Urban Decay NAKED 3 palette

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Joining you lovely ladies in this convo! I bought N3 last week with my Sephora $20 gift card. This is my first Naked palette so I am excited. The other two never appealed to me because I am pale with blonde hair, blue eyes, and blonde eyelashes and they were too harsh. Hoping this one works out.

Unfortunately I shipped it to my parent's house since I am flying there the end of this week for the holidays and it is arriving there today.  They live on the east coast and I live in the mid-west so I am now kicking myself in the bootay for not shipping it here since it arrived much quicker than I anticipated. I usually have trouble with UPS where I live and didn't want it to arrive after I already left. I COULD HAVE IT BY NOW! But patience is a virtue blah blah blah and I guess it makes me more excited for holidays/ going home. 

I can't wait til our ulta gets ours in!!! I'm so excited :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />. But I do wish that picture that's been going around online with all 3 naked palettes was a real product to buy! :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by lindzebra /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I'm wanting to get a Naked palette for Christmas... if you were me, which one would you pick? Which is your personal favorite and why?

As you might be able to see in my picture, I have light brown/dark blonde hair, brown eyes, and light skin. Thanks. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Edited to say: I have dark under eye circles, fyi.
I have both Naked 1 and Naked 2.  Naked 1 is my favorite.  I like Naked 2 but my more go to looks are always out of the Naked palette. 

I think i'm one of the only ones not hyped for this palette. -le sigh-

I already own N1+N2 and the Lorac unzipped, and I LOVE with my whole body the unzipped palette, its just heaven for me.

I really don't see what's great about N3 , granted I would only use 2-3 shades so yeah pass for me.

Just got mine today! Excited to play around with it, but look below. Some of my pans seem a little empty? Not sure if it's because they're placed deeper in or if there is less eyeshadow in them?! 

Dust, Trick, Liar, and Mugshot definitely seem off. Also, Trick looks like someone smudged it! No finger print, so assuming it was QA pushing it into place...

Just got mine today! Excited to play around with it, but look below. Some of my pans seem a little empty? Not sure if it's because they're placed deeper in or if there is less eyeshadow in them?!  Dust, Trick, Liar, and Mugshot definitely seem off. Also, Trick looks like someone smudged it! No finger print, so assuming it was QA pushing it into place...
A lot of beauty products are filled by weight, so that could cause the fill levels to look uneven, depending on the weight of different pigments and how densely they're packed.
I'm dark blonde, NC15/light foundation, and have hazel eyes. I would suggest the original Naked, I use most of the colours regularly and the darker ones are perfect for nights out! I've gotten LOTS of use out of my Naked palette.

I just got my Naked 3 and am in love with the colors. I don't usually run out and buy stuff when it comes out, but I had to have this. The colors are perfect for my skin tone. I am very light skinned (pale pale pale) with brown hair and blues eyes. Definitly can't wait to play around with it more!

I'm NC5 (yes, 5) with natural red hair and hazel eyes that are more green than brown. I use Naked 1 and I really enjoy the colours. But I get more use out of my more pink-based palettes, that's why I thought Naked 3 would be perfect for me. It should arrive from the post office tomorrow. I'm pretty excited!

I got my Naked 3 palette and my Blitz bag in the mail today.  I put it in my husband's office, unopened, so he can wrap it for Christmas.  It's two rooms away from me and I want it noooow. 

Mine came in, and trick is crooked. It's not broken, and everything else is fine, but it's still a little irksome. That said, the colors are GORGEOUS!!

So I decided to do a little experiment today and have another go at the palette, because you know, I'm obsessive like that, and I wanted better pics for my blog post. I decided to swatch the colours again with a different brush cause I've found that can sometimes make a difference. Instead of the brush that came with it, I used my trusty BH Cosmetics flat brush and it worked way better at picking up the shadows. That being said, most of these swatches are at least four swipes of the brush to build up the colours, particularly the matte shades. I think that I've realised what the difference is too. The matte shades are seriously lost on me, I mean no way, no how are they gonna show up. The shimmer shades show up much better, usually with only two swipes, except for Dust, which is basically, dust. Am I going to keep the palette? Still no because I'm just not wowed by it, it's just nothing spectacular about it as far as I'm concerned. Truly happy for all the ladies that love their palettes, but to me it's just ok. The first is natural light indoors, the second is with flash.

Quote: Originally Posted by lindzebra /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I'm wanting to get a Naked palette for Christmas... if you were me, which one would you pick? Which is your personal favorite and why?

