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Sorry about the huge picture, on my phone so I can't resize it atm. When did they start using these? I love the polka dot interior!

is it just me or i liked the bright hot pink box better? :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

is it just me or i liked the bright hot pink box better? :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
I'm sure lots of people like the old boxes. I just find these to be a lot more sturdy. These are like a very heavy, sturdy cardboard so it feels like a storage box. It's something I wouldn't just toss in the trash like I do with my other memeboxes. But, I'm sure it's just a personal preference. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

i like the new boxes. great for super boxes or limited edition boxes, i don't mind the old style but they are flimsy and go in the recycle bin but great for the basic boxes .to be fair id rather have decent products and sizes over a box style. but i like the new style.

I got my Hair and Body box today and I haven't gotten a box since memebox #7....when did they switch over to the really pretty boxes? They remind me of Glossybox now!
I hope you like your Hair and Body box (the contents, that is!) I used the Cherry Blossom hair treatment the other day and really liked it!  My hair felt extra soft even the next day. (which is unusual for my hair). I thought it was a great box!

Thanks hon! And kind of all of it... The hair steam pack, the fingertip mask, the perfume, the hair cream... Lol. I want it all

I hope you like your Hair and Body box (the contents, that is!) I used the Cherry Blossom hair treatment the other day and really liked it!  My hair felt extra soft even the next day. (which is unusual for my hair). I thought it was a great box!
I just got it today, but I always want to review my memeboxes as fast as I can so I tried out a bunch of stuff today! I just got out of the shower and tested out the cherry blossom hair treatment. It smells amazing! My hair is still wet so I'm not sure what it'll feel like later on but I definitely love the scent! I tried two of the body patches/masks as well. There's two in each of the red packets. I've got to say that they are burning the crap out of my skin...or freezing the crap out of my skin. They smell very menthol-y, I wasn't sure where to use them (the directions say basically anywhere on your body where you want firming, refreshing etc, so I used them on my upper arms. It felt cooling and refreshing at first, but now they're definitely on the verge of a burning sensation. IDK if it's supposed to do that, but the directions say to leave these on for 4-8 hours.... :unsure: I guess I should have slept with them on but man they are really painful. It's possible I used them on a too-sensitive area of skin, though. I'll try the other pack on my legs and see how they do.

Thanks hon! And kind of all of it... The hair steam pack, the fingertip mask, the perfume, the hair cream... Lol. I want it all
You could also shoot a message to memebox and see if they have any one-off boxes hanging around. It's worth a shot!

@@MissJexie I didn't know they'd do that! I will definitely check!
I don't know if they will, actually LOL...but I know that one time I was supposed to do a review of a box and they never sent it to me. Even though it was "sold out" on the website, they happened to have a few laying around and sent me one, so you never know! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I just got it today, but I always want to review my memeboxes as fast as I can so I tried out a bunch of stuff today! I just got out of the shower and tested out the cherry blossom hair treatment. It smells amazing! My hair is still wet so I'm not sure what it'll feel like later on but I definitely love the scent! I tried two of the body patches/masks as well. There's two in each of the red packets. I've got to say that they are burning the crap out of my skin...or freezing the crap out of my skin. They smell very menthol-y, I wasn't sure where to use them (the directions say basically anywhere on your body where you want firming, refreshing etc, so I used them on my upper arms. It felt cooling and refreshing at first, but now they're definitely on the verge of a burning sensation. IDK if it's supposed to do that, but the directions say to leave these on for 4-8 hours.... :unsure: I guess I should have slept with them on but man they are really painful. It's possible I used them on a too-sensitive area of skin, though. I'll try the other pack on my legs and see how they do.
Ouch! If they continue to burn take them off asap! It's sooooo not worth it.

I was planning on using them on my calves/ankles next time I fly. (cankle prevention!)

I hope the rest of the box works out better for you. Oh and Cherry Blossom scent definitely stayed in my hair until the next day. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Ouch! If they continue to burn take them off asap! It's sooooo not worth it.

I was planning on using them on my calves/ankles next time I fly. (cankle prevention!)

