(Spoilers) Birchbox October 2013

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Quote: Originally Posted by CuriouslyAmanda /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I'm still in the washing every-other-day camp but that's been a huge improvement over what used to be daily washings. (And sometimes I forget I'm supposed to wash so I go two days without washing!) 

My hair is very fine and tends to be a lot more fragile when I use shampoo more frequently. There was definitely an adjustment period of a few weeks where my scalp was crazy oily. My stylist (who encouraged me to do this and admitted the adjustment can be odd) mentioned that even if you rinse your hair (but don't use shampoo) then you'll get most of the dirt/oil out and it feels better. This was basically how I would tide myself over through the oily period. It didn't rinse out all of the oil (so your scalp is still adjusting) but enough of it to make it tolerable. 

This is what I've just started doing myself. My hair is very fine/thin and gets super oily, but I recently colored it with ginger-blonde highlights (from auburn brown) so I HAVE to stop washing it daily! It is SOOOO hard! LOL
I'm used to daily washing just because I love that fresh, clean feeling and I need to get rid of that oil, especially in my bangs. Plus, my hair seriously hates styling correctly unless it's clean. Alas! So now I try to wash every other day, then do a deep conditioning on Sunday.

Quote: Originally Posted by CheshireCookie /img/forum/go_quote.gif
This is what I've just started doing myself. My hair is very fine/thin and gets super oily, but I recently colored it with ginger-blonde highlights (from auburn brown) so I HAVE to stop washing it daily! It is SOOOO hard! LOL
I'm used to daily washing just because I love that fresh, clean feeling and I need to get rid of that oil, especially in my bangs. Plus, my hair seriously hates styling correctly unless it's clean. Alas! So now I try to wash every other day, then do a deep conditioning on Sunday.

It's tough to adapt! I love the clean feeling too. For those first couple of weeks I basically lived in headbands (to keep the oily hair off my face). My hair actually feels like it has more volume on the no-shampoo days so it's a trade-off. I'll either get clean hair or hair with body! 

I love this discussion!

I only wash my hair 2-3 times per week and have been doing this for years.  I have a family full of hairdressers and they say this is the only way to go.  I have VERY thick, heavy hair and it looks good.  I will use a dry shampoo once or twice a week and deep condition every other week (I love Enjoy hair mask!) Keep with it, your hair will love you for it

I received Box 3 and I like it! 12 Benefits hair treatment- used it once so far, smells really good Dr. Brandt skin exfoliant- made my skin really soft and smells really good too! Super goop sunscreen- haven't used it but I could always use more sunscreen (hope I don't regret saying that!) Thebalm staniac- not too impressed, not much color And of course, the Chapstick which I actually really like! It's not too vanilla-y Someone earlier was asking about the sunscreen sample not being very full, mine isn't either, I think that's just the way they are. Overall, I'm happy 😊 I had not tried any of these products before.

CS was great for the broken box. I am impressed. 

Finally got my tracking number for the Oct box, can't find a weight tho. So excited. 

Quote: Originally Posted by CuriouslyAmanda /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I'm still in the washing every-other-day camp but that's been a huge improvement over what used to be daily washings. (And sometimes I forget I'm supposed to wash so I go two days without washing!) 

My hair is very fine and tends to be a lot more fragile when I use shampoo more frequently. There was definitely an adjustment period of a few weeks where my scalp was crazy oily. My stylist (who encouraged me to do this and admitted the adjustment can be odd) mentioned that even if you rinse your hair (but don't use shampoo) then you'll get most of the dirt/oil out and it feels better. This was basically how I would tide myself over through the oily period. It didn't rinse out all of the oil (so your scalp is still adjusting) but enough of it to make it tolerable. 
Did you use conditioner the day you just rinsed? Mine turns into s greasy mess if water touches it without shampoo.

I have been washing every other day, sometimes even skipping two days. I have a few dry shampoos but don't even need them much unless I am skipping 2 days. I stopped using hot water, just barely warm and been using shampoo and conditioner for drier hair because the ends were sticking up and I was too lazy to pull out the flat iron. That Davines conditioner makes my hair amazingly soft. The shampoo I switch around. I think what really fixed the oiliness was switching from a shampoo for oily hair to one for smoothing hair.

