Wantable - new quarterly subscription

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Quote: Originally Posted by EFeryn /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I'm pretty sure if you return your box, then you lose the cyber Monday credit:(  I would have tried again, but my only option was a refund.  I got the accessory box and it all seemed cheap to me.  It looks like makeup is the best option.
I watched several months of other users getting the jewelry boxes and frankly, it was more expensive for cheaper jewelry than what I could pick up at Torrid (A LOT of it seemed to be the same styles as Torrid and Torrid was cheaper plus I get Haute Cash), Claire's or really, any retailer in the mall in the non-precious metal bins and areas and I always got pieces I liked.  For $40 from Torrid, I got 8 sets of earrings, a couple neat fashion rings, two bracelets (one stretchy, one metallic) and a necklace.

Watching over Wantable's updated policy on a few more items, it's still not where it was when it began and the quality stayed the same... the lower end and lots of repeats for December.  No rush to go back for me, though I will get a few months free when I choose to go back since their kerfluffle made me reevaluate ALL my boxes and send back almost $100 worth with two whole boxes and items from the other boxes.

I just received both boxes and I'm pretty happy.  The makeup box had a starlooks green shadow (funny enough one I'd been contemplating buying, so this just saved me $), a pink gloss, a medium mauve lipstick, and Michael Marcus foundation brush.

My accessories box was awesome - a rather loud scarf with zebra stripes and a gem print, that I'm not sure how i'm going to use but I kind of love it, a really cool open square box necklace, studded hoop earrings, and the cutest little handcuff post earrings.  

I've been skipping Wantable, but I think I'm going to go ahead and cancel. I'm not thrilled with their current brands( I like Starlooks, but I'm already getting their stuff in the Starlooks box AND Ipsy), but I'm most disappointed by the major drop in value. I understand that they may have had to adjust their business model, but 60 bucks of makeup doesn't have the appeal that 80 does, especially if the variety's not exciting. I loved my first three boxes, but have been skipping since August (right around the time complaints began to roll in).

So disappointed in Wantable this month. :-(  Normally, even if I don't like everything in the box, I at least feel like it's worth the $36, and it's been my favorite subscription.  This month, there isn't a single thing in the box I like, and  it seems like they sent me the cheapest, and tiniest stuff they had.  I guess I'm going to have to find some time in my busy weekend to go to the post office, because this is certainly going back.

 Isn't Wantable supposed to send full sized products? Because I received a teeny, tiny bar of soap (in a makeup box?!), and a travel sized eyeshadow brush.  I got a crappy, low quality, Michael Marcus lipstick in an unwearable, bright red, that doesn't suit my profile at all, and a bottle of Pomegranite nail polish in a boring color.  They did send me a full sized bottle of Manna Kadar shimmer stuff, but I'm getting it in my Birchbox this month, and I don't want it to begin with.  It stinks that the only decent product is something I don't want/can't use! (I mean, Wantable and Birchbox don't know that I  don't like the Manna, but the other stuff.....)

I'm feeling really let down this month.  Even though I don't like most of the things in my Ipsy bag this month, it seems like I got much better, bigger items for $10 than I got in Wantable this month for more than 3 times the price.

Anyone else feeling like the quality went way down this month, or did I just get an unlucky, dud of a box?

Quote: Originally Posted by Bethanys /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  So disappointed in Wantable this month. :-(  Normally, even if I don't like everything in the box, I at least feel like it's worth the $36, and it's been my favorite subscription.  This month, there isn't a single thing in the box I like, and  it seems like they sent me the cheapest, and tiniest stuff they had.  I guess I'm going to have to find some time in my busy weekend to go to the post office, because this is certainly going back.

 Isn't Wantable supposed to send full sized products? Because I received a teeny, tiny bar of soap (in a makeup box?!), and a travel sized eyeshadow brush.  I got a crappy, low quality, Michael Marcus lipstick in an unwearable, bright red, that doesn't suit my profile at all, and a bottle of Pomegranite nail polish in a boring color.  They did send me a full sized bottle of Manna Kadar shimmer stuff, but I'm getting it in my Birchbox this month, and I don't want it to begin with.  It stinks that the only decent product is something I don't want/can't use! (I mean, Wantable and Birchbox don't know that I  don't like the Manna, but the other stuff.....)