As you might be able to see in my picture, I have light brown/dark blonde hair, brown eyes, and light skin. Thanks. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Edited to say: I have dark under eye circles, fyi.
I think the first Naked is a little too dark for pale skinned ladies, unless you like your eyeshadow on the dark side. There are great colors in it, and some of them are light, but most of them are medium to dark. Naked 2 has a bit more variety. I love Naked 3 best, because the rosey colors look best on me, and I need my colors to be mostly light and mid-tones, with only a few darks. It really bothers me to be hitting pan in three shadows, and barely touching the rest, in a palette. I also like that it is almost entirely glitter-free. I can't pull off the glitter, usually. It gets all over my face, and makes me look like I have been up all night partying.

I put the light colors all over the lid, and use a medium for the crease. I only use the darker colors a little bit. I talked to a sales person at Ulta once, who had pretty medium tanned skin. She loved original Naked best, and a color she pointed out as her go-to lid color, was a color that is too dark for me to use as a crease color. lol But it seems to be popular with a lot of people.

If you wear pinks well, then go Naked 3! If you'd rather have a variety, I'd say, Naked 2. Just my two cents. ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by Moonittude /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I think the first Naked is a little too dark for pale skinned ladies, unless you like your eyeshadow on the dark side. There are great colors in it, and some of them are light, but most of them are medium to dark. Naked 2 has a bit more variety. I love Naked 3 best, because the rosey colors look best on me, and I need my colors to be mostly light and mid-tones, with only a few darks. It really bothers me to be hitting pan in three shadows, and barely touching the rest, in a palette. I also like that it is almost entirely glitter-free. I can't pull off the glitter, usually. It gets all over my face, and makes me look like I have been up all night partying.

I put the light colors all over the lid, and use a medium for the crease. I only use the darker colors a little bit. I talked to a sales person at Ulta once, who had pretty medium tanned skin. She loved original Naked best, and a color she pointed out as her go-to lid color, was a color that is too dark for me to use as a crease color. lol But it seems to be popular with a lot of people.

If you wear pinks well, then go Naked 3! If you'd rather have a variety, I'd say, Naked 2. Just my two cents. ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Thank you for your ideas! I have been swaying more toward Naked 3 today. I realized that I would get more use out of lighter shades, and I have a soft spot for rose gold.

Quote: Originally Posted by coffeecardigan /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I got my Naked 3 palette and my Blitz bag in the mail today.  I put it in my husband's office, unopened, so he can wrap it for Christmas.  It's two rooms away from me and I want it noooow.

You have more willpower than I do, mine came today and I totally opened it and played with it even though technically its a Christmas present.

I love it and its so much better in person. I was a little worried what with all the loose pan issues but mine are all ok.

Quote: Originally Posted by Shaina /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You have more willpower than I do, mine came today and I totally opened it and played with it even though technically its a Christmas present.

I love it and its so much better in person. I was a little worried what with all the loose pan issues but mine are all ok.

I almost checked it to make sure everything was kosher, but I didn't at the last second.  My willpower spawns from the guilt I feel over purchasing so many goodies this Advent season!  AAH!  I'm glad you love yours.

I'm playing with my Naked 3 palette and so far, I like it! I didn't think I'd like it at first because pinks don't always fare well on my yellow undertone, but with the brown, bronze and taupe shades in the palette it works!

I have one gripe that I hope someone can help me with:

One of the shades (I think) was pressed too firmly! I can't really pick up any color without scraping the brush on there. It's a bummer because Burnout looks so pretty, but I know I've seen one or two reviews where people had a similar issue with Trick in their palettes. Anybody have any hints on what'll help soften it up? All the other colors are buttery and smooth...

Aside from that, my heart's still aflutter. Lol.

Quote: Originally Posted by PetitLapin21 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I'm playing with my Naked 3 palette and so far, I like it! I didn't think I'd like it at first because pinks don't always fare well on my yellow undertone, but with the brown, bronze and taupe shades in the palette it works!

I have one gripe that I hope someone can help me with:

One of the shades (I think) was pressed too firmly! I can't really pick up any color without scraping the brush on there. It's a bummer because Burnout looks so pretty, but I know I've seen one or two reviews where people had a similar issue with Trick in their palettes. Anybody have any hints on what'll help soften it up? All the other colors are buttery and smooth...

Aside from that, my heart's still aflutter. Lol.
The only way to really soften it really is to break it up a little.  You can VERY gently run a clean pin or needle over the top of it but then it will become a little more like a loose powder and you will have to store it flat.... Why don't you email Urban Decay and ask them?  Most companies love to hear what is going on with their products and they may have some advice or send a new one etc...

Quote: Originally Posted by Sumayyah /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  The only way to really soften it really is to break it up a little.  You can VERY gently run a clean pin or needle over the top of it but then it will become a little more like a loose powder and you will have to store it flat.... Why don't you email Urban Decay and ask them?  Most companies love to hear what is going on with their products and they may have some advice or send a new one etc...
I'll shoot them an email and see if they have any recommendations. I'll keep you guys posted just in case someone else has a similar experience with one of their UD shadows.



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