Wantable - new quarterly subscription

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Quote: Originally Posted by mckondik /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I'm annoyed with Wantable.  I'd subscribed to the accessories box and they'd e-mail every month letting you know they were preparing your box in case you wanted to change your profile or skip the month.  Well yesterday they sent an email saying thanks for your order. So it was too late to skip or change my profile.  I can't get the box every month for $$ and overstuffed house reasons and I obviously can't remember to skip on my own so I cancelled my subscription totally. Ha!    I would have liked the warning that they would be stopping the preliminary emails. Oh well, hopefully I'll like my last box.. just didn't want to be hassled this month.
You know you can just return the accessories box for a full refund right? I've done it for the past 2 months because I wasn't psyched about the products they've picked for me. I'm giving them one more month and then if they still can't figure out my style I'm going to cancel. But the full refund was the only reason I signed up in the first place! 

You know you can just return the accessories box for a full refund right? I've done it for the past 2 months because I wasn't psyched about the products they've picked for me. I'm giving them one more month and then if they still can't figure out my style I'm going to cancel. But the full refund was the only reason I signed up in the first place! 
. I know. I'm still annoyed though. I am weak willed and will probably end up keeping it lol
Quote: Originally Posted by mjreynolds32 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm not a blogger - I am just a regular subscriber. I had the exact same experience with the 3 product box, one of which they claimed was a highlighter (Lise Watier Taj Mahal). It violated three of my nevers because it was a loose powder (I said only pressed highlight) a bronzer (which I had unchecked at the time) and worst of all a glitter (which I marked no to on every possible category. I emailed their CS and put pictures of the box that said "glittering" and explained that although the packaging was pretty it was all wrong and was half the value of the box of three items. They said members that subscribed early in the month received 3 product boxes before they changed their wording back to 4-5 products. They apologized and sent me two items - one to replace the "highlighter" and one to make up for the lack of a fourth box item. I have contacted them before and asked if I could get a specific item because it was sold out on the company's website (a beasame lip glaze) and they did give it to me in my next box. I also said that I hated Be a Bombshell products because I felt they devalued the box since they were in every beauty subscription box and I felt they were not nearly the quality of other brands they send. I haven't received one since. I also said I would be overjoyed if my boxes had Manna Kadar, 29 Cosmetics and Besame and my next box included all three. If you consistently offer feedback, especially when they are doing something well or have a brand you love seeing, it helps. Also you can say "I hated these earrings - how can I change my profile to make sure I never get an item like this again?". They will tell you the why behind how they chose that item which I found very helpful. Kayla is the best of their CS in my opinion if you get to deal with her. You can also tweet or facebook them and they respond. Hope that helps you.
That was the same exact product that they sent me in November that started to sour me on them, and I got the same response.  When you give your feedback do you email them directly or do you include it when you review your box? I've been reviewing my boxes and telling them exactly how I feel. I was really happy when I've gotten Manna Kadar and Besame products and I would love to get more of those too. 

I feel like Wantable sets the bar high with the promises of "Happiness Guaranteed, Never sending a dislike," plus the higher price point than other subscriptions. So it feels like a bigger disappointment when they don't live up compared to other services. 

Agreed. I absolutely loved Wantable, and I'm sad re: all the changes they've made. Oh well!


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