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I feel like I need to pick up a box..but the whole of August I will not be at my current home. Got a placement to work somewhere for awhile..gosh.

I think I will wait and see if there are boxes for the end of August..  :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I feel I should make use of my points and the code and get a box. But there isn't any I really like that I haven't bought already... I wanted OMG box but I read about all the weird natural ingredients that some Korean cosmetics include and freaked out! I don't think I'm brave enough.

@@yunii I haven't confirm my accommodation yet. I think it takes a bit of getting use to the place and need to investigate the nearest post office as well..

@@biancardi my housemates will be going back to their home country. I will try think about options..*sigh*

@@yunii I haven't confirm my accommodation yet. I think it takes a bit of getting use to the place and need to investigate the nearest post office as well..

@@biancardi my housemates will be going back to their home country. I will try think about options..*sigh*
do you have any other friends who don't live with you that could accept the package on your behalf?  I believe you can ship your boxes to another address per order.

do you have any other friends who don't live with you that could accept the package on your behalf?  I believe you can ship your boxes to another address per order.
Yup! Thanks for the suggestion. I am asking around. Hahah only those who know my shopaholic habits can do that. :blush:  

I always post my boxes under my housemate's name anyways. (always out to clinic early morning, so can't sign for them myself) She actually sign too much of my parcels that she herself became enabled.  :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Wondering, where do you keep all the boxes? My neighbour looked weird at me when I went to the trash can with like 15 of these week back :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I just don't have room for all these boxes.. 

I feel I should make use of my points and the code and get a box. But there isn't any I really like that I haven't bought already... I wanted OMG box but I read about all the weird natural ingredients that some Korean cosmetics include and freaked out! I don't think I'm brave enough.
of what weird ingredients are you speaking... snail, bee venom ?


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