(Spoilers) Julep June 2014

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In my experience with Julep and their promo codes, they usually honor the orders with a code that "glitches" but they fix it so no one else can take advantage of it. I really hope they honor the code.
I think they will honor them too but they used to cancel 2nd accounts to the same physical address, though not consistently.  I used the same address and same card but different email and in my boyfriends name.

@@puppymomofthree did you add a 3 month sub into your cart? And make sure you are signed out of any other accounts?

I am getting its not valid either ... different isp  address different email and so on. I still cant get the special. I have never even had a sub to them before either   :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />   

I used my maiden name for it and my husband's credit card. I also sent it to my mom's house.

Looks like Julep might have caught on to the code. That was really quick, usually it takes them a day or two to catch any glitches.

I think they will honor them too but they used to cancel 2nd accounts to the same physical address, though not consistently.  I used the same address and same card but different email and in my boyfriends name.

@@puppymomofthree did you add a 3 month sub into your cart? And make sure you are signed out of any other accounts?
Yep, oh well.  Not the end of the world.

Still works for me.


I called them  so they can manually do it for me they said that code and price was an error.   You guys who got it are so lucky.   They said it was a computer glitch. They didn't say if they were going to honor it . I didn't ask

I called them  so they can manually do it for me they said that code and price was an error.   You guys who got it are so lucky.   They said it was a computer glitch. They didn't say if they were going to honor it . I didn't ask
I kind of feel like maybe they will cancel mine.  I used the same name and address but a different email, and I just canceled a few weeks ago so they might be watching that more closely than if I had canceled months ago.  I guess I will just have to wait and see.  If it goes through, awesome, but if not I won't be crying myself to sleep :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I feel like that is my attitude right now.  I skip way more often than I take my box, but every so often they have a good deal.  More often than not it's products over polish that I jump at, I think I'm getting all polished out.  I don't want to outright cancel and walk away though because I don't want to lose my ability to skip and I'm secretly hoping that everyone cancelling forces them to get their butts in gear and give us some really amazing reasons to stay.  
This is exactly how I feel...I don't think I could ever cancel as long as I can still skip because I don't want to lose it. Until they take the option away I'll continue to skip whatever months I don't want. 

Someone on FB posted that a girl called Julep and they said the code for the 3 month sub wasn't supposed to work that way and they would be canceling the orders it was used on. I used the code the first day someone posted about it and got a shipping notifcation for it already, so I'm not sure if they're going to cancel the other two months of the sub (and if they do, I better be refunded the difference!)? It also hasn't moved past "Electronic Info received" on USPS in a few days so I'm wondering if they'll even send the first box. I'm not expecting anything at this point. 

This is exactly how I feel...I don't think I could ever cancel as long as I can still skip because I don't want to lose it. Until they take the option away I'll continue to skip whatever months I don't want. 
Yep same here. I'm really happy with Julep right now, the polish and products work well for me so I don't have a reason to cancel at all, but even when I get overwhelmed with stuff and need a break I'd never actually cancel. I never want to lose my skip ability! 

Someone on FB posted that a girl called Julep and they said the code for the 3 month sub wasn't supposed to work that way and they would be canceling the orders it was used on. I used the code the first day someone posted about it and got a shipping notifcation for it already, so I'm not sure if they're going to cancel the other two months of the sub (and if they do, I better be refunded the difference!)? It also hasn't moved past "Electronic Info received" on USPS in a few days so I'm wondering if they'll even send the first box. I'm not expecting anything at this point. 
I looked at their facebook but didn't see that post, maybe they deleted it.  I really hope they don't cancel the orders.  I get that it's a 'glitch' but it's not the people who used its fault.

Someone on FB posted that a girl called Julep and they said the code for the 3 month sub wasn't supposed to work that way and they would be canceling the orders it was used on. I used the code the first day someone posted about it and got a shipping notifcation for it already, so I'm not sure if they're going to cancel the other two months of the sub (and if they do, I better be refunded the difference!)? It also hasn't moved past "Electronic Info received" on USPS in a few days so I'm wondering if they'll even send the first box. I'm not expecting anything at this point. 
Well, someone earlier in this post DID call Julep and they said the code wasn't supposed to work that way.  However, she didn't say that they told her they would be cancelling orders.  We've been speculating, though.

I also just got a shipping notice though it hasn't got updated tracking.  Hopefully they'll honor the code but I've still got my fingers crossed!

Well, someone earlier in this post DID call Julep and they said the code wasn't supposed to work that way.  However, she didn't say that they told her they would be cancelling orders.  We've been speculating, though.

I also just got a shipping notice though it hasn't got updated tracking.  Hopefully they'll honor the code but I've still got my fingers crossed!
I finally ended up creating a new account to try the code, mostly just to see if it would work.  I figured it was worth a try.  I won't be surprised at all if they cancel my order, but I've got my fingers crossed too!  i agree that they should honor the code since it was their glitch/mistake, and most other companies would...I know Birchbox has done it many times. Thanks for telling us about this, even if it doesn't work out in the end!

Well, someone earlier in this post DID call Julep and they said the code wasn't supposed to work that way.  However, she didn't say that they told her they would be cancelling orders.  We've been speculating, though.

I also just got a shipping notice though it hasn't got updated tracking.  Hopefully they'll honor the code but I've still got my fingers crossed!
Right. I was just sharing what I heard, I'm sure the CS reps don't know it all obviously and a lot of it is "I heard from this person who talked to this person" anyway. I wasn't trying to say anything for sure, just passing along what another person had been told by CS and sharing what was going on with my order. I can speculate too ;-)

The card in my June Modern Beauty Box said I was supposed to get an Oxygen base coat and an Oxygen top coat.  It showed pictures of the base coat and the top coat.  But, I received the base coat and an Oxygen nail treatment.  I already have the Oxygen nail treatment, so I know it is the same thing.  I went online to check the Julep site, and it said that I was supposed to get the Oxygen nail treatment instead of the Oxygen top coat.  Is this revisionist history?  Why would the card say I would be getting an Oxygen top coat?  I want my Oxygen top coat!  Not happy!!! 

And, I am not happy about the four tiny buffer blocks.  Don't know what they are supposed to buff. 

How about some information, Julep!

And, you owe me an Oxygen top coat!  NOW!!!!!!!!

Your Box: June Modern Beauty BoxIncludes:
  • Buffer Blocks - 4 pack
  • Oxygen Smoothing Base Coat
  • Oxygen Nail Treatment

The card in my June Modern Beauty Box said I was supposed to get an Oxygen base coat and an Oxygen top coat.  It showed pictures of the base coat and the top coat.  But, I received the base coat and an Oxygen nail treatment.  I already have the Oxygen nail treatment, so I know it is the same thing.  I went online to check the Julep site, and it said that I was supposed to get the Oxygen nail treatment instead of the Oxygen top coat.  Is this revisionist history?  Why would the card say I would be getting an Oxygen top coat?  I want my Oxygen top coat!  Not happy!!! 

And, I am not happy about the four tiny buffer blocks.  Don't know what they are supposed to buff. 

How about some information, Julep!

And, you owe me an Oxygen top coat!  NOW!!!!!!!!

Your Box: June Modern Beauty Box Includes:
  • Buffer Blocks - 4 pack
  • Oxygen Smoothing Base Coat
  • Oxygen Nail Treatment
Nope. The Modern Beauty box was ALWAYS the Oxygen Base Coat and Oxygen Treatment. It never included the Oxygen Top Coat, that was just in the add-ons. 

ETA: and that card was in every box, it has a code for 30% off the duo. I got Core Classics and got the same card :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

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