How much is listed on the sunscreen tube? I have a Supergoop CC cream tube right here that says it's 3ml. That's actually 0.6 tsp even though the tube can clearly hold much more than that, so if the tube says 5ml and there is a full teaspoon in there, it contains what it says regardless of the size of the tube. On one hand, it's a badly packaged sample because it looks like it should have much more, but on the other hand, this seems to be standard with tube samples. I kind of get the feeling that si many people complained about foils that companies decided to put the same amounts in tubes, but these are the smallest tubes they can get their hands on.

the box I have in myi account does not match what I got. I was suppose to get the benefit fakeup but instead I got the klorane shampoo. did this happen to anyone else??? kind of bummed

the box I have in myi account does not match what I got. I was suppose to get the benefit fakeup but instead I got the klorane shampoo. did this happen to anyone else??? kind of bummed
Email them! They will probably either send you the correct sample or give you points if you express your disappointment.
Quote: Originally Posted by barbyechick /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  yeah another here that is yellow toned pale, I hear so much love for drugstore products and every time I regret it. Plus, at least in my area, makeup returns are based on store manager approval and I'm not taking that chance when I'm not willing to give up 12-15 bucks.

It's even harder since I'm olive toned light (in MAC closest is b/w NC20, MUFE probably 117/120), so although I technically fall into the warm side of foundations it's never yellow enough lol. Everything has too much peach or pink in it's base but the closest I can get is in 'high-end' foundations - so Chanel, Giorgio Armani, Bobbi Brown, Koh Gen Do, MUFE. The drugstore brands have found a way to guarantee increased $$$ by sliding me up the scale and by keeping me from buying cheaper lol.

Exactly my problem. I'm about the same shade, too. The other issue is that I have supremely oily skin, so that limits a lot of foundations as well. It's so frustrating. 

Aside with all that dry shampoo/oily scalp talks; my hair itches a lot. I don't have dandruff or anything like that. Sulfate free shampoos helps with my itchy scalp. I can't use cheap shampoos because it makes my scalp itchy more. The less I wash my hair; it doesn't itch as much anymore but I can't go more than 3 days without washing because it would itch. I'm still trying to figure it out. I did use dry shampoo test but I have to wash my hair the next day because dry shampoo makes my hair more itchy and greasy. No, I did not spray too close. I followed the directions spray by sections, and brush it throughly. I also had to changed the way I applied daily conditioner. I applied onto the ends of my hair and lather/worked it way up toward scalp that way the residue from conditioner wouldn't irritate my scalp. I don't use styling products. Is there something I might be allergic to? I'm kinda at my end's wits. I did the apple vinegar route which did help but it made difficult to style. I used to use Frederic Fekkai's Apple rinse (they discontinued it ugh) and it helped so much.

Curious if the no 'poo-ers gym or workout daily/regularly?  How do you reduce gym funk from your hair if you don't use 'poo everyday, do you find dry shampoo is enough?

I have fine, thin, oily hair too and only occasionally skip a day of 'poo here and there, usually on the weekends.  But I find I have to soap up after a workout, my hair is so thin it sometimes looks like I've taken a shower during my workout or after a run, because I sweat so much my hair is too thin to soak up all the sweat. Lovely, isn't it?

I usually wear a hat/headbands at the gym to help keep my hair out of my face and absorb the sweat, but it makes my hair ultra stinky, I feel like I HAVE to shampoo almost daily to get rid of gym funk.  

Quote: Originally Posted by Ann Tucci /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Curious if the no 'poo-ers gym or workout daily/regularly?  How do you reduce gym funk from your hair if you don't use 'poo everyday, do you find dry shampoo is enough?

I have fine, thin, oily hair too and only occasionally skip a day of 'poo here and there, usually on the weekends.  But I find I have to soap up after a workout, my hair is so thin it sometimes looks like I've taken a shower during my workout or after a run, because I sweat so much my hair is too thin to soak up all the sweat. Lovely, isn't it?

I usually wear a hat/headbands at the gym to help keep my hair out of my face and absorb the sweat, but it makes my hair ultra stinky, I feel like I HAVE to shampoo almost daily to get rid of gym funk.  
I use shampoo every other day even when I'm working out daily. I do shower after the gym and rinse my hair and wash my face/body. I throw on a leave-in anti-frizz product (Davines Momo Fluid) after showering when my hair is still wet and I never have a problem with grossness or smell. 

Quote: Originally Posted by meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Email them! They will probably either send you the correct sample or give you points if you express your disappointment.
Agreed; I've always found BB CS to do a good job.

