Quote: Originally Posted by
MissKris17 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I received my December box today and I love it! Yes, the "retail" value isn't as high as it used to be, but I really don't pay attention to that. I care more about receiving items I'm going to enjoy. Just because a product has a retail value of $23 doesn't mean I'll like it more than one worth $15. Here's what I got:
1. Billion Dollar Brows clear brow gel - Perfect! I really needed a new one, I was almost out
2. Rainbow Honey Nail polish in Kawako - Love it! Appears to be a dark blue/black with silver micro-glitter. It looks like the night sky full of stars (if I lived some place where you could see stars)
3. Mia BelleZZa mineral pressed powder blush in Faith - It's a pretty matte peach
4. Starlooks eyeshadow single in Sparkling Ember - A pretty shimmery bronze color
5. Eveline eyeliner marker - not as excited about this since I received a different eyeliner marker in my last box - but I know I'll use it
I also got a sample of Skiin eye cream
In 7 boxes, I got only two Mia items... never any of these other brands. That said, what was the total stated value of this box? When I searched for another person on Wantable, I found almost all the items they had in their Nov and Dec box for $40 or less.
Quote: Originally Posted by
Babs28 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I got the November and December Make up and Intimates boxes. The make up boxes are nice. Not the best, not the worst. I;m trying to build up my makeup collection and try new things after a few years of no make up (never, ever thought I would say that)! Also, if I don't like something, I just give it to my 16 year old make up addict niece.

[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
The intimates is not what I thought it was going to be at all. Last month I received a tank top that was too small for my chest, black lace tiny hipsters in a "small" that were way too small and I'm a size 0 - which can sometimes be too big, a pair of boot socks that were "ok" - I would have liked better colors and I can't remember the 4th item. I emailed wantables and the person on the other end basically argued with me about the size - saying I should pick better sizes.
This month I received the SAME pair of slippers in a different color, a pair of boy short panties in XL which were way too big, a pair of socks in a color that is awful and would never match anything and a betsey johnson lingerie piece that was just tacky. This box is going back. I hear about these great boxes with shorts and super soft tank tops and just really great items. I feel like my box was just thrown together with the rejects and the leftovers. I am really annoyed that I got a duplicate item, even if it was in a different color. I've updated my profile with likes and dislikes, etc. The promise of what you will receive is, for me, so different than what I actually do receive. It's crap. This box is definitely going back. I am so disappointed.

[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
The repetition of items is the biggest complaint (that seems to get deleted/hidden - yes, they DO hide comments so the person making the comment thinks their remark is still there, but only THEY can see it) for the Intimates box. Plenty of people have remarked loving the first or second box and then they get the same items in different colors. One poor soul I saw when I was stalking the comments there got 2 boxes with 4 of the exact same tank top in different colors.
Quote: Originally Posted by
MissKris17 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Exactly. See, my November one wasn't nearly as good as yours. There will be some boxes we're happier with than others, in a way that's part of the fun. The good thing about Wantable is you can always return it if it's a real dud.
Wantable's price almost dictates the allowance for returns - I think people would be infuriated to get the boxes they have and can't do anything about it. I think most people will find if they picked out the items they really liked, they would come out far, far ahead of what they are spending for the full box. Sure, we can trade - but that takes extra money for shipment or we have to drop it somewhere to send it back. Sort of prohibitive for many of us since at least for me and I know a few others - the entire point of doing this is so we DON'T have to run all over trying products out and they come to our door. Now that they don't include return labels, it's an even bigger hassle depending on your resources at home. Of course, those of us around longer also know we had GREAT boxes to start with and then all the sudden, we got much junkier boxes with smaller sizes, junkier items of lower quality and they started overstating the retail value - something they'd never done before either.
So yeah, if you've never had Wantable, you might think/feel it's a good deal. Once you start diving in, get past the first couple of boxes and get the crap brands over and over and over and start looking up these items or the shady deals of the people behind them, then you start to realize Wantable isn't the deal they claim they are.