I hope the rest of the box works out better for you. Oh and Cherry Blossom scent definitely stayed in my hair until the next day. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
It seems that the longer I leave them on, the less they hurt, so maybe it's just one of those things you have to endure to see results! LOL We'll see! ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Also, did you have trouble getting your perfume to come out? I feel like I'm squeezing it with all my strength and only the teeniest amount of liquid comes out...I feel like I'm doing something wrong LOL :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

It seems that the longer I leave them on, the less they hurt, so maybe it's just one of those things you have to endure to see results! LOL We'll see! ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Also, did you have trouble getting your perfume to come out? I feel like I'm squeezing it with all my strength and only the teeniest amount of liquid comes out...I feel like I'm doing something wrong LOL :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
I had no issue getting the perfume to come it a full tube?

Maybe stick a pin in the hole to open it up?

Glad you were able to work through the pain!!!! Look forward to hearing about the results!

I had no issue getting the perfume to come it a full tube?

Maybe stick a pin in the hole to open it up?

Glad you were able to work through the pain!!!! Look forward to hearing about the results!
hmm yea I'll dig around the house and see if I can come up with one! I was bummed that it didn't come out very well so I'm hoping I can get it to work! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

It seems that the longer I leave them on, the less they hurt, so maybe it's just one of those things you have to endure to see results! LOL We'll see! ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Also, did you have trouble getting your perfume to come out? I feel like I'm squeezing it with all my strength and only the teeniest amount of liquid comes out...I feel like I'm doing something wrong LOL :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
According to Memebox, ingredients in the patches include caffeine, menthol, extract from hot pepper, green tea, orange peel, grape seed oil.

Caffeine is the main ingredient for this patch, because it constricts blood vessels, causing the appearance of a firming effect. This is, of course, temporary. Check out caffeine's effects on skin here (not a primary source, but it has citations):

Menthol is a known skin irritant, despite the cooling sensation (which at certain levels of menthol is actually burning because it causes activation of pain receptors). See more on menthol here:

I'd rather not talk at length about menthol because I know a lot of people love the feeling and would feel offended if I told them it was potentially dangerous and likely noneffective at... anything, other than pain reduction when it comes to higher temperatures. Which is why it is included in this product, because of the hot pepper extract, aka capsaicin. Is also may reduce the integrity of the epidermal membrane, which would allow the caffeine and other ingredients to enter the skin more readily. However, that leaves your skin weakened.

Capsaicin is a vasodilator, meaning it dilates (opens) blood vessels. The result is increased circulation to the area. Which causes swelling. Sound contradictory? That's because it is! I'm going to guess that this increased circulation is supposed to "detox" the area, leading to longer term firming effects. Unfortunately, that's a load of bull I just made up right now to make it sound effective. And that's exactly what they'll tell you if you ask them what the capsaicin is supposed to do. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

What does capsaicin do? Well, it's an pain reducer... eventually. Although initially it generally results in burning sensations and is overall painful, after initial applications, capsaicin is an effective pain reliever, and is sometimes used for those with arthritis and similar chronic joint pains. It relieves pain at least partially because it degenerates nerve fibers in your skin (they do regenerate, albeit slowly). Read about that experiment here: That's not to scaremonger or anything! Many people use capsaicin for pain relief, especially in Asian countries (I've got some capsaicin-laced bandages in my bedroom right now). They do not leave any permanent effects, except maybe in terms of cold sensitivity, as the link above explains.


-the patches work mostly by the topical effects of caffeine

-effects are TEMPORARY and caused by constriction of blood vessels in the area -- same result as putting a cold pack on your eyes to firm up under eye bags

-cold sensation is due to menthol, which is a skin irritant but may allow the ingredients to enter the skin more readily (at a potential risk)

-burning sensation is due to capsaicin, the thing that makes peppers spicy; it is, eventually, a pain reliever -- it may have been added to improve circulation, but why that would firm anything up or reduce swelling (as a vasodilator, it actually induces swelling initially) is up in the air

Although it's supposed to hurt initially because of the capsaicin, in my experience it should only be a dull, lingering burn, like turning up the water just a bit too hot for comfort. If it hurts a lot, please stop using it! Your skin may simply be sensitive to menthol and/or capsaicin, and it's not worth hurting your skin for a temporary firming effect.

This has been Bunny's Fun Fact Science Corner. :wizard:


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