(Spoilers) Birchbox October 2013

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Quote: Originally Posted by peridotcricket /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by queenofperil /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by peridotcricket /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Anyone else go to review the Chapstick and there's no box to type what you think of the sample? I filled out all the little dropdown boxes and got my 10 points, but I had review-typing boxes when I reviewed the perfume and the other samples, eventhough I chose Have Not Tried Sample because they're up for trade. I would have said "WTF, Birchbox? I did not subscribe to get F-ing Chapstick!"

They specifically said that the Chapstick isn't taking the place of the samples you already get. In our Birchboxes, we get 4-5 samples. Take whatever other samples you got as your actual Birchbox, and this one as literally just a free extra that they threw in.
Totally not the point of what I was saying. My point is that Chapstick is not a high-end beauty sample and that I should be able to post my opinion of it in a product review on the Birchbox website. Everybody should, whether they like the Chapstick, or like receiving $3.99 drugstore samples in their box or they hate it. I mean, I got points for the review, so obviously it didn't take the place of another sample. When I looked at the reviews, not all of them were happy with the Chapstick, but at least all 7 of them got to post express their views, whereas it looks like nobody else can. I feel gypped because I'm used to actually posting a review, not just filling out a few dropdown boxes for a sample. I know Birchbox filters reviews as well, but to totally stop us from typing our opinion of a sample that we do get points for reviewing is kind of strange in my Birchbox experience. I've never had a reviewable sample before where there was nowhere to type what I thought of the product. Anybody know what happened? Did they get a flood of angry reviews and decide filtering them was too much trouble so they shut off the Share Your Opinion feature?
1. Go to where you read the reviews 

2. Click "Write a review".

3. Write a review.

4. Click "Submit a review". Voila! 

Not sure why they removed it from the product feedback page but you can still write a review. 

Quote: Originally Posted by peridotcricket /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Totally not the point of what I was saying. My point is that Chapstick is not a high-end beauty sample and that I should be able to post my opinion of it in a product review on the Birchbox website. Everybody should, whether they like the Chapstick, or like receiving $3.99 drugstore samples in their box or they hate it. I mean, I got points for the review, so obviously it didn't take the place of another sample. When I looked at the reviews, not all of them were happy with the Chapstick, but at least all 7 of them got to post express their views, whereas it looks like nobody else can. I feel gypped because I'm used to actually posting a review, not just filling out a few dropdown boxes for a sample. I know Birchbox filters reviews as well, but to totally stop us from typing our opinion of a sample that we do get points for reviewing is kind of strange in my Birchbox experience. I've never had a reviewable sample before where there was nowhere to type what I thought of the product. Anybody know what happened? Did they get a flood of angry reviews and decide filtering them was too much trouble so they shut off the Share Your Opinion feature?
The point of "birchbox finds" is to share "non-high end products" with us.

Anyway, the option to write a full review is available on my page, I already did the points review, and I went back and was able to do the regular review for the web page. Also it takes up to 72 hours for reviews to be posted.

Quote: Originally Posted by peridotcricket /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I haven't tried the sample, just to be honest here, and I was just reviewing it for points, but for me it was just click here, click here, click here, and no place to type my review, which I find frustrating because saying it's a cheap drugstore item and not a high-end sample like I expect from Birchbox is technically a review.
If you haven't tried the sample why are you wanting to review it on the products page...