I'm feeling really let down this month.  Even though I don't like most of the things in my Ipsy bag this month, it seems like I got much better, bigger items for $10 than I got in Wantable this month for more than 3 times the price.

Anyone else feeling like the quality went way down this month, or did I just get an unlucky, dud of a box?

the travel brush is "full sized". the soap is a free sample, not part of the items you get.

Looks to me that they are recycling items from the past several months - I got the brush in my Oct box and that  bright red lipstick last month (as well as the soap).   I've seen that nailpolish in other boxes in the past month or so, same with the Manna product.   The soap is really nice, btw - I found that to be the most exciting (new) thing in my november box.

The value is down quite a bit now.  They no longer state that the value is between 80 -100 dollars.  I think that the current value is between 50-70 dollars now per box.  I am currently skipping right now and not sure if I will get a box from them again.   I also am so tired of never getting their "featured" items.  IF they are going to have featured items, they should at least have one of them in each box for members.

I received my December box today and I love it! Yes, the "retail" value isn't as high as it used to be, but I really don't pay attention to that. I care more about receiving items I'm going to enjoy. Just because a product has a retail value of $23 doesn't mean I'll like it more than one worth $15. Here's what I got:

1. Billion Dollar Brows clear brow gel - Perfect! I really needed a new one, I was almost out

2. Rainbow Honey Nail polish in Kawako - Love it! Appears to be a dark blue/black with silver micro-glitter. It looks like the night sky full of stars (if I lived some place where you could see stars)

3. Mia BelleZZa mineral pressed powder blush in Faith - It's a pretty matte peach

4. Starlooks eyeshadow single in Sparkling Ember - A pretty shimmery bronze color

5. Eveline eyeliner marker - not as excited about this since I received a different eyeliner marker in my last box - but I know I'll use it

I also got a sample of Skiin eye cream

My first box was due to be delivered today, but it never showed up (the last place it was scanned was in Wisconsin, whereas I live in Virginia).  I'm nervous, based on the box a few posts up.  I guess it's all right, since it was $18 and, worse case, I will just immediately cancel...if it ever shows up.  The tracking still says "Scheduled Delivery Day: December 13, 2013".  Pretty silly since it's 11:30 haha.

I took advantage of the cyber Monday special and got the Intimates box and I was definitely not disappointed!  I received two tank tops, the Mukluks slippers and a pair of knee high socks.  This is one of my favorite subs right now!

Quote: Originally Posted by MissKris17 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I received my December box today and I love it! Yes, the "retail" value isn't as high as it used to be, but I really don't pay attention to that. I care more about receiving items I'm going to enjoy. Just because a product has a retail value of $23 doesn't mean I'll like it more than one worth $15. Here's what I got:

1. Billion Dollar Brows clear brow gel - Perfect! I really needed a new one, I was almost out

2. Rainbow Honey Nail polish in Kawako - Love it! Appears to be a dark blue/black with silver micro-glitter. It looks like the night sky full of stars (if I lived some place where you could see stars)

3. Mia BelleZZa mineral pressed powder blush in Faith - It's a pretty matte peach

4. Starlooks eyeshadow single in Sparkling Ember - A pretty shimmery bronze color

5. Eveline eyeliner marker - not as excited about this since I received a different eyeliner marker in my last box - but I know I'll use it

I also got a sample of Skiin eye cream
That sounds like a nice box! I usually really like my Wantable boxes-my November one was a good one.  I guess one dud every so often isn't too bad-I have high hopes for January!

Quote: Originally Posted by biskies /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  My first box was due to be delivered today, but it never showed up (the last place it was scanned was in Wisconsin, whereas I live in Virginia).  I'm nervous, based on the box a few posts up.  I guess it's all right, since it was $18 and, worse case, I will just immediately cancel...if it ever shows up.  The tracking still says "Scheduled Delivery Day: December 13, 2013".  Pretty silly since it's 11:30 haha.
My other boxes have been pretty good, even if I didn't like everything, at least the size and quality of the products was good.  (Except for the Michael Marcus "filler" stuff that seems to be in every box.) her's my November box, for example.  I was pretty happy with this one. The concelaer/highlighter palette is HUGE with deep pans, and I use it daily.  Love the blush, too. The Color Club polish wasn't really me, but I used it on my toes, anyway.  I guess that's why I was so shocked with this month's box-I'm used to getting bigger makeup products in Wantable vs Ipsy or Birchbox.  (Which I love, but they are a lot cheaper, so I expect smaller sizes)

