Popsugar Must Have July 2014 *SPOILERS*

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Ahhh!!!  I want my Popsugar box so badly!!

I totally forgot I have to go to lunch with my grandma and mom and its RIGHT when my box will be delivered!

I am actually really excited for this!  The kids and I can always use sunscreen, vacation is coming up and I really like that hat (it's much cuter than the floppy gray one I got from PSMH last year), I don't have a jump rope and have always wanted one, I think the salad tongs would look great with my wooden salad bowl and other plain white pieces, the straws are great for entertaining or just entertaining the kids, and I love coconut.  Even my giant mascara stash is thinning out so whatever, I'll take another one. 

I love how PSMH always gets me stuff I want but not quite enough to go out and buy. 

Seriously?? Dang. How did I miss out on that?
Right? I missed this too for some reason.

I'm digging this box, much better than most of the ones in 2014, especially the Resort box (still waiting on my replacement items for the bajillion damaged RB of McD clutches they kept sending me). I keep hovering on the fence about canceling PS. I added BB, got rid of SocialBliss and once my FFF shows up I'll be canceling that too. PS keeps doing 2-3 boxes that are complete misses for me, then 2-3 that are home runs so it evens out.

The hat looks great. I live on the beach and in Lincoln Park in the summer so I'm always looking for new beach hats. Surprisingly my current favorite was from VS for only 20$.


I love how PSMH always gets me stuff I want but not quite enough to go out and buy.
Yes! They also introduce me to companies I might not know about. Those French Bull servers are adorable. I went to their website and I can definitely see myself purchasing stuff there in the future. I've also purchased 3 other things from May Designs after we got that agenda thing last year.
Right? I missed this too for some reason.

I'm digging this box, much better than most of the ones in 2014, especially the Resort box (still waiting on my replacement items for the bajillion damaged RB of McD clutches they kept sending me). I keep hovering on the fence about canceling PS. I added BB, got rid of SocialBliss and once my FFF shows up I'll be canceling that too. PS keeps doing 2-3 boxes that are complete misses for me, then 2-3 that are home runs so it evens out.

The hat looks great. I live on the beach and in Lincoln Park in the summer so I'm always looking for new beach hats. Surprisingly my current favorite was from VS for only 20$.

I agree with this. September & October were nothing to write home about for me. November for me was excellent (LOVE that scarf and wore it all winter long). December was so-so (I was glad it was a free referral box). January was a pretty decent month for me (used the gloves even though they were too big & love M+G). I loved Febraury (the jewelry holder is still being used), March (scarf & ring holder made me happy) and April (hello Too Faced, Caldrea, Naturebox & Run the World!), then I wasn't a big fan of May or June (and thinking I'm not going to love July so much either depending on how the hat looks in person). Hopefully August, September & October will be awesome! 

Yes! They also introduce me to companies I might not know about. Those French Bull servers are adorable. I went to their website and I can definitely see myself purchasing stuff there in the future. I've also purchased 3 other things from May Designs after we got that agenda thing last year.
My may designs agenda was in my work laptop bag when it was stolen a few months back (right out of my car in my driveway, ACK) and I STILL thinking about how much I miss it.  Thanks for the reminder - I'm gonna order more now!

Hat is the straw color and there is a Sun Bum SPF 30 sunscreen and a Sun Bum lotion.

Won't be home from work for another hour and a half, but if no one else gets a pic up before then I will post one.

I've read this thread for a while now and.. [i feel like i'm going to get attacked for saying this] there's just so much negativity! You're all absolutely entitled to your own opinions and liking/disliking things.. that's what forums are for, but if you "hate" trying new things or "hate" being surprised... maybe subscription boxes aren't for you...

That hat is worth more than the box full price, and I am always pleasantly surprised with my items and I love gifting away the things I won't use. It's fine for you not to like it, but if you are a picky person in general and aren't interested in new things, again.. maybe subbys aren't for you. 

Popsugar is my absolute favorite service and I come on here month after month to bashing and I just felt the need to type that. Sorry if it offends anyone that was not the intention. My PSMH is just such a happy thing for me each month, I love getting it in the mail and then I come on here and get my little happy bubble burst. "Oh, maybe this month does suck, oh maybe paper straws are awful even though I think they're cute. Oh, maybe I should've unsubscribed and resubscribed to save $5, etc." 

That's all.. I guess I just wish this forum could be a little party sharing the things we're excited about and not complaining. Most of the time it is.. but I just think people are hard to please. Over  $100 value is a win for me. I think working at PSMH would be a tough job! 

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I know the hat isn't everyones style, but it's always something you could keep in your car.  

My bf's car is a convertible and when we decide to put the top down, it's nice to have a hat in the car to keep my hair from whipping around and getting a sunburn.

I keep one in my car too, it's nice to have a hat if your at an outdoor event/camping and it's super hot or sunny. Good way for me to hide sweaty hair. 

I've read this thread for a while now and.. [i feel like i'm going to get attacked for saying this] there's just so much negativity! You're all absolutely entitled to your own opinions and liking/disliking things.. that's what forums are for, but if you "hate" trying new things or "hate" being surprised... maybe subscription boxes aren't for you...

