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There were 38 Hair&Body 2 boxes when I checked ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Niceeee~~ i want to get all the boxes! GAHHHH but i know i shouldnt because at the rate i'm buying, i wouldnt even be able to try every product out. My july month has like eight or nine boxes.... Lol i have a problemmmmmm~

I just tried the eyeshadow palette from burst of color #1 and I'm not impressed. I don't think it is very pigmented and is way too glittery! It's like Urban Decay Moondust shadow, except not good.

I seem to only like Korean skincare, bb cream and lip tints. The rest of the makeup doesn't really suit me.
I have the same thoughts! I have enough make up as is, but skincare wise i could be more adventerous :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />. I was thinking of the color burst box, but after seeing what was in the first one.... Naww i'll pass. The three new boxes though! Vitamin and the cooling one.... Oh la la!

They now have an unboxing page!

I love it~ the professional photography and list of products.

Just wish they have more unboxings-- sort of an organized previous boxes archive would be lovely.

I would call them memegods/ godessess, if they can come up with the lists and links to each products for purchase memeshop. *greedy mode* 

Great job so far tho. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

@@biancardi agreed!! Tho, I've been finding some better deals on products they DO have in their store elsewhere. Not to mention shipping.

OKAY OKAY, what box do I want. Bubble pop or chocolate?? GAHHH I want them boooooth. Why couldn't they make me a bundle pack and throw just a few more points my way??

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well, they really jacked up the O& bubble cleanser because at their store, they sell the 2 pack full size for $13.00 - BUT they valued it at 25.00 for one in luckybox #5!


Oh and my honey box might be here tomorrow!!  It is up in the sorting station in NH, so that means it is coming on down to Boston tomorrow!!  yeah!

Googled for ages to no avail. Any of you ladies know of any of those blogger $3 discount codes floating around?

not sure if the june ones have been sent out... mine is on my minibox review on my blog but not sure if still valid

Glad put up that unboxing page, makes everything soooo much easier. Now I'm starting to want to get something... it's working! Unfortunately I've gotta go on a no-buy for probably the rest of the month or longer. Oops. But I've got plenty (and I mean plenty) of products to go through already. Guess I'll lurk around and be jealous of everyone else~

edit: do wish they'd add all the boxes, though. maybe in like, a tabbed format like they have the regular site or something. i'm also not a personal fan of video unboxings for things like this where i just want to see the list of products. might still do my own "unboxing" list if they don't add more in the coming days.

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These codes are only for new accounts, probably the ones you start this month with $10 signing points. You should think about setting a new accont now if you haven't already - you just need a different emails, the rest of the details can be the same AND you can ask for $5 blogger recommendation discount. I did and contacted them about it and they don't mind it at all.

These codes are only for new accounts, probably the ones you start this month with $10 signing points. You should think about setting a new accont now if you haven't already - you just need a different emails, the rest of the details can be the same AND you can ask for $5 blogger recommendation discount. I did and contacted them about it and they don't mind it at all.
Have you asked them about multiply accounts? And they answered that OK: you can have as many accounts as you want?

Have you asked them about multiply accounts? And they answered that OK: you can have as many accounts as you want?
Not exactly, but I had trouble with one of my new accounts and wrote to them about it and gave my full details and also information that I wanted to close one of my new acoounts. They checked all the accounts in my name, asked which one I wanted to close and also transferred my recommendation points to the newest account (I didn't get the double just the same points from the same recommendation trasferred from the account I wanted to close). So they were perfectly aware of how many accounts I've got and helped me managed them.

Memebox Special #14 Zero Cosmetics and Memebox Special #15 Waterproof Make-up just released!  :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Disclaimer: rant of a woman who is now 40+ weeks pregnant so I'm kinda grumpy

The description of the zero cosmetics box really bug me. Theyre saying the box is chemical free - does this mean none of the products will contain water - given water is a chemical?? That being said, I'll likely buy it because I like more natural products, but the description used is inaccurate. Okay, rant over! :)


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