Anyone else go to review the Chapstick and there's no box to type what you think of the sample? I filled out all the little dropdown boxes and got my 10 points, but I had review-typing boxes when I reviewed the perfume and the other samples, eventhough I chose Have Not Tried Sample because they're up for trade. I would have said "WTF, Birchbox? I did not subscribe to get F-ing Chapstick!"
They specifically said that the Chapstick isn't taking the place of the samples you already get. In our Birchboxes, we get 4-5 samples. Take whatever other samples you got as your actual Birchbox, and this one as literally just a free extra that they threw in.
Totally not the point of what I was saying. My point is that Chapstick is not a high-end beauty sample and that I should be able to post my opinion of it in a product review on the Birchbox website. Everybody should, whether they like the Chapstick, or like receiving $3.99 drugstore samples in their box or they hate it. I mean, I got points for the review, so obviously it didn't take the place of another sample. When I looked at the reviews, not all of them were happy with the Chapstick, but at least all 7 of them got to post express their views, whereas it looks like nobody else can. I feel gypped because I'm used to actually posting a review, not just filling out a few dropdown boxes for a sample. I know Birchbox filters reviews as well, but to totally stop us from typing our opinion of a sample that we do get points for reviewing is kind of strange in my Birchbox experience. I've never had a reviewable sample before where there was nowhere to type what I thought of the product. Anybody know what happened? Did they get a flood of angry reviews and decide filtering them was too much trouble so they shut off the Share Your Opinion feature?
1. Go to where you read the reviews  2. Click "Write a review". 3. Write a review. 4. Click "Submit a review". Voila!  ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />   Not sure why they removed it from the product feedback page but you can still write a review.  :smilehappyyes:
Lol. Good to know. I will give it a go. Maybe my "WTF, Birchbox? I did not sunscribe to get Chapstick!" will get past their filtering and actually get posted. 'cause I gotta say, I've got some totally unexpected samples in the past, but nothing as shocking as Chapstick.
Quote: Originally Posted by peridotcricket /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Totally not the point of what I was saying. My point is that Chapstick is not a high-end beauty sample and that I should be able to post my opinion of it in a product review on the Birchbox website. Everybody should, whether they like the Chapstick, or like receiving $3.99 drugstore samples in their box or they hate it. I mean, I got points for the review, so obviously it didn't take the place of another sample. When I looked at the reviews, not all of them were happy with the Chapstick, but at least all 7 of them got to post express their views, whereas it looks like nobody else can. I feel gypped because I'm used to actually posting a review, not just filling out a few dropdown boxes for a sample. I know Birchbox filters reviews as well, but to totally stop us from typing our opinion of a sample that we do get points for reviewing is kind of strange in my Birchbox experience. I've never had a reviewable sample before where there was nowhere to type what I thought of the product. Anybody know what happened? Did they get a flood of angry reviews and decide filtering them was too much trouble so they shut off the Share Your Opinion feature?

Well, you said that you were going to ask why they'd send you Chapstick, which is not a review of the product itself. It's a review of Birchbox and the brands they send. They literally could have just not included the sample at all and given you a box with four products. That would still have been equivalent to your average Birchbox. If you had been only sent three products and the Chapstick made the fourth, then I'd understand, kinda. But this is a product that could have been completely excluded and still met the Birchbox sample amount standard. 

Lol. Good to know. I will give it a go. Maybe my "WTF, Birchbox? I did not sunscribe to get Chapstick!" will get past their filtering and actually get posted. 'cause I gotta say, I've got some totally unexpected samples in the past, but nothing as shocking as Chapstick.
I don't think Chapstick is anywhere near as bad as a pen or a patterned ziploc bag in the Pantheon of Crap BB Finds.
Quote: Originally Posted by evildrporkchop /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I don't think Chapstick is anywhere near as bad as a pen or a patterned ziploc bag in the Pantheon of Crap BB Finds.
lol that pen gets such a bad rep but i actually went out and bought a pack of them recently because i liked the look (i think i just have an affinity of things that are simple and white, i blame apple). plus i just use pens a lot so it was w/e for me.

i literally never used the ziploc bag though. i should come up with a creative use for it.

also those headphones they sent out that one time? i gave them a good faith use and they fell apart immediately BAHAH.

Quote: Originally Posted by kawaiimeows /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by evildrporkchop /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I don't think Chapstick is anywhere near as bad as a pen or a patterned ziploc bag in the Pantheon of Crap BB Finds.
lol that pen gets such a bad rep but i actually went out and bought a pack of them recently because i liked the look (i think i just have an affinity of things that are simple and white, i blame apple). plus i just use pens a lot so it was w/e for me.

i literally never used the ziploc bag though. i should come up with a creative use for it.

also those headphones they sent out that one time? i gave them a good faith use and they fell apart immediately BAHAH.

I love my purple Birchbox pen! That was literally the only thing I liked in my box that month. XD

I brought the pen with me to work, and because the ink is the brightest turquoise, it makes me feel like I'm 13 and writing in my diary instead of just jotting down notes. On the other hand, all of my other pens have disappeared due to "borrowing", yet this guy still remains, so that's something.