Quote: Originally Posted by Bethanys /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  My other boxes have been pretty good, even if I didn't like everything, at least the size and quality of the products was good.  (Except for the Michael Marcus "filler" stuff that seems to be in every box.) her's my November box, for example.  I was pretty happy with this one. The concelaer/highlighter palette is HUGE with deep pans, and I use it daily.  Love the blush, too. The Color Club polish wasn't really me, but I used it on my toes, anyway.  I guess that's why I was so shocked with this month's box-I'm used to getting bigger makeup products in Wantable vs Ipsy or Birchbox.  (Which I love, but they are a lot cheaper, so I expect smaller sizes)

I hear you.  I'm holding out a little hope that I'll love what I'm getting (if I, indeed, get it...tracking still states Scheduled Delivery December 13 and it hasn't been scanned in four days).  I'm sure that I can repurpose some of as Christmas gifts, worst case :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I got the November and December Make up and Intimates boxes.  The make up boxes are nice. Not the best, not the worst.  I;m trying to build up my makeup collection and try new things after a few years of no make up (never, ever thought I would say that)!  Also, if I don't like something, I just give it to my 16 year old make up addict niece.   :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

The intimates is not what I thought it was going to be at all.  Last month I received a tank top that was too small for my chest, black lace tiny hipsters in a "small" that were way too small and I'm a size 0 - which can sometimes be too big, a pair of boot socks that were "ok" - I would have liked better colors and I can't remember the 4th item.  I emailed wantables and the person on the other end basically argued with me about the size - saying I should pick better sizes.

This month I received the SAME pair of slippers in a different color, a pair of boy short panties in XL which were way too big, a pair of socks in a color that is awful and would never match anything and a betsey johnson lingerie piece that was just tacky.  This box is going back.  I hear about these great boxes with shorts and super soft tank tops and just really great items.  I feel like my box was just thrown together with the rejects and the leftovers.  I am really annoyed that I got a duplicate item, even if it was in a different color.  I've updated my profile with likes and dislikes, etc.  The promise of what you will receive is, for me, so different than what I actually do receive.  It's crap.  This box is definitely going back. I am so disappointed. :( /emoticons/sad@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by Bethanys /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  That sounds like a nice box! I usually really like my Wantable boxes-my November one was a good one.  I guess one dud every so often isn't too bad-I have high hopes for January!
Exactly. See, my November one wasn't nearly as good as yours. There will be some boxes we're happier with than others, in a way that's part of the fun. The good thing about Wantable is you can always return it if it's a real dud.

Quote: Originally Posted by MissKris17 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I received my December box today and I love it! Yes, the "retail" value isn't as high as it used to be, but I really don't pay attention to that. I care more about receiving items I'm going to enjoy. Just because a product has a retail value of $23 doesn't mean I'll like it more than one worth $15. Here's what I got:

1. Billion Dollar Brows clear brow gel - Perfect! I really needed a new one, I was almost out

2. Rainbow Honey Nail polish in Kawako - Love it! Appears to be a dark blue/black with silver micro-glitter. It looks like the night sky full of stars (if I lived some place where you could see stars)

3. Mia BelleZZa mineral pressed powder blush in Faith - It's a pretty matte peach

4. Starlooks eyeshadow single in Sparkling Ember - A pretty shimmery bronze color

5. Eveline eyeliner marker - not as excited about this since I received a different eyeliner marker in my last box - but I know I'll use it

I also got a sample of Skiin eye cream

In 7 boxes, I got only two Mia items... never any of these other brands.  That said, what was the total stated value of this box?  When I searched for another person on Wantable, I found almost all the items they had in their Nov and Dec box for $40 or less.

Quote: Originally Posted by Babs28 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I got the November and December Make up and Intimates boxes.  The make up boxes are nice. Not the best, not the worst.  I;m trying to build up my makeup collection and try new things after a few years of no make up (never, ever thought I would say that)!  Also, if I don't like something, I just give it to my 16 year old make up addict niece.   :) /emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

The intimates is not what I thought it was going to be at all.  Last month I received a tank top that was too small for my chest, black lace tiny hipsters in a "small" that were way too small and I'm a size 0 - which can sometimes be too big, a pair of boot socks that were "ok" - I would have liked better colors and I can't remember the 4th item.  I emailed wantables and the person on the other end basically argued with me about the size - saying I should pick better sizes.