That hat is worth more than the box full price, and I am always pleasantly surprised with my items and I love gifting away the things I won't use. It's fine for you not to like it, but if you are a picky person in general and aren't interested in new things, again.. maybe subbys aren't for you. 

Popsugar is my absolute favorite service and I come on here month after month to bashing and I just felt the need to type that. Sorry if it offends anyone that was not the intention. My PSMH is just such a happy thing for me each month, I love getting it in the mail and then I come on here and get my little happy bubble burst. "Oh, maybe this month does suck, oh maybe paper straws are awful even though I think they're cute. Oh, maybe I should've unsubscribed and resubscribed to save $5, etc." 

That's all.. I guess I just wish this forum could be a little party sharing the things we're excited about and not complaining. #inaperfectworld

[cringes]  >.<
This is actually pretty tame compared to #dialgate of February 2014.  

I like the looks of the jump rope, I think I will try to swap for one.  I am not sold on the hat because I don't normally wear hats, I am worried I can't pull it off. I guess I could always swap the hat if it doesn't work! 

LOVING the box! That hat is adorable and perfect! I spend about 3 days a week at the beach and my hat is looking bad. Also, those salad servers are so cute and perfect since I entertain a lot! Sunscreen is a constant in my house, and my mascara is almost gone, so perfect timing! I have crappy arthritis in my knee, so I can't jump rope - trade or give it to my kids! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

I've read this thread for a while now and.. [i feel like i'm going to get attacked for saying this] there's just so much negativity! You're all absolutely entitled to your own opinions and liking/disliking things.. that's what forums are for, but if you "hate" trying new things or "hate" being surprised... maybe subscription boxes aren't for you...

That hat is worth more than the box full price, and I am always pleasantly surprised with my items and I love gifting away the things I won't use. It's fine for you not to like it, but if you are a picky person in general and aren't interested in new things, again.. maybe subbys aren't for you. 

Popsugar is my absolute favorite service and I come on here month after month to bashing and I just felt the need to type that. Sorry if it offends anyone that was not the intention. My PSMH is just such a happy thing for me each month, I love getting it in the mail and then I come on here and get my little happy bubble burst. "Oh, maybe this month does suck, oh maybe paper straws are awful even though I think they're cute. Oh, maybe I should've unsubscribed and resubscribed to save $5, etc." 

That's all.. I guess I just wish this forum could be a little party sharing the things we're excited about and not complaining. Most of the time it is.. but I just think people are hard to please. Over  $100 value is a win for me. I think working at PSMH would be a tough job! 
I hope I didn't come off as complaining. I really do love PSMH. It's no surprise that everyone isn't going to love every box. As I said, Feb, March & April were all mega wins for me, so it's to be expected that I'd have a few months that were just so-so. I'm also trying to remain positive about the hat. I actually do wear hats, and I think I was just really excited when that first pic was posted since that hat was exceptionally cute and then the real one was just not really my style. I'm sure I'll be able to trade it if I dont love it. Like I said, pretty pumped for that jump rope. That and the sunscreen pay for the box for me alone. 

I've read this thread for a while now and.. [i feel like i'm going to get attacked for saying this] there's just so much negativity! You're all absolutely entitled to your own opinions and liking/disliking things.. that's what forums are for, but if you "hate" trying new things or "hate" being surprised... maybe subscription boxes aren't for you...

That hat is worth more than the box full price, and I am always pleasantly surprised with my items and I love gifting away the things I won't use. It's fine for you not to like it, but if you are a picky person in general and aren't interested in new things, again.. maybe subbys aren't for you. 

Popsugar is my absolute favorite service and I come on here month after month to bashing and I just felt the need to type that. Sorry if it offends anyone that was not the intention. My PSMH is just such a happy thing for me each month, I love getting it in the mail and then I come on here and get my little happy bubble burst. "Oh, maybe this month does suck, oh maybe paper straws are awful even though I think they're cute. Oh, maybe I should've unsubscribed and resubscribed to save $5, etc." 

That's all.. I guess I just wish this forum could be a little party sharing the things we're excited about and not complaining. Most of the time it is.. but I just think people are hard to please. Over  $100 value is a win for me. I think working at PSMH would be a tough job! 
I first want to say I'm not trying to attack you or invalidate your opinion on the tone of the PS threads.

I don't see anyone saying they hate surprises or new things. I see people saying they like/dislike certain items, PS having better and worse months depending what people like, certain items have appeared in other boxes and SmartPost is anything but. I think it's good to have dissenting opinions of items as long as the conversation stays civil which I feel it is. Last month I was one of the people who liked getting a book with a football storyline, others didn't. It didn't change my opinion of the book, I didn't change anyone else's opinion of the book and neither opinion is correct or incorrect.

I personally like coming on and seeing complimentary and contrary opinions. Sometimes people point out things I didn't know about items (the lemon wipes being made in China) and that can influence my opinion on them if I'm neutral but no one disliking something will make me stop liking it and no one liking something will make me stop disliking it.

If reading the MUT forums bursts your bubble, you feel they're full of negativity and they make you reconsider subscribing perhaps you should consider not reading them. It's just one tiny portion of internet with the opinions of a bunch of randoms, they should have no impact on your daily life :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


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