Exactly my problem. I'm about the same shade, too. The other issue is that I have supremely oily skin, so that limits a lot of foundations as well. It's so frustrating. 
Me too! Although I hear oiliness is part of Mediterranean/olive skin (along with easy scarring). We should share notes on what works lol!
Quote: Originally Posted by lexxies22 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Aside with all that dry shampoo/oily scalp talks; my hair itches a lot. I don't have dandruff or anything like that. Sulfate free shampoos helps with my itchy scalp. I can't use cheap shampoos because it makes my scalp itchy more. The less I wash my hair; it doesn't itch as much anymore but I can't go more than 3 days without washing because it would itch. I'm still trying to figure it out. I did use dry shampoo test but I have to wash my hair the next day because dry shampoo makes my hair more itchy and greasy. No, I did not spray too close. I followed the directions spray by sections, and brush it throughly.

I also had to changed the way I applied daily conditioner. I applied onto the ends of my hair and lather/worked it way up toward scalp that way the residue from conditioner wouldn't irritate my scalp. I don't use styling products. Is there something I might be allergic to? I'm kinda at my end's wits. I did the apple vinegar route which did help but it made difficult to style. I used to use Frederic Fekkai's Apple rinse (they discontinued it ugh) and it helped so much.
I'm unsure; have you talked to a dermatologist or GP? Maybe you are really sensitive or have a skin condition (other than dandruff)? It might be hard to see what's actually going on with your scalp unless someone else looks at it. 

Also, maybe you can give baby shampoo a try? I'm sure someone who's a mom could recommend a good one. Those are supposed to be extra gentle so maybe that would help? 

I have a ton of super fine, curly/wavy hair.  I wash my hair twice a week.   I don't think you should worry about people noticing if you don't wash your hair every day, it's one of those things that you notice but honestly it is very unlikely anyone else will even notice.  When I was in high school I washed it every day and I have definitely noticed that it doesn't get greasy as quickly, and is much more manageable now that I don't do it every day.  One tip is to really cut out the amount of product you use when you are transitioning, as that will make your hair greasier faster.  There are so many kinds of dry shampoo, that I really believe there is one for everyone, since my collection is extremely varied.  I think people get confused by the name, dry shampoo will never be the same as traditional shampoos, and it doesn't really clean your hair.  It will never feel the same as just washing your hair does, because it is not washing it.  It is only supposed to make your hair look cleaner.  If you don't like the way it feels, it's just something you get used to.  I think that not washing your hair is such a huge change, so of course it will be weird for a little bit.

Quote: Originally Posted by Ann Tucci /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Curious if the no 'poo-ers gym or workout daily/regularly?  How do you reduce gym funk from your hair if you don't use 'poo everyday, do you find dry shampoo is enough?

I have fine, thin, oily hair too and only occasionally skip a day of 'poo here and there, usually on the weekends.  But I find I have to soap up after a workout, my hair is so thin it sometimes looks like I've taken a shower during my workout or after a run, because I sweat so much my hair is too thin to soak up all the sweat. Lovely, isn't it?

I usually wear a hat/headbands at the gym to help keep my hair out of my face and absorb the sweat, but it makes my hair ultra stinky, I feel like I HAVE to shampoo almost daily to get rid of gym funk.  
I rinse with a silicone-free conditioner after the gym--Trader Joe's Tea Tree Tingle is my favorite for post-workout.

What I still haven't mastered is what to do after a swim.  I'm currently rehabbing my back and can't run so I would like to get back into swimming laps, but the whole reason I stopped swimming was because it was killing my hair routine.  Swim caps make me feel claustrophobic.

Quote: Originally Posted by quene8106 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  i thought that i would hate the pop beauty lipgloss but i tried it today and it feels great. this is definitely not your typical lip gloss.  i layered it over my bobbi brown sheer lip color in carolina and i received the fuchsia color (in box 1). i have enough lip products to last me a lifetime, so i won't buy it immediately.  i wish that i got the naked princess gloss last year b/c i'm very curious about that brand.

Looks great!

Quote: Originally Posted by OiiO /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Peptides is short for amino acid monomers linked by peptide bonds, so saying "peptides", or "amino peptides" or "amino acid peptides" is not wrong or redundant at all :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Not really... peptides isn't short for anything, it's a word meaning amino acid monomers linked by peptide bonds, specifically short chains.  No scientist would ever use the phrase "amino peptides", it's just not used, all peptides are by definition made of amino acids so it's unnecessary.  It's like saying "wooden tree" or "canine dog"... just sounds ridiculous.  BUT I did find by googling that it's a "nonscientific" term coined by skincare companies, and is used by other companies such as Olay, so I forgive BB for using it.  


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