This month I received the SAME pair of slippers in a different color, a pair of boy short panties in XL which were way too big, a pair of socks in a color that is awful and would never match anything and a betsey johnson lingerie piece that was just tacky.  This box is going back.  I hear about these great boxes with shorts and super soft tank tops and just really great items.  I feel like my box was just thrown together with the rejects and the leftovers.  I am really annoyed that I got a duplicate item, even if it was in a different color.  I've updated my profile with likes and dislikes, etc.  The promise of what you will receive is, for me, so different than what I actually do receive.  It's crap.  This box is definitely going back. I am so disappointed. :( /emoticons/sad@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />

The repetition of items is the biggest complaint (that seems to get deleted/hidden - yes, they DO hide comments so the person making the comment thinks their remark is still there, but only THEY can see it) for the Intimates box.  Plenty of people have remarked loving the first or second box and then they get the same items in different colors.  One poor soul I saw when I was stalking the comments there got 2 boxes with 4 of the exact same tank top in different colors.

Quote: Originally Posted by MissKris17 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Exactly. See, my November one wasn't nearly as good as yours. There will be some boxes we're happier with than others, in a way that's part of the fun. The good thing about Wantable is you can always return it if it's a real dud.

Wantable's price almost dictates the allowance for returns - I think people would be infuriated to get the boxes they have and can't do anything about it.  I think most people will find if they picked out the items they really liked, they would come out far, far ahead of what they are spending for the full box.  Sure, we can trade - but that takes extra money for shipment or we have to drop it somewhere to send it back.  Sort of prohibitive for many of us since at least for me and I know a few others - the entire point of doing this is so we DON'T have to run all over trying products out and they come to our door.  Now that they don't include return labels, it's an even bigger hassle depending on your resources at home.  Of course, those of us around longer also know we had GREAT boxes to start with and then all the sudden, we got much junkier boxes with smaller sizes, junkier items of lower quality and they started overstating the retail value - something they'd never done before either.

So yeah, if you've never had Wantable, you might think/feel it's a good deal.  Once you start diving in, get past the first couple of boxes and get the crap brands over and over and over and start looking up these items or the shady deals of the people behind them, then you start to realize Wantable isn't the deal they claim they are.

Quote: Originally Posted by Seola /img/forum/go_quote.gif
In 7 boxes, I got only two Mia items... never any of these other brands.  That said, what was the total stated value of this box?  When I searched for another person on Wantable, I found almost all the items they had in their Nov and Dec box for $40 or less.

The repetition of items is the biggest complaint (that seems to get deleted/hidden - yes, they DO hide comments so the person making the comment thinks their remark is still there, but only THEY can see it) for the Intimates box.  Plenty of people have remarked loving the first or second box and then they get the same items in different colors.  One poor soul I saw when I was stalking the comments there got 2 boxes with 4 of the exact same tank top in different colors.

Wantable's price almost dictates the allowance for returns - I think people would be infuriated to get the boxes they have and can't do anything about it.  I think most people will find if they picked out the items they really liked, they would come out far, far ahead of what they are spending for the full box.  Sure, we can trade - but that takes extra money for shipment or we have to drop it somewhere to send it back.  Sort of prohibitive for many of us since at least for me and I know a few others - the entire point of doing this is so we DON'T have to run all over trying products out and they come to our door.  Now that they don't include return labels, it's an even bigger hassle depending on your resources at home.  Of course, those of us around longer also know we had GREAT boxes to start with and then all the sudden, we got much junkier boxes with smaller sizes, junkier items of lower quality and they started overstating the retail value - something they'd never done before either.

So yeah, if you've never had Wantable, you might think/feel it's a good deal.  Once you start diving in, get past the first couple of boxes and get the crap brands over and over and over and start looking up these items or the shady deals of the people behind them, then you start to realize Wantable isn't the deal they claim they are.
If you're that unhappy, maybe you shouldn't subscribe.

