2009-2010 NHL Hockey Chatter

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Hmmm Caps just came off two wins off their conference rival 4-2 & 7-4 , the Florida Panthers. Now granted the Panthers are not a great team, but more significantly the Caps have not curled up and died since they have been without Ovechkin. Its not certain when he will be back, he has practiced with the team but he has enjoyed sitting in the box eating nachos and showing up for brief interviews during the game.

His injury is described as upper body. At this point I don't think he can raise his arms above his head.

The game between the Islanders and the Caps was quite amazing tonight.

  • The first score by Semin 8 sec in.
  • I left for like 10 min and by the time i returned to the game NY was up 3-1! The Islanders got 3 successive goals & Theodore got pulled from goal. Evidently it just wasn't a good night for him.
  • The Caps clawed back behind Varlamov and were actually winning for a significant amount of time 4-3.
  • But in the last 2 min during a power play NY tied it up.
  • The OT didn't untie it either.
  • So it went to a shootout. Both teams got a goal within the first round of shootout including Alexander Semin who got himself a hat trick.
  • But then it took a total of 11 rounds before the Caps produced the score and then Varlamov made the final stop. Caps WIN!
Yes Ovechkin is out. Maybe another week or so? THis is just the commentators speculating

Ovechkin is supposed to be back tonight maybe against the NJ Devils. We shall see.

Well the Caps have weathered this fairly well. they are on a 4 game win streak having beaten Minnesota last night 3-1.

Toronto lost again last night. (sorry Carolyn)

and what has happened to the mighty Penguins? their scoring star is supposed to be back as well

Sidney Crosby runs with Olympic flame in Halifax

HALIFAX - Sidney Crosby has added another iconic piece of hardware to the collection he's hoisted in his stellar hockey career - the Olympic torch.

Huddled under the glow of street lights, thousands of people lined both sides of a downtown Halifax street Wednesday evening to watch the captain of the Stanley Cup-winning Pittsburgh Penguins grasp the torch in a mitten-covered hand.

Clad in an official torchbearer uniform, the 22-year-old grinned and jogged below historic Citadel Hill as the bright, orange flame burned above his head.

"You look at the people out there, you see the signs of the excitement,'' Crosby said later about the massive crush of fans who slowed his jog to a crawl.

"You never dream of carrying the torch. For me, that wasn't something that I ever thought would be a possibility.''

At one point in his short, 300-metre jaunt, Crosby stopped and turned slowly with the torch, eliciting wild cheers from the delighted crowd.

His jog turned into a walk when a sea of fans and flashing cameras swallowed him and snowboarder Sarah Conrad as they exchanged flames. Conrad, a native of Dartmouth, N.S., later lit a cauldron in front of Halifax City Hall.

Crosby, who won the Art Ross Trophy as the NHL's leading scorer and the Hart Trophy as league MVP, said the opportunity to return to his home province and run with the torch was too good to pass up.

"It's not just about me carrying the torch or another person - this is a celebration of the whole country and just to be a part of that, I feel so honoured,'' Crosby said.

"Whether I was playing hockey or whether I was someone here locally who just got the chance to do it, I think we can all say that it's a tremendous opportunity and we're proud to be able to do it.''

Crosby, whose hometown of Cole Harbour lies across the harbour from Halifax, was one of 12,000 torchbearers tasked with carrying the flame across Canada as part of a massive relay.

The flame touched down in Nova Scotia on Monday morning. It will criss-cross Nova Scotia until Saturday, when it will be ferried to Prince Edward Island as part of its East Coast leg.

Clutching a torch emblazoned with Crosby's autograph, Daren White could hardly contain his excitement even after the flame had passed by.

White, who ran with the flame earlier in Elmsdale, N.S., muscled his way through security to get Crosby's attention as the hockey star waited for his leg of the relay to start.

"I said to him, 'For a fellow torchbearer, would you sign?' and he grabbed my marker and gave me a wink and signed,'' said an elated White, 44. "It's my gold medal.''

British Columbia Premier Gordon Campbell, who was in Halifax for the festivities, said the torch relay has been a phenomenal success thus far.

"Every day there's a story out of the torch relay about how the torch has touched somebody's life and made them feel like they are making a huge contribution,'' Campbell said.

