Memebox: Korean Beauty Box Service forums

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I can't believe #11 hasnt sold out!  I'm so glad!

It looks like they are having more boxes available now and I think thats wonderful!  Everyone deserves a chance!

Luckybox #6 is out but I'm not getting it.  I want the next Luckybox with products from 7-11 only.  I don't know if they'll do that.

I just realized that its Aloe Vera COSMETICS and now I'm intrigued!  

I don't think I can wait for them to return my points.  I have to get more boxes bec that 20% off is basically 20 points, right ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

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Can someone tell me if I pay for expedited shipping will I get it on ALL the boxes I buy?  What if I buy the #14-#16 bundle?  I've emailed them but no response so far (and it might take a month, right? /sigh)

Can someone tell me if I pay for expedited shipping will I get it on ALL the boxes I buy?  What if I buy the #14-#16 bundle?  I've emailed them but no response so far (and it might take a month, right? /sigh)
Saffyra, I would think the #14-16 bundles ship at standard and the "free upgrade" ones ship at expedited separately even if you buy those two together......although knowing memebox, they do random upgrades sometimes (I got one of my boxes on express).

It sucks that they reply so slowly...and yeah anything that wasn't urgent to them took 1 month  :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I have none either - lol.   The blue box - I don't need it, don't want it, but it still calls my name.....I have so much makeup - oh who am I kidding - I have so much beauty stuff, period!! - that I really cannot purchase that blue box.   I just got my Hobbit collection from Shiro makeup yesterday and I am looking at these 15 pots of eyeshadow - just overwhelmed!!  And they gave me another pot of eyeshadow (promo) plus 3 eyeshadow baggies!!
Haha I feel you. I didn't need it but I went back and emailed them to cancel the last order with the milk/whole grain, honey and skincare and then reordered it adding the blue box and luckybox #6. Nevermind that I now have to wait to get 2 orders refunded. I just had to place that order right away once I saw the luckybox... and of course if I was doing that I had to fix my regret over not getting the blue box. The rush of making a purchase is just too strong lol.

So do they ever combine shipping. I bought the 10 min box and then weeks later I bought the #11 memebox. Is it possible they will shiop them together even though I didn't order them together? I haven't gotten notices for either yet.

So do they ever combine shipping. I bought the 10 min box and then weeks later I bought the #11 memebox. Is it possible they will shiop them together even though I didn't order them together? I haven't gotten notices for either yet.
Its possible, depends on the dates if they ship around the same time, yes they will ship together with express/ usually.

I think it is fine to keep this thread going. This is not a subscription service with monthly boxes, so it should be allowed to go on like other shopping threads like the Sephora discussion thread--those do not change each month.

I think it is fine to keep this thread going. This is not a subscription service with monthly boxes, so it should be allowed to go on like other shopping threads like the Sephora discussion thread--those do not change each month.
And the discussion WILL keep going, only the threads will be smaller so that it's not so difficult for newcomers to navigate and even for seasoned MUT members... it just gets a little unruly, so we have started the monthly discussion threads. Thanks for your patience and understanding! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Other threads have hundreds more pages, this is seriously annoying members who have been active for much longer and spent a lot of money on this service. We have already had to change so much about what we do with our meme posts, I think this is a huge mistake and you are basically saying new members are more important. It is easier to search for info when it is not broken into 10000 different threads. My two cents--this is not a sub and should be treated like Sephora and Ulta.

I do agree with puppymomofthree, all these separate meme threads actually makes me a new user more confused than before. I have to click in 4-5 threads to find information, seriously a pain.

The difference between this thread & the Sephora thread is that Sephora's promos usually only last a week or so. There's rarely a reason you'd need to go back and look for something. On this thread, there's a lot of important information being posted all at once and it's things that people might need to reference months later (especially with Memebox's shipping schedule). I realize there are lot of people who are totally fine with digging through hundreds of pages to find what they're looking for, but there are also many members, new and old, who would like a little more organization. 

Unfortunately, there's just no way we can please everyone with this. But we're doing the best we can to compromise & it would be super helpful if everyone could at least try to work with us. If it doesn't work out this way, we can reevaluate but please don't knock it before you try it. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

Other threads have hundreds more pages, this is seriously annoying members who have been active for much longer and spent a lot of money on this service. We have already had to change so much about what we do with our meme posts, I think this is a huge mistake and you are basically saying new members are more important. It is easier to search for info when it is not broken into 10000 different threads. My two cents--this is not a sub and should be treated like Sephora and Ulta.
I do agree with puppymomofthree, all these separate meme threads actually makes me a new user more confused than before. I have to click in 4-5 threads to find information, seriously a pain.
 totally agree

we have been posting in the individual memebox threads as were told, as to make things easier for members to find things & to be more organized, so once again, I am not sure what the issue is here.   Memeboxes promos don't last that long either - sometimes they only last 24 hours!    And we have a pinned shipping thread that is being updated by members as well.

I thought we had been cooperating and putting forth an effort to help organize this subforum ??

The sephora thread, btw, had been split apart because people couldn't find the codes - that happened last fall, I believe..  The TPTB allowed the general discussion thread to continue (they didn't create a monthly promo code thread) but members requested a promos only thread.    Members cross pollinate on both threads with promos, but the discussion (huge thread) is left alone and members aren't forced to create monthly discussion threads or post on "official" monthly discussion threads.

If the mods are really for this monthly discussion idea, I do have a suggestion - perhaps move the last 2-3 pages of posts from the previous discussion into the latest monthly thread, so that members can follow the flow of a conversation properly.  If the previous threads are going to be locked, it would be very helpful, imho, to do that - because unlike many other sub boxes, memebox has members from all over the world with numerous timezones and this way, any conversations that was happening the previous day will can continue(rollover) onto to the latest monthly thread without having to jump back & forth between threads.

just my 2 cents...I will do whatever is best for the members, who have vested a lot of time and money in memebox.

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Hello members!

This topic has somehow lost it's way, but was allowed to remain unlocked for Memebox discussion purposes. There is no need to comment about how it's lost it's way, but can we all move forward and try to get it back on topic. Right now, we'll allow allow this Memebox chit chat to remain open here if we can keep it on the topic of "Memebox: Korean Beauty Box Service" If you feel the inclination to reply to posts in here, try very much to keep it about Memebox.  Keep in mind, we do have rules and need to follow them. Just as the rules state personal attacked will not be allowed and may be deleted + the members warned.

Also, we tried to set up some rhyme or reason to the organization and have set up some various other sections regarding Memebox and spoilers, etc.  Make every attempt to fill those other threads and topics up with relevant posts. 

Keep this on the topic of Memebox or we may have to choose another path in the future. 

What happened from last week to now???? 
