Urban Decay NAKED 3 palette

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Quote: Originally Posted by QueenJane /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I am going to an UD event at Ulta tomorrow.  First question to the rep will be "when can i get it here!"
Talked to a rep at Sephora and she said 12/12 in store....

My palette is now 30 minutes away from me! I guess it will stay there all weekend and be delivered on Monday.

That's a very pretty palette but there is 3 shades I know I'll never wear. I'll go build myself similar at inglot instead. I love that medium mauve color!

I joined MUT today because I've been lurking a few days and love this place!

I ordered Naked 3 at 12:03 p.m. EST on 11/21 and never got an e-mail confirmation or a ship notice.  My order status when I log into my account still says "Being Processed".

My husband called in for me about 5 p.m. EST yesterday (Friday) to make sure my order was in the system since I never received an e-mail order confirmation or a shipment notice.  It is in their system.  But they said they were very overwhelmed from the launch, their distribution is experiencing some delays, and it could be up to 5 business days before my palette ships.  Not that it will take that long - but it COULD take that long.  (So if yours is already on the way . . . LUCKY!)  They told him that everyone who placed an order before they sold out has a Naked 3 reserved in their name and will have it ship sometime within that 5 business day timeframe.

P.S.  Thankfully my order is fine even though I never got an e-mail confirmation - and as mentioned above, it is "Being Processed" like my account shows when I login and view order history.  I'm just not very good at waiting.  My birthday is the 28th and neeeeed it by then.  

Shutterblog, you have made me very glad I did not have it shipped to my mom's house, where I will be staying for ten days. Imagine, if I had, and it hadn't arrived until after I left! The horror. And even if it did arrive at the last minute, I'd be worried about it.

I have priority shipping on mine and it hasn't shipped either. So much for priority shipping. Does it make me a cranky person knowing that they're not going to toss any extra samples as an apology? Would it kill them to toss in a sample of lipstick or eyeliner? lol ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I am so mad at myself right now! I was on the site when they were still in stock and talked myself out of it - when I could have bought 3 or 4 of them put all but one on eBay and had mine paid for as well as make some extra cash! I can't believe people are paying 100 bucks for them - I looked at one listing and it said that the seller had already sold 8 of them! Holy crap !!!! Has anyone heard anything on when they will be released at sephora ?

Quote: Originally Posted by Cendrillon /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  That's a very pretty palette but there is 3 shades I know I'll never wear. I'll go build myself similar at inglot instead. I love that medium mauve color!
You must get 487, 399, 344, and 358!  :)

I am so mad at myself right now! I was on the site when they were still in stock and talked myself out of it - when I could have bought 3 or 4 of them put all but one on eBay and had mine paid for as well as make some extra cash! I can't believe people are paying 100 bucks for them - I looked at one listing and it said that the seller had already sold 8 of them! Holy crap !!!! Has anyone heard anything on when they will be released at sephora ?
I know. In kicking myself right now. I should have ordered ten of them!
So I went to ulta today for an UD event--ulta will have them 12/12 according to my artist. So I bought some other stuff, earned triple points so when it does come out it I will cash in the points. I know that it is going to be an awesome palette, but seriously, I can wait 2.5 more weeks for it to be in store :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> and not pay eBay prices

Quote: Originally Posted by QueenJane /img/forum/go_quote.gif

So I went to ulta today for an UD event--ulta will have them 12/12 according to my artist. So I bought some other stuff, earned triple points so when it does come out it I will cash in the points.

I know that it is going to be an awesome palette, but seriously, I can wait 2.5 more weeks for it to be in store
and not pay eBay prices

I'm sure it will be worth the wait!  Also, I'd much rather give my money to the actual company that created the product than a scalper.

A bunch of listings were removed from eBay, but now they are back. One is listed for $300. I missed out on the opening day, but I'll be at Ulta early on  12/12.

Meanwhile I keep looking at the swatches online over and over, falling more in love!

Quote: Originally Posted by coffeecardigan /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  You must get 487, 399, 344, and 358!  :)
Ohh thanks for the recommandation I especially love 399 and 358 they are going to be in my palette for sure!

Quote: Originally Posted by Cendrillon /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Ohh thanks for the recommandation I especially love 399 and 358 they are going to be in my palette for sure!

You're welcome!  I get compliments every time I've worn 487 all over the lid-- unique and gorgeous subdued rosy purple!  The sparkles don't really show.


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