"That's really the gift of the Olympics to all of us. It's a cohesive force that can bring us together and remind us of what it's like to be a Canadian.''

Earlier in the day, two animal rights groups announced in Halifax they would protest the commercial seal hunt during the Olympic torch run over the next few months.

But organizers said they would not disrupt the run and instead be inflating a giant seal at locations away from spectators to voice their opposition to the hunt.

The torch relay began its trek in Victoria last month, and will make stops in every province and territory leading up to the Winter Games in Vancouver in February.

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Here's hoping that Sid will score the winning goal to give the Canadian Men's hockey team the gold medal!

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Hey everybody!!!

Toronto beat Washington 2-1 in overtime!!!

Originally Posted by Dragonfly /img/forum/go_quote.gif .................................................. .................................................. ..........................
Hey everybody!!!

Toronto beat Washington 2-1 in overtime!!!

Good game for the Leafs, not so good for the Caps. They did it during the shootout! Nice shots

I Love this kid!!

Steve Stamkos is doing great this year!

In his rookie year with Tampa Bay, he had Barry Melrose for a coach - what an a**hole! Melrose did absolutely nothing to encourage Stamkos.

When Tampa Bay finally realized what a detriment Melrose was - and fired his sorry a**, Stamkos and the boys started playing great together!

why is it Melrose gets the TV commentator gig? and please Carolyn why be so restrained you really need to tell us what you think about Melrose/

Listen and learn grasshopper - hockey is a very complex world.

I have no clue why anyone would hire Melrose to do anything - maybe he's dating the executive's sister? Or even worse, he married into the family...

All I know is the Tampa Bay divorced him after only 16 games in the 2008-2009 season.

Sadly, no one was sad to see him go...

Yeah Melrose was the coach for about a day, did squat, and Tocchet was the interim for the rest of the year. Hes ok, better now then last year... hope we can hang on to Stamkos though. He'll be a super star.

The 10 best NHL players of the last decade

10. Jaromir Jagr

9. Joe Thornton

8. Joe Sakic

7. Jarome Iginla

6. Scott Niedermayer

5. Chris Pronger

4. Sidney Crosby

3. Alex Ovechkin

2. Martin Brodeur

1. Nicklas Lidstrom

The 10 best NHL players of the last decade - Puck Daddy - NHL - Yahoo! Sports

My thoughts:

What about Ilya Kovulchuk?

Thank you - Malkin does not deserve to be on this list.

Ovechkin is better than Crosby.

Pronger is good, but he's also a douc*

I love Jarome - can't wait to see him in the Olympics.

confused about one thing ( a lot of that recently) is 10 the best in the list or the worst?

Originally Posted by Dragonfly /img/forum/go_quote.gif Grasshopper, grasshopper, grasshopper...
1 is the best and 10 is the 10th best

no you know what it was was, when you said Ovechkin was better than Crosby I was wondering why you said that because the list already had Ovechkin higher.
But i have a question for our resident Pittsburgh fan: why is it that there is no Mario Lemieux? I mean he was fabulous for all those years and didn't he almost prevent that franchise from going under? All those scoring titles? and didn't he have cancer, returned from that almost won the Hart Trophy? what's a guy gotta do?


and Jagr too played for quite a few years and was really good. I get that. But Jagr and no Lemieux? I don't get it.


and while we're at it: Sydney Crosby is very good player I get that. He gets all those cheap goals sitting in front the net (don't deny it i've seen enough of him). But his career is still virtually starting and you would say he is better than either Jagr or Lemieux!!?? Is that number (#4) maybe a little bit too high? He has a teammate who is a prolific scorer so hes bound to get a ton of assists. If i am off-base on this educate me! I know Sydney is cute and all that (does nothing for me, maybe its those teeth reminds me of someone ,,, oh nevermind ).......


well Caps won last night in a shootout with Montreal. They have been doing ok even though they have a ton of people out.

Toronto even has a few wins in there as they are bouncing back from that horrendous start.

Not a good thing tonight. Well the Caps won and that is good, but Alex Ovechkin got tossed for a collision with a Carolina player, but more seriously may have hurt his right knee. Still too early to tell how bad it is

Oh i heard Toronto lost sorry Carolyn.


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