Memebox: Korean Beauty Box Service forums

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The problem is that this isn't a monthly box like the other boxes as there is different types of different types of boxes. Tbh I buy most types but once I have to follow lots of threads I am likely to lose track and stop following altogether.
Cheers to that sister! When I saw this thread was locked, I un - followed it, and than re-followed after it was unlocked, because hey! I can talk about memebox in general :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

and do we need a "legitimate" reason for this thread?  It was here, it got created and for month's it was legitimately here.  To me, it is no different that the long running threads on sephora and enablers.

sure, you lock them when they get too big, but you don't "wean" them off of it and you aren't moving posts in the middle of the night into new threads.  memebox is different from birchbox, ipsy, and other subscription boxes.

they should be considered purchases, like sephora.

Ummm if any of the mods really read my previous post carefully i already mentioned some "general" things that cannot be grouped under any box specific threads: general questions like how does memebox work, memepoins, oohs and ahhs about new releases, discussing which box to get (should i get memebox14, 10minute box or the makeup memebox?) etc.

We are really not intenionally neglecting the individual box threads but really there isn't much to discuss in it until the box is shipped.

Many of us have expressed that we want a general discussion thread to be here, please listen to us.

For the ease of management: if a thread is getting mega just please split the thread - lock the big one and start a part two of it. When it becomes big again - do the same thing. The problem can be tackled and i hope size will not become an excuse to eliminate a general discussion thread from this forum again.

And ummm, i do subs to only memebox related threads because it's the only box that ships internationally to my country. The other forums for other subscription boxes (ipsy, julep...)are not related to me tbh...

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The problem is that this isn't a monthly box like the other boxes as there is different types of different types of boxes. Tbh I buy most types but once I have to follow lots of threads I am likely to lose track and stop following altogether.
you said it better in 2 sentences than I did in two rambling posts! 

AMEN.  We keep stating this and yet, "it is for the best, we will like it". :blink:

General as in - "Memebox is going overboard with releasing so many boxes"? Where I'm I going to post that? lol in the 10 minute box, cause I'm probably going to get 1 warning point in 10 mins lol
Lmao, I understand the convenience and necessity of having threads for each box but I think a thread to discuss the experience in General is also important. Before I bought my first box I did look at what previous boxes contained but I also looked at how people felt about the company and service as a whole.

Lmao, I understand the convenience and necessity of having threads for each box but I think a thread to discuss the experience in General is also important. Before I bought my first box I did look at what previous boxes contained but I also looked at how people felt about the company and service as a whole.
without this thread, I would not have purchased my first box.  I didn't wade thru all 270 pages (at that time)..I read the first 2 pages and then jumped to the last 5 or 6 pages. 

And that is how I purchased the honey box..  I resisted memebox for a long time, and I would not have purchased the honey box if it had been in its own thread.  I would not have read the experience of other memebox members in general and therefore, it would not have been of interest to me.

I wouldn't have "got" it.

without this thread, I would not have purchased my first box.  I didn't wade thru all 270 pages (at that time)..I read the first 2 pages and then jumped to the last 5 or 6 pages. 

And that is how I purchased the honey box..  I resisted memebox for a long time, and I would not have purchased the honey box if it had been in its own thread.  I would not have read the experience of other memebox members in general and therefore, it would not have been of interest to me.

I wouldn't have "got" it.
This was the thread that made my decision to make my FIRST purchase as well with Memebox.

without this thread, I would not have purchased my first box. I didn't wade thru all 270 pages (at that time)..I read the first 2 pages and then jumped to the last 5 or 6 pages.

And that is how I purchased the honey box.. I resisted memebox for a long time, and I would not have purchased the honey box if it had been in its own thread. I would not have read the experience of other memebox members in general and therefore, it would not have been of interest to me.

I wouldn't have "got" it.
Exactly, like someone said earlier we could start a part 2 and in that way we would still have our "overview" thread.
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I've been trying to stay out of the debate as I just recently got into Memebox - but thought I would offer this. I never would have known the makeup edition memebox was back in stock if it hadn't been for this thread. At the time, I was not following the makeup edition box because it was sold out and I thought I would not be able to get it, so I would not have seen a post there about it being back in stock. 

this is also a great thread to let other members know of new releases instead of creating a bunch of empty threads and specials as well.

