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Can we just talk about how devastated I am that my  "Kiss the Perfume" hair treatment from the first Hair and Body box is almost gone? I use it as my daily conditioner and nothing has worked so well on my hair. Also the Kerasys shampoo from Memebox 9. Ugh that combo has been amazing on my hair and I'm totally not willing to give them up. I can't find the Kiss the Perfume stuff for sale ANYWHERE though </3 </3

That's my favorite combo as well :'(

I feel you!! I love them both so much~~ 

Maybe find someone to swap with? 

I hope the next box #12 will have at least 1 amazing item like that. I would be really really happy. 

Did you check the given website:

This is where you can buy it.. but it's all in korean... don't know how to buy thou :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Yep I emailed at 4am as I was up coughing and just said a lot of people were unhappy with the missing item and that in future it would be wise to inform customers even if it's to let them know of missing products etc . I stated that it would also be more practical to swap a like for like products . As this also happened in the green tea box as well and is there a problem with the brand on question. They emailed back to say look out for an email. I'm annoyed. Still that points were awarded but happy they have sorted it out . But they have like I told them over 1-3 months to organise products for these boxes as they are pre sold and if they can't source enough do not restock. Simply offer a new style box instead . So it keeps the offers fresh.
I hope they listen to you!!   At least the points don't expire in 48 hours - lol.   I am not tempted to get another box at this time, but I hope they come out with some new ones before the end of June.  I wouldn't mind buying something in their shop, but the shipping is so dang high (and so slow!)

decisions, decisions....

I did purchase the secret key item on ebay - it is about 15.00 there.   I really did want this item and that is why I purchased the box.  I am sure I will use the other items (except the mascara), but if they are going to replace a spoiler -you are correct - it should be for a like item of same value and let us know before the boxes ship.  Which they did know because of the information cards did not show the SK item

Did anyone see the secret codes on there website? 1+1 cocao + memebox for him 2 -  23$ but there all sold out :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> - Cooling care + memebox for him 2 - 23$ sold out too. They still have the 1+1 superbox+him still available though.

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Did anyone see the secret codes on there website? 1+1 cocao + memebox for him 23$ but there all sold out :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> - Cooling care + memebox for him - 23$ sold out too. They still have the 1+1 superbox+him still available though.
luxxy they sold out in an hour or so at 8-9 gmt time, so i don't know if people picked it up while shopping and grabbed them, they seemed to of sold out before the email and even the Facebook alert,

Question for the experienced East Coast Memepeeps:  How long does it normally take for you to receive your boxes via standard shipping?

Question for the experienced East Coast Memepeeps:  How long does it normally take for you to receive your boxes via standard shipping?
You in North America? If so about 5-8 business days. I live on the east coast 'ish by New York and it takes about 5-8 business days, standard shipping.

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luxxy they sold out in an hour or so at 8-9 gmt time, so i don't know if people picked it up while shopping and grabbed them, they seemed to of sold out before the email and even the Facebook alert,
Well that sucks.

Question for the experienced East Coast Memepeeps:  How long does it normally take for you to receive your boxes via standard shipping?
about 9-10 business days.  I am up in Boston, so it takes several more days to lug itself up from NY to Boston.

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about 9-10 business days.  I am up in Boston, so it takes several more days to lug itself up from NY to Boston.
This is probably more in line with what I should expect in VA...still not bad compared to US subs that ship by DHeLL! Thanks!

Did anyone see the secret codes on there website? 1+1 cocao + memebox for him 2 -  23$ but there all sold out :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> - Cooling care + memebox for him 2 - 23$ sold out too. They still have the 1+1 superbox+him still available though.
I know :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I missed out too. Though it is better for my wallet.

Girls I'm recording my first youtube video... has anyone tips how to not stumble over your words and make tons of bloopers?

I have already 1 dead battery emptied by making mistakes xD

Help! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
i leave mine in if clean. i edit them out if not. but you only see my hands in my vids... occasionally edwards feet too lol.

most of the big stars add them at the end too :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

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i leave mine in if clean. i edit them out if not. but you only see my hands in my vids... occasionally edwards feet too lol.

most of the big stars add them at the end too :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
I know but It's happening almist every 5 sec and I hate to watch edtited videos that have cuts every few sec :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> my battery is almost full so I'm gonna try again...

i'd redo if that is the case tbh. I once had to redo the start of a vid three times so not so uncommon

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