send us things we want instead of forcing us to accept things they want to send -- or whether they will dump the subscription side of things entirely.

And here's what it's starting to feel like:  They don't care about what *we* want to receive.  They care about what *they* want to send.  Not going to work over here.  I can deal with mystery color subscriptions where I don't even know what I'm going to get until I open my package because I have learned to trust the curators of those subs because they *earned* my loyalty with amazing colors.  It feels like the Julep investors don't really care what made Julep the company that they wanted to buy because they're busy forcing it to be the company they want it to be, and it's turning into shades of Urban Decay.  UD started with all of those wonderful grimy, ugly colors that my people -- the grunge era veterans who were just starting to get jobs of the variety that provided us with health insurance, so we still wanted our kinds of colors that made our parents and the established makeup companies cringe in horror, but we actually *had money* to spend on higher-quality makeup for the first time in our lives -- embraced.  Now that L'Oreal runs them?  They're known for their Naked neutral palettes and bright eyeliner pencils.  Not the same company *at all*. 

Someone on FB made a good point that the reason they took away skips was to 'ensure stock for the maven boxes.' Then the 3 most popular colors this month are already sold out and supposedly they aren't restocking Rae...

Quote: Originally Posted by jessrose18 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  i saw julep reply to someone yesterday on Facebook that the free polish code was still going on........ they said it will be emailed a few days after the maven window closes.
REALLY??!?!??! Ugggh I just skipped my month. I REALLY WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH BEFORE THE 24th!!!
 I just emailed them directly. I hope I get a response before the 24th. I will definitely post the reply when and if I get it. 

I just got my winter wonders grab bag from dermstore, and it came with a purlisse lip nourisher, and then I got a free gift which was a dermstore brand lip moisturizing treatment.

I think this is a sign I need to skip this month, because I was going to get modern beauty and add lizanne, rae, and tania... but I feel like valerie is close enough to lizanne, rae is one I was so-so on to begin with, the only one I REALLY want is tania. But the lip products I now definitely don't need, especially since I already have the Fresh sugar scrub (but I was interested in trying Julep's because of the applicator. 


I would have gone core classics if it had anything other than the oxygen treatment. I love juleps top coat. But I do NOT need another oxygen treatment, especially since I (will) have had no less than THREE light pink polishes sent to me in subs this month. Ugh!

Quote: Originally Posted by jessrose18 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  i saw julep reply to someone yesterday on Facebook that the free polish code was still going on........ they said it will be emailed a few days after the maven window closes.

Quote: Originally Posted by RenoFab /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  REALLY??!?!??! Ugggh I just skipped my month. I REALLY WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH BEFORE THE 24th!!!
 I just emailed them directly. I hope I get a response before the 24th. I will definitely post the reply when and if I get it. 
The truth: Like it says above, the free polish code is still happening, but this is the last month. It ends after this month. The response from FB was what Julep emailed to someone who emailed them directly asking about it.

I think Julep hinted at how they viewed Mavens in that article about the Plie wand where they basically said they used Mavens as free product testers. We buy the products at a reduced rate to basically test FOR them, and based on what sells the most, they keep in stock, or make part of their retail line. So no, the colors we get aren't what we're asking THEM for, they're what THEY want to test on US.

The Maven program has gone from amazing to pretty darn awful in just a matter of months.

I got my first Glitter Guilty box this month and I am in LOVE. I may just pull back alot on Julep and go with Glitter Guilty and buy indies more often. They're more my style anyways.

Did no one join to basically get to pick out some nail polish colors each month at a discounted price? Because that's why I joined and all these other "incentives" they're getting rid of were never a priority to me, it was always the getting to pick out a few nail polishes each month (sometimes more than a few!) There are so many deals and coupons to take advantage of, to get every color you could want at a highly discounted price. Yeah they're getting rid of some cool incentives, but I think they have something else up their sleeve planned. It may even be something we like more. I'm a firm believer in showing how satisfied you are with something with money, and if you aren't happy, then you shouldn't give them your money anymore.

My $0.02 -- now that Julep has eliminated the skip options for some Mavens, they don't see the need for the "carrot" of a free polish after 3 months because they have the "stick" of "earning" skips. And like Meaganola, I wouldn't be surprised if they do (relatively soon) take the skip option away from all. And once we lose the skip option, I'm out. But until then, I'm willing to stick around. Maybe they do have some awesome change we'll all love (e.g., a monthly "pick your own box" option), but their recent actions have been trending away from that kind of change IMO.

I got my first Glitter Guilty box this month and I am in LOVE. I may just pull back alot on Julep and go with Glitter Guilty and buy indies more often. They're more my style anyways.
I know, right?! I change my profile every month so I basically get a custom color to my current taste, no other sub can beat that! Plus her formula kicks ass and she has great contests.
Quote: Originally Posted by Lolo22 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Someone on FB made a good point that the reason they took away skips was to 'ensure stock for the maven boxes.' Then the 3 most popular colors this month are already sold out and supposedly they aren't restocking Rae...
Of course the one color I wanted this month.  I'm not paying for a box of colors I don't want, just to pay for the one I do want.  Sorry Julep, if this is your plan - I'm out.

Quote: Originally Posted by itsoliviaaah /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Wow. For every reason I wanted to become a Maven in the 1st place, Julep's doing a damn good job at giving me reasons to leave...
All of this. As if a week ago I was a huge Julep supporter. I skipped for the first time this month, I actually like the bombshell nail colors but I cannot stand their lipgloss. Plus, the more juleps I buy the more inconsistent their formula seems. I think I'll go back to Essie and Formula x for a while.


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