I totally understand where @Seola is coming from.  For those of us that were with wantable before they made this "change", it is very disappointing.  Also, giving our experiences and what type of products that have been given out - like I stated - I never got a featured item - EVER - in my box  - is just part of an opinion so that people thinking about this sub or just starting out with it, can read it and make their own chocies

Making a statement of "if you're that unhappy, maybe your shouldn't subscribe" is not very helpful. imho.  I find it to be belittling and trying to shut another member's viewpoint down.   @Seola was trying to give her experiences with Wantable - from the changes in the boxes, to the customer service and the facebook issues.   These are important issues when determining if someone wishes to join a new subscription service.  I can tell you that the last remark from Wantable CS turned me off to no end, and that is why I am skipping for now - probably will just cancel.  Of course, there will always be those who don't want to hear the bad - just the good - but some want to hear both.

I find it very helpful to read comments of both the good and bad about a subscription service - this is how I determine which boxes I will subscribe to, by taking in both the good and bad comments.  When I joined Wantable, there was nothing but glowing reviews about their service. 

that isn't the case anymore. 

Quote: Originally Posted by biancardi /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I totally understand where @Seola is coming from.  For those of us that were with wantable before they made this "change", it is very disappointing. 

Making a statement of "if you're that unhappy, maybe your shouldn't subscribe" is not very helpful. @Seola

I find it very helpful to read comments of both the good and bad about a subscription service - this is how I determine which boxes I will subscribe to, by taking in both the good and bad comments.  When I joined Wantable, there was nothing but glowing reviews about their service. 

that isn't the case anymore. 

Exactly! I've done great reviews of Wantable in the past, but the quality has dropped off dramatically (and recently). I figure other people should know. The value's gone from 80-100 to 50-65ish a box, and the brands have shifted (this is just my opinion) from luxury-ish to just OK.  I think the company is making logical decisions (for their business plan), but I also am no longer interested in a sub I used to love. That's helpful info.

Quote: Originally Posted by biancardi /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Making a statement of "if you're that unhappy, maybe your shouldn't subscribe" is not very helpful. imho.  I find it to be belittling and trying to shut another member's viewpoint down.   @Seola was trying to give her experiences with Wantable - from the changes in the boxes, to the customer service and the facebook issues.   These are important issues when determining if someone wishes to join a new subscription service.  I can tell you that the last remark from Wantable CS turned me off to no end, and that is why I am skipping for now - probably will just cancel.  Of course, there will always be those who don't want to hear the bad - just the good - but some want to hear both.

I find it very helpful to read comments of both the good and bad about a subscription service - this is how I determine which boxes I will subscribe to, by taking in both the good and bad comments.  When I joined Wantable, there was nothing but glowing reviews about their service. 

that isn't the case anymore. 
Agreed. I came to this thread to get other peoples' experience and opinions.  Shutting someone's experience and opinion down with a dismissive "if you're that unhappy, maybe your shouldn't subscribe" is unfair and rude.  I appreciate the time Seola took to address my comments and experience and biancardi's take on things as well. 

I am going to return my box and send a lengthy email about why I am unhappy with the box and depending on the reply, I MAY give them one more month to "Wow" me, if they don't, then I will cancel.  I have heard great things about the box and as the post Wantables posted in this thread, I am under the impression that they are going to try to go back to their previous way of doing business and making customers happy. I realize they were addressing the make up box but I am hopeful it applies to the Intimates box as well.

Quote: Originally Posted by MissKris17 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  If you're that unhappy, maybe you shouldn't subscribe.

I did cancel already actually.

As @Biancardi mentioned, because I had previously raved about this box, it's only fair to mention the huge changes that are no longer what this prior thread made Wantable out to be AND when it is in stark contrast as to what Wantable stated earlier in this thread before the changes.  It can easily be misleading.  This is a forum to talk about all sides of the issue.  Given my research has now shown Wantable to not be the value it used to be, it should be shared.  I'm indebted to many many members here for talking about both positives AND negatives.  My money is precious, maybe yours isn't, but I have a limited budget for subs.  Wantable is what I consider an expensive sub.  It was the only one I had (Birch being paid for by the year months ago) paying monthly for.  I switched to Ipsy after searching a dozen other subs and reading both sides.

It's important to know when subs change, how they change and what they are doing about it.  I'm watching this thread for differences and what others are getting and have helped other members find the TRUE value of their box since Wantable no longer gives the correct retail amount that is found online as it used to.  Again, money may not matter to you that you can just throw it down a hole and hope what was true nearly a year ago still is - but I appreciate ALL feedback, from start to finish, good to bad.  If you want only happy, peppy people commenting on happy, peppy boxes - just head to their Facebook page.


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