Urban Decay NAKED 3 palette

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Quote: Originally Posted by Prtylitlesyko /img/forum/go_quote.gif

They'll send you a new one if you contact them. When naked 2 came out a friend of mine had the same thing happen and they sent her a new one and told her to keep the other one as well
I'm late to the game and just got the UD1 and it also had a shadow falling out. I was able to push it in but it wiggles when I use it...

Quote: Originally Posted by chladnis /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I have been anxiously awaiting for the naked 3 to come out at Sephora. I was hoping my husband got it for me for Christmas, but he informed me he "can't buy me makeup because I am always buying stuff".

Now I have my $20 coupon, I know what I will be spending it on.
My hubby said makeup is not a gift, oh how wrong he is!!! It's something I use daily and it makes me feel good =)

Quote: Originally Posted by SaraP /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by chladnis /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I have been anxiously awaiting for the naked 3 to come out at Sephora. I was hoping my husband got it for me for Christmas, but he informed me he "can't buy me makeup because I am always buying stuff".

Now I have my $20 coupon, I know what I will be spending it on.
My hubby said makeup is not a gift, oh how wrong he is!!! It's something I use daily and it makes me feel good =)

I can understand the perspective of your husband, @chladnis; my husband would have a really tough time finding makeup that I don't already have. But a gift card to a Sephora or something...

@SaraP, you're right, makeup is totally a gift! (However, see my disclaimer above about how it might be hard to buy for makeup hoarders/addicts. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />)

  I have been anxiously awaiting for the naked 3 to come out at Sephora. I was hoping my husband got it for me for Christmas, but he informed me he "can't buy me makeup because I am always buying stuff". Now I have my $20 coupon, I know what I will be spending it on.
My hubby said makeup is not a gift, oh how wrong he is!!! It's something I use daily and it makes me feel good =)
I can understand the perspective of your husband, @chladnis ; my husband would have a really tough time finding makeup that I don't already have. But a gift card to a Sephora or something... @SaraP , you're right, makeup is totally a gift! (However, see my disclaimer above about how it might be hard to buy for makeup hoarders/addicts. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />)
Hey buy it, but give me a gift receipt I can always take it back and trust that I can find something else to, em, hoard, even if it's just tiny things I can use in giveaways for my blog :D /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Quote: Originally Posted by Prtylitlesyko /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by sleepykat /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by SaraP /img/forum/go_quote.gif

  Quote: Originally Posted by chladnis /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I have been anxiously awaiting for the naked 3 to come out at Sephora. I was hoping my husband got it for me for Christmas, but he informed me he "can't buy me makeup because I am always buying stuff".
Now I have my $20 coupon, I know what I will be spending it on.

My hubby said makeup is not a gift, oh how wrong he is!!! It's something I use daily and it makes me feel good =) I can understand the perspective of your husband, @chladnis
; my husband would have a really tough time finding makeup that I don't already have. But a gift card to a Sephora or something...

, you're right, makeup is totally a gift! (However, see my disclaimer above about how it might be hard to buy for makeup hoarders/addicts.
Hey buy it, but give me a gift receipt I can always take it back and trust that I can find something else to, em, hoard, even if it's just tiny things I can use in giveaways for my blog
Good point, gift receipt gives them the advantage that you can return it if you already have it or a dupe, but they are acknowledging that they have paid attention and that they know that you love makeup.

Quote: Originally Posted by SaraP /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  My hubby said makeup is not a gift, oh how wrong he is!!! It's something I use daily and it makes me feel good =)
Makeup is absolutely a gift!! I love getting makeup for birthdays and holidays, especially if it is something pricey that I can't justify the price for buying on a random Tuesday...Like the Naked 3 palette.

Totally off topic, but did anyone else get the EM email about cyber Monday? It's buy one get one free on...EVERYTHING. I dunno how anyone here feels about the line, but I personally like the lipsticks, I almost want to get a life palette, or you know two, to try out, maybe some other stuff...still sitting on that fence though.

My Naked 3 is out for delivery! It was originally scheduled for tomorrow but updated this morning! Yay! It's a Cyber Monday miracle!

Gah I have it in my basket and I'm so torn on if I should buy it and have it sent to my fiance in texas to bring back for me when he comes back home on Dec 20th or if I should go wait outside Sephora on the 12th in the morning to try and get it. So torn! I want it for my trip to visit my relatives in Switzerland on Dec 22nd.

If you guys were to go on the 12th how early would you show up?

Gah I have it in my basket and I'm so torn on if I should buy it and have it sent to my fiance in texas to bring back for me when he comes back home on Dec 20th or if I should go wait outside Sephora on the 12th in the morning to try and get it. So torn! I want it for my trip to visit my relatives in Switzerland on Dec 22nd. If you guys were to go on the 12th how early would you show up?
I would just buy it now and have it shipped, no guarantees that you will be able to get it from Sephora, but you can definitely get it now.
Quote: Originally Posted by kellly /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  someone wrote something about being sure to get "487, 399, 344, and 358" and I didn't know what those numbers stood for.
Yes, I was referring to Inglot shades!  Sorry, it was a bit off topic. :)

Quote: Originally Posted by chladnis /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I have been anxiously awaiting for the naked 3 to come out at Sephora. I was hoping my husband got it for me for Christmas, but he informed me he "can't buy me makeup because I am always buying stuff".

Now I have my $20 coupon, I know what I will be spending it on.
Last night I had a dream I went to Sephora and bought it. I was almost finished swatching it when I woke up.

No... I'm not obsessed at all...

Quote: Originally Posted by SaraP /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  My hubby said makeup is not a gift, oh how wrong he is!!! It's something I use daily and it makes me feel good =)
Men lol.  Yea my husband just told me to buy whatever I want since he bought himself a playstation 4 I think (Dunno what number they're on).  How is makeup not a gift?  Anything you want and ask someone for or they buy you for a holiday or your birthday is a gift.  Half the things guys want I think are less of gifts than makeup.

It's already sold out! I got an email from UD and immediately went on their website to order it, but by the time I entered all my information it was sold out :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

My Naked3 arrived.

The shadows feel a bit soft w/ alot of fall out.

Not all of them, just some.

Ironically the 2nd shadow "DUST", literally turned to dust and practically crumbled when I swatched it with a brush.

Is anyone else have a similar issue?

Otherwise, the colors are gorgeous!

Quote: Originally Posted by EllaK /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  It's already sold out! I got an email from UD and immediately went on their website to order it, but by the time I entered all my information it was sold out :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Wow.  I knew it'd go fast but whew, they're going like hotcakes again!  I got the heads up through Temptalia on Facebook this morning/afternoon and ordered it right away, about two hours ago.  I was going back and forth over what shade of lipstick I should add to my order on the day it came out and by the time I went through with my order it was right on the edge of being sold out - I got error messages and couldn't order.

There must be some psychological phenomenon behind 'hard to get' items - I know when something is close to being sold out it makes me whip out my debit card faster . . . 

Quote: Originally Posted by LisaLeah /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  My Naked3 arrived.

The shadows feel a bit soft w/ alot of fall out.

Not all of them, just some.

Ironically the 2nd shadow "DUST", literally turned to dust and practically crumbled when I swatched it with a brush.

Is anyone else have a similar issue?

Otherwise, the colors are gorgeous!

I'm having a lot of trouble with Dust and Trick... Dust reminds me of Provocateur with it crumbling and Trick is mushy.. it's not EVEN leveled in my palette. I'll take a picture later. 


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