(Spoilers) Julep June 2014

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#9 is tempting me too, although I'm guessing with a $30 value it'll just be two polishes. I actually want that Taylor one. It sounds like the other one would be a splatter, but I don't know of any splatters they might have had.
This is the mystery box I got! I haven't gotten a mystery box in a really long time but for $10 I really like Taylor and thought I'd take a chance!

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I went for it and got Box #5. I figure even if the rest of the box is a bust I'll at least have gotten my money's worth.

I ended up getting box #1 with Taryn and the green clutch because I'm growing fond of clutches, Taryn is one of my favorite polishes ever, and if I'm going to get sucked into one of these boxes, I want one with a higher value/price so I have a higher chance of getting something worth the price. ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> #4 and #5 were serious temptations, but the cuticle stuff isn't a big deal to me and I got what I wanted from 5--the oil--with the oil perk code. #2 would have been my box if I hadn't gotten that particular clutch during their Oscars promotion and I liked blush at all.

It's going to be so much fun to see the spoilers start coming out in the next week or so.

Going to skip the mystery boxes, but hoping that greens from the March boxes make an appearance in the Secret Store, like the Feb pinks did last month.

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Fyi .. you can also use perk10 to add onto a box valued $20 or higher. So, if you wanted to add another full price polish, you'd only have to pay 1,20 for it.

Still debating either the beach one our the guava one ... the beach one seems like a really nice deal .. though their full price are way too inflated.

I went for #4 and used the oilperk code with it. For $25 I know I'm getting Vanish, the cuticle pusher, and the face oil for sure and that alone is totally worth it. The extras in the mystery box will be a bonus even if they are dupes, but I'm hoping for at least one new product or shade of polish otherwise :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

I did box four and ten with the oil perk. Mostly for gifts. My mother in law wants a cuticle pusher. The oil cleanser will go into my midsummer night's swap present.

What's this oil perk that you are mentioning?  I was wondering if there were any codes that were working on these mystery boxes.

I just used it (and am blaming you guys if my husband decides to throw me out in a bit ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> ) ... Julep and MUT in combo is deadly to my finances.

Anyways, you add the facial cleaning oil to your cart and put in a mystery box (or other things) for $20 (I think) .. and then you can use oilperk to get the oil for free. Has to be in the cart though!

Thanks to my terrible funds at the current moment, I will respectfully pass on the mystery box offers. Which sucks, but it's for the best. My wallet needs to breathe; I just purchased the lip primer & Deep Cleanse set so I could get a free gift of the Luxe Skin crap, & I also used Perk10 to get the Foot Doctors set which had been on my wish list for quite some time. #5 is my favorite number but it wouldn't make sense to fork over $25 after I just purchased a refill, & #2 is the most enticing to me but $40 is too steep for me right now. & I freak out about getting dupes like no other, so the mystery box concept itself is always an anxiety trap. So I'll just sit back & wait eagerly for other buyers to share what they received. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I decided to get Mystery Box #3 as well and used the oil perk code. I figure there might be some Summerswap potential between the two boxes.

After the Lucky Mystery boxes I decided no more mystery stuff from Julep. So far I've been holding strong and this time around I have at least one thing from almost all of the boxes, so it stands to reason that whatever else is in them is probably also a dupe for me. So I feel comfortable skipping.

I want mystery box 4 but I am afraid it's going to have the o2 nail treatment that caused my finger nails to split (almost like delamination since it split in layers). Waiting for spoilers since I already have 2 bottles not getting any love.


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