Urban Decay NAKED 3 palette

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Quote: Originally Posted by zadidoll /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by luckyme502 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by Prtylitlesyko /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Omg! There's one for $400! All of these have been up for at least three days and they're not stock photos or all the same photos, please no one bite my head off, but I can't help but think these are blogger gifts. Does anyone else find that a bit unethical?

I believe they are bloggers selling them.
If they are bloggers then report them because most companies do NOT allow PR items to be sold.

I hope bloggers are not selling their PR ones. A lot of companies have you agree not to sell the items and not even to blog about them until they say the info is ready to be disclosed to the public. (Sometimes bloggers or their friends will buy them products and then they will get the same thing from PR, so they sell the one that they bought; that seems okay.)

I'm not as tempted by these NAKED palettes as I am by their colorful ones. I do think that part of it is the packaging; I prefer the more interesting art.

Mine has shipped also! still hasnt updated but im hopeful it will get here before thanksgiving!

Ok ladies, enable me please. I am getting the Lorac pro palette and the UD BOS 4 for Christmas. I'm on the fence about getting a naked palette, but mostly because I don't know which one to get?! I'm light/fair with yellow undertones and have blue eyes and dark hair. Which naked palette should I get- 1, 2 or 3? I have enough points at Ulta to make it nearly free...

Quote: Originally Posted by OnlyAverageMom /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Ok ladies, enable me please. I am getting the Lorac pro palette and the UD BOS 4 for Christmas. I'm on the fence about getting a naked palette, but mostly because I don't know which one to get?! I'm light/fair with yellow undertones and have blue eyes and dark hair. Which naked palette should I get- 1, 2 or 3? I have enough points at Ulta to make it nearly free...

I suggest the Naked 2 for you; it has a beautiful mix of warm and cool colors.  Bootycall is my favorite inner corner highlight shade, YDK is an awesome rosy-gold, Snakebite is like Smog on steroids, Blackout is awesome as a liner, and Foxy is a fantastic highlight shade.  To be honest, there ain't a dud in the bunch.  I feel like Naked 2 has the most variety!  (Verve and Pistol are gorgeous taupey-silvers.)  Let us know what you decide!

Quote: Originally Posted by OnlyAverageMom /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Ok ladies, enable me please. I am getting the Lorac pro palette and the UD BOS 4 for Christmas. I'm on the fence about getting a naked palette, but mostly because I don't know which one to get?! I'm light/fair with yellow undertones and have blue eyes and dark hair. Which naked palette should I get- 1, 2 or 3? I have enough points at Ulta to make it nearly free...
Agreeing with naked 2 for you. Possibly naked 3 though I can't really judge til I get it.

OH and i got shipping notices for both mine and my sister's. I cannot WAIT. Drive faster UPS!! 

Quote: Originally Posted by OnlyAverageMom /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Ok ladies, enable me please. I am getting the Lorac pro palette and the UD BOS 4 for Christmas. I'm on the fence about getting a naked palette, but mostly because I don't know which one to get?! I'm light/fair with yellow undertones and have blue eyes and dark hair. Which naked palette should I get- 1, 2 or 3? I have enough points at Ulta to make it nearly free...
I have the same coloring except my skin is more light/medium.  I have Naked 1 and the bronze-y shades look really great, especially Smog.  I am pretty neutral toned though so I can't say warm or cool colors really look better so if you're like that all of the palettes should work well for you!  My sister is the same as me but with fairer skin, and she has Naked 2 and the colors are good for her.  So I think any of the Naked palettes would probably work well for you-- just decide if you want bronze N1, taupe N2 or rose N3 colors!  I vote N1 or 3.

As much as I want this RIGHT NOW, I want to wait as well for it to be available at Sephora i am this close to being VIB before years end. 

I called my Sephora they said Dec 21st....I'm in Philly.

Quote: Originally Posted by LinaMingo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  As much as I want this RIGHT NOW, I want to wait as well for it to be available at Sephora i am this close to being VIB before years end.

I called my Sephora they said Dec 21st....I'm in Philly.

Hey, sorry, this is off topic, but if you become a VIB before the end of this year, does that mean you'll also be a VIB next year? Or do you have to qualify for that year too?

The EBay thing is crazy, why pay ridiculous $$$ when they're going to be sold again in stores like Sephora or Ulta. And @eastofthesun I' not quite sure on that but I think your suppose to spend that amount the next year to keep VIB status. I have yet to reach it but I'm real close.

Quote: Originally Posted by eastofthesun /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hey, sorry, this is off topic, but if you become a VIB before the end of this year, does that mean you'll also be a VIB next year? Or do you have to qualify for that year too?

Yes, if you qualify this year you'll be VIB for all of 2014.

I wish mine would ship already! I'm really looking forward to this, as it's my first Naked palette. I have the Vice palette and LOVE the colors & pigmentation, but since I typically wear pinks and neutrals I'm really excited about this.

Quote: Originally Posted by Elizabeth Mac /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I wish mine would ship already! I'm really looking forward to this, as it's my first Naked palette. I have the Vice palette and LOVE the colors & pigmentation, but since I typically wear pinks and neutrals I'm really excited about this.
I am anxiously waiting for mine to ship too.  I bought it just before it sold out...like within 10-15 minutes.  So I'm nervous that mine won't make it before I leave to go to my parents' house before Thanksgiving!

I am going to an UD event at Ulta tomorrow.  First question to the rep will be "when can i get it here!"

I finally got my shipping confirmation! I had to call them and asked them if it will be ship soon since I did pay for next day shipping. Right after I hung up with them I got my shipping confirmation. Yay!! Now more waiting.

I suggest the Naked 2 for you; it has a beautiful mix of warm and cool colors.  Bootycall is my favorite inner corner highlight shade, YDK is an awesome rosy-gold, Snakebite is like Smog on steroids, Blackout is awesome as a liner, and Foxy is a fantastic highlight shade.  To be honest, there ain't a dud in the bunch.  I feel like Naked 2 has the most variety!  (Verve and Pistol are gorgeous taupey-silvers.)  Let us know what you decide!
Agreeing with naked 2 for you. Possibly naked 3 though I can't really judge til I get it.
I have the same coloring except my skin is more light/medium.  I have Naked 1 and the bronze-y shades look really great, especially Smog.  I am pretty neutral toned though so I can't say warm or cool colors really look better so if you're like that all of the palettes should work well for you!  My sister is the same as me but with fairer skin, and she has Naked 2 and the colors are good for her.  So I think any of the Naked palettes would probably work well for you-- just decide if you want bronze N1, taupe N2 or rose N3 colors!  I vote N1 or 3.
Thanks so much for the help, ladies! I'm going to Ulta tomorrow (it's an hour away) and I will let you know what I decide. I'm going to ask about the n3 release date too :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Quote: Originally Posted by QueenJane /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I am going to an UD event at Ulta tomorrow.  First question to the rep will be "when can i get it here!"
Let us know what you find out!  I have $30 in Ulta rewards burning a hole in my pocket!


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