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Quote: Originally Posted by veritazy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  reversed..meaning? you get money back instead? that's a first. interesting..
Contacted paypal and it was memebox who reversed it, maybe because there out of stock?

Quote: Originally Posted by Donna529 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

That's really odd. Wonder why..
Yea, I tried calling Memebox, too see whats up..No answer ofc. Hopefully they answer the email I sent as well in a timely manner..

Quote: Originally Posted by Donna529 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I am having a lot of buyers remorse. I have 6 boxes coming in April.Part of me is considering canceling them.The other part says keep them lol.
I have 8 boxes coming, totalling almost 400$.. There CS is starting to get on my last nerv.

I had 'issue' with a paypal payment last month that sounds the same as that. Went through when I retried it and think it was a paypal rather than an issue with individual company.

I don't like the idea of ordering a box and then waiting a month or two to get it. It gives me way too much time to change my mind. I pre ordered one sometime in February, and it won't ship out until April something or's been so long I don't even remember which box it is. I kind of don't even want it now since I can't remember. I would feel better about it if I knew exactly what I was getting, but since it's a "mystery" for now I'm just kind of annoyed. Plus the last few pages of this thread (all the shipping/payment issues, etc) aren't giving me a very positive vibe.

Quote: Originally Posted by Jane George /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I had 'issue' with a paypal payment last month that sounds the same as that. Went through when I retried it and think it was a paypal rather than an issue with individual company.
Hmm ok, ill try again, after I get refunded.

Quote: Originally Posted by Luxx /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Hmm ok, ill try again, after I get refunded.
Do you know which box it was?

I don't like the idea of ordering a box and then waiting a month or two to get it. It gives me way too much time to change my mind. I pre ordered one sometime in February, and it won't ship out until April something or's been so long I don't even remember which box it is. I kind of don't even want it now since I can't remember. I would feel better about it if I knew exactly what I was getting, but since it's a "mystery" for now I'm just kind of annoyed. Plus the last few pages of this thread (all the shipping/payment issues, etc) aren't giving me a very positive vibe. [/quote ] I'm feeling the same way. I can't imagine ordering a box now that won't ship until October. Also, I paid 1.99 to pre-order one, I think it's box 9, I'm wondering if I'll be able to use my credits for the rest of the purchase.
Quote: Originally Posted by MissKris17 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by ChullBird /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I don't like the idea of ordering a box and then waiting a month or two to get it. It gives me way too much time to change my mind. I pre ordered one sometime in February, and it won't ship out until April something or's been so long I don't even remember which box it is. I kind of don't even want it now since I can't remember. I would feel better about it if I knew exactly what I was getting, but since it's a "mystery" for now I'm just kind of annoyed. Plus the last few pages of this thread (all the shipping/payment issues, etc) aren't giving me a very positive vibe.

I'm feeling the same way. I can't imagine ordering a box now that won't ship until October. Also, I paid 1.99 to pre-order one, I think it's box 9, I'm wondering if I'll be able to use my credits for the rest of the purchase. #9 must  be the one I got too. (Thanks for that!) I didn't realize they're now  not shipping until October. No thank you. Definitely won't be buying anymore boxes.

Quote: Originally Posted by jocedun /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hey girrrrllll. Anyway, I'm just seeing this post - but I wanted to give my two cents since I know we are both super pale.

Me, I'm like Scottish-grew-up-in-Alaska pale, and I have never found a foundation at the drugstore (or high end) that is light enough for me (only light enough when mixed with white foundation) -- except for Missha #13. Even Revolon Colorstay 110 is a tad off (usually recommended to me - but it is just too orange on me). I'd say definitely try out #13 if #21 didn' t look quite right. #13 matches my skin perfectly and takes the slight redness out of my skin. No weird dirty-dusty-muddy look, looks totally natural all day and in natural light, no oxidation (usually a problem for me). I also don't do any tanning in the summer, so it works for me year-round -- however, if you get sun in the summer, it's possible that #21 would be better for those months.

