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I was at work when DHL delivered my a box full of memeboxes and couldn't sign for it. Now I have to wait till Monday! Oh the STRUGGLE! :scared: :scared: :scared:
When that happens hun, if I'm not there to sign, I leave a note taped on my door like this:

DHL Shipment# 12445789 (of course your shipment # lol)

x________ <---- my signature

And my name on the bottom of my signature

It could be risky since someone could take your box right? But it's worked for me so far!

Good luck!

hey so i'm new to the memebox thing but i have bought many korean skincare products before - a huge bonus when i'm living in hong kong and korean skincare is just super popular here, but the brands on memebox seem quite new to me! what would be a good buy for the new me?
I second the thought on luckybox too! Btw i am also living in HK and from the boxes i received you do get exposed to many brands that are not available in our city :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

You should get the Lucky Box #5 cuz it has the 7 best items from the previous LuckyBoxes and 1 item from a previous memebox.

Korean holidays notwithstanding, is there any such thing as something resembling a release schedule?  In other words, is there any way of predicting that they have a Luckybox or a Superbox coming out every other Tuesday, the fifteenth of the month, etc.?  Or is it just a magical surprise when the announcement is made?

Korean holidays notwithstanding, is there any such thing as something resembling a release schedule?  In other words, is there any way of predicting that they have a Luckybox or a Superbox coming out every other Tuesday, the fifteenth of the month, etc.?  Or is it just a magical surprise when the announcement is made?
It's a magical surprise. There is no rhyme or reason for when they release new boxes. (or re-release previously sold out ones).

They have so many fantastic products from IOPE in great prices in their Korean store now that I would expect IOPE Superbox. I would be delighted.

Korean holidays notwithstanding, is there any such thing as something resembling a release schedule?  In other words, is there any way of predicting that they have a Luckybox or a Superbox coming out every other Tuesday, the fifteenth of the month, etc.?  Or is it just a magical surprise when the announcement is made?
It's a magical surprise. There is no rhyme or reason for when they release new boxes. (or re-release previously sold out ones).
Haha yeah, it is super random. And I feel like it usually happens in the middle of the night while I'm here at work. 

Is there something in particular you're waiting for?  :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Haha yeah, it is super random. And I feel like it usually happens in the middle of the night while I'm here at work.

Is there something in particular you're waiting for? :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Something that just calls to me! I don't know what that will be. If they had a peach box, I would grab it in an instant. Luckybox #13 would also be an immediate purchase. It's just one of those "I'll know it when I see it," and I haven't seen it yet.

Did you leave it on at least 60-90 minutes? If you did, then it should work! Maybe it's just taking awhile.
LOL, the day after I posted this, half my foot came off in the shower, so I guess I did it right after all! I've still got some flakies along the sides, but most of my skin has peeled, and I would totally do it again. 

I got my box the other day and one of the masks had a puncture in the foil and leaked everywhere. I took a picture and emailed Memebox, and I hope they can do something, but I'll understand if they can't. I've used a couple of the products already (with mixed results), and I'm excited to try the others. On Wednesdays we wear masks.  :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I'd really like to see... a tea tree box!  :drive: I'd probably buy two of them. XD I loooooove tea tree stuff!

LOL, the day after I posted this, half my foot came off in the shower, so I guess I did it right after all! I've still got some flakies along the sides, but most of my skin has peeled, and I would totally do it again. 

I got my box the other day and one of the masks had a puncture in the foil and leaked everywhere. I took a picture and emailed Memebox, and I hope they can do something, but I'll understand if they can't. I've used a couple of the products already (with mixed results), and I'm excited to try the others. On Wednesdays we wear masks.  :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Maybe that particular mask is just really slow working. I used mine about 5 days ago and I'm still waiting for something to happen. XD Good to know that it eventually worked for you!

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