I am not going to post - oh memebox is now giving members 10 points today in every thread.  Sorry, not gonna happen

this is also a great thread to let other members know of new releases instead of creating a bunch of empty threads and specials as well.

I am not going to post - oh memebox is now giving members 10 points today in every thread.  Sorry, not gonna happen
Nobody is asking you to, that's why there should be a general discussion for promos, or new releases, etc. and then keep box specific information in box specific threads.

There is a reason I have never once used this subforum for information on specific boxes, and instead go to youtube and blog reviews for specific information, because right now the only thing this thread is conducive to is a giant chit-chat.

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Nobody is asking you to, that's why there should be a general discussion for promos, or new releases, etc. and then keep box specific information in box specific threads.

There is a reason I have never once used this subforum for information on specific boxes, and instead go to youtube and blog reviews for specific information, because right now the only thing this thread is conducive to is a giant chit-chat.
the honest truth is they did seperate it for general chit chatter once and should have called it memebox chitterchatter

the honest truth is they did seperate it for general chit chatter once and should have called it memebox chitterchatter
The mods are aware of this.  To make a long story short, the intent of merging that thread with this one and leaving this thread up is to get it to evolve into the general chitchat thread.  The key here is that *this thread needs to evolve*.  Period.

yeah, well....not happy with the attitude being shown here towards the members.  That is all.

what is wrong with chitchat?  Why is this a problem HERE in THIS forum?

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this is also a great thread to let other members know of new releases instead of creating a bunch of empty threads and specials as well.

I am not going to post - oh memebox is now giving members 10 points today in every thread.  Sorry, not gonna happen
Isn't there a new arrivals thread? There could also be a 'Points Promotion' thread. Easy enough!

Still waiting for a valid argument for this mega thread to be left open. I'm seeing lots of posts about how you wouldn't have know things about Memebox if it weren't for this thread, but it's the only thread anyone is really using right now, so of course that's true. In fact, for a long time it was the only thread. 

When @@MissJexie first started this thread, I'm sure she had NO idea that Memebox was going to be moving this quickly & releasing this many boxes. The thread was originally designed with the assumption that it was going to be about one box a month. We need to change the threads to accommodate Memebox's growth over the last few months. 

If everyone would actually post in the individual box threads, there would be a lot more useful information in them. Right now I can see how they'd look useless since no one is really using them. 

This is really no different than when Popsugar or Birchbox releases a limited edition box. They get their own thread. And it just so happens that ALL of the Memeboxes are limited edition type boxes, so they should also get their own thread, no?

Nobody is asking you to, that's why there should be a general discussion for promos, or new releases, etc. and then keep box specific information in box specific threads.

There is a reason I have never once used this subforum for information on specific boxes, and instead go to youtube and blog reviews for specific information, because right now the only thing this thread is conducive to is a giant chit-chat.
go read the earlier posts - we are being "weaned" off this thread and pushed into the box threads, because the legitimacy of needing such a thread is unknown.  If you are going to create a general chitchat and let us talk about whatever we want to about memeboxes, and not move our posts around in the middle of the night, great!

 I'm not happy with the attitude being shown here towards the mods. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Since the mods have the power and the members do not, it seems that our concerns could be valued a bit more.  

I was willing and have stated so many times, to post stuff in the appropriate threads.  I even CREATED separate threads.  This  dictatorial attitude is what is turning me off here.  It seems that the mods just wanted to push this and push this until members got upset.

whatever.  I see where this is going and I won't be coming back here.

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The mods are aware of this.  To make a long story short, the intent of merging that thread with this one and leaving this thread up is to get it to evolve into the general chitchat thread.  The key here is that *this thread needs to evolve*.  Period.
You said a few pages back that doing this merge would make you're "job" easier... Now its that the "thread needs to evolve" well isnt that what the other specific threads are for? I mean how much more do you want it to "evolve" - Evolve : " To undergo gradual change; develop"  but from other member's post's, people who have intially  read this thread  have purchased there first Memebox, after reading this thread, I don't know, but it seems as if though it has evolved and is already evolving, I mean why put a stop to that?

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