I've purchased on Amazon before and that was reliable (no extra fees, etc):

You could also try eBay for samples before diving into a full size:

-- I've purchased full size on eBay before, as well, and I've never had any problems. Just check the seller ratings, obvi.
Okay, sorry, from now on I will keep all of my korean skincare related posts in the other thread! 

In other news... I'm starting to question why I purchased the Hair + Body box. It was a total impulse buy and now I am having that nervous-regretful feeling. EEk! I'm hoping that it really excites me when it actually arrives, but I also didn't think about the possibility of perfumes, which I know I won't use. Plus, I actually know nothing about Asian haircare, and I'm worried those products might not suit my fine-medium semi-wavy/frizzy hair. Fingers crossed my worries are for nothing. 

Hey!  Thank you for your insight! I was going to ask you about that in our next letter - which I hope you received safe & sound! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  I have a few other Asian BB cream samples to try still but I think I will definitely be ordering some samples of #13! 

I hope you do enjoy the Hair + Body box!! If not - has there been a Memebox trade started yet?! You could always try to trade! 

Quote: Originally Posted by LisaLeah /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Do you know which box it was?
Nature box

Quote: Originally Posted by Jane George 

I had 'issue' with a paypal payment last month that sounds the same as that. Went through when I retried it and think it was a paypal rather than an issue with individual company.
Did you get refunded? Im just annoyed, because I have no clue why it was reversed, and its deducted from my account.... and I have no idea if it will get refunded or not..

Did you get refunded? Im just annoyed, because I have no clue why it was reversed, and its deducted from my account.... and I have no idea if it will get refunded or not..
Mine deducted from pending but was cleared after refund came so I never lost the money. I never contacted anyone as it was only about ten dollars so I just tried again and knew it would refund eventually. Sorry not to be more helpful.
Quote: Originally Posted by ChullBird /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  #9 must  be the one I got too. (Thanks for that!) I didn't realize they're now  not shipping until October. No thank you. Definitely won't be buying anymore boxes.
I have pre-ordered boxes until box 16 (I'm in Australia so I needed to pre-order if I wanted to received any more boxes).

Apart from sometimes slow responses to emails, I haven't had any issues in relation to shipping.  I have now received 6 boxes since February, and haven't had any problems.  Australia doesn't appear to have any issues as far as customs go though, so I'm not sure if that makes a difference.

Just butting in and curious, where does it say they won't be shipping until October? Or which ones? I see April and May and June shipment days but not October

#9 must  be the one I got too. (Thanks for that!) I didn't realize they're now  not shipping until October. No thank you. Definitely won't be buying anymore boxes.
I'm not sure what you mean not shipping until Oct. They are offering all kinds of boxes that ship each month. The current Memebox up for sale right now is box 12 that will ship in June. They offer new boxes that will ship much sooner April and May shipping. They were also are pre-selling memebox #11-13 which will ship May-July (3 months of boxes) And pre-selling memebox #11-16 which will ship May-October (6 month of boxes) This was like ordering a monthly subscription of boxes, not different than getting a yearly box subscription. There were also discounts if you pre-ordered as well. Maybe there is some confusion, you will not have to wait till October to order a Memebox if you like. Unless your international, then unless you preordered before the end of March you will not be able to order at all until Memebox starts international shipping again. No telling when they will do that.
Anyone else get the Free Shipping email? 

It seems to indicate that if you buy Top Rated items, you will get free shipping but I didnt see a code...  And its definitely  not giving me free shipping when I try it...

Quote: Originally Posted by Saffyra /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Anyone else get the Free Shipping email? 

It seems to indicate that if you buy Top Rated items, you will get free shipping but I didnt see a code...  And its definitely  not giving me free shipping when I try it...
It is working for me.  It is only on the kits they have in the free shipping section.

Quote: Originally Posted by puppymomofthree /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  It is working for me.  It is only on the kits they have in the free shipping section.
What are you getting? :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I am debating about getting a back up Slowganic cleanser and cocoon puffs. But I should probably restrict and OPEN what i have!!!!

Quote: Originally Posted by puppymomofthree /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  It is working for me.  It is only on the kits they have in the free shipping section.

Okay, I'll go look for that section!


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