Quote: Originally Posted by kawaiimeows /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  lol that pen gets such a bad rep but i actually went out and bought a pack of them recently because i liked the look (i think i just have an affinity of things that are simple and white, i blame apple). plus i just use pens a lot so it was w/e for me.

i literally never used the ziploc bag though. i should come up with a creative use for it.

also those headphones they sent out that one time? i gave them a good faith use and they fell apart immediately BAHAH.

I loved the pen. I still have it and use it. The headphones were a bust, but I took off the little squishy parts that were attached to the ear buds themselves to use as replacements for the squishy parts on the ear buds I had before. I found that to be a pretty cool upshot. I'm also one of the few who really likes the little snacks they sometimes have. I have both the food boxes checked off on my Birchbox profile, haha. 

Quote: Originally Posted by queenofperil /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I loved the pen. I still have it and use it. The headphones were a bust, but I took off the little squishy parts that were attached to the ear buds themselves to use as replacements for the squishy parts on the ear buds I had before. I found that to be a pretty cool upshot. I'm also one of the few who really likes the little snacks they sometimes have. I have both the food boxes checked off on my Birchbox profile, haha. 
oh man i wish my squishy parts hadn't fallen off immediately. my favorite thing about those was the bright colors.

Here's my glorious box! 

The cleanser was just okay, I've tried way better ones, but the cloth is nice and actually works well for thorough makeup removal and mild exfoliating.

The Chapstick and the lipgloss are loaded with petrolatum, and being a chronic lip-licker I try to avoid petroleum/mineral oil in my lip products because I end up eating most of it within an hour. So yeah, two more stocking stuffers for Christmas :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Now I see why so many people like Folle de Joie, it's a very sophisticated fragrance that can be used throughout the whole year. Love it! I hope the bandwagon still has some space on it, because I'm squeezing in :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

And last but not least, Miss Jessie's conditioner is a very generous sample, despite being a foil. I think I can get three solid uses out of it and still have some left over. 

I LOVE THE PEN! My favorite pen (yes I have a favorite pen) is actually Pilot Easy Touch, usually in medium because I write hard, but I like the fine tip pens for when I write in Asian (I say Asian because I took a lot of language classes in college, like Mandarin, Japanese, and I know some Korean... but I am not super amazing at these languages lol). Since the Acroball is also made by Pilot I was already kind of drawn to them (plus it is also a ball point and not a gel pen which I find too smeary). The only downside is I can't tell how much ink is in the pen (unless I take it apart) like I can with the Easy Touch. Also I think the Easy Touch can handle pressure better than the Acroball... but the Acroballs are so cute!!

I FIFO my pens... I don't like using a new pen unless I run out of ink completely in the old one. It's strange.

I can't believe I just spent all this time writing about pens. 

Quote: Originally Posted by jannie135 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I LOVE THE PEN! My favorite pen (yes I have a favorite pen) is actually Pilot Easy Touch, usually in medium because I write hard, but I like the fine tip pens for when I write in Asian (I say Asian because I took a lot of language classes in college, like Mandarin, Japanese, and I know some Korean... but I am not super amazing at these languages lol). Since the Acroball is also made by Pilot I was already kind of drawn to them (plus it is also a ball point and not a gel pen which I find too smeary). The only downside is I can't tell how much ink is in the pen (unless I take it apart) like I can with the Easy Touch. Also I think the Easy Touch can handle pressure better than the Acroball... but the Acroballs are so cute!!

I FIFO my pens... I don't like using a new pen unless I run out of ink completely in the old one. It's strange.

I can't believe I just spent all this time writing about pens. 

I too have a favorite pen, the Pilot Dr. Grip Center of Gravity pen. I love it so much I bought spares. lol

Quote: Originally Posted by queenofperil /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I loved the pen. I still have it and use it. The headphones were a bust, but I took off the little squishy parts that were attached to the ear buds themselves to use as replacements for the squishy parts on the ear buds I had before. I found that to be a pretty cool upshot. I'm also one of the few who really likes the little snacks they sometimes have. I have both the food boxes checked off on my Birchbox profile, haha. 

I like the snacks too!  Well most of them. hahaha.
The pen went out one of the months I wasn't subscribed I think, so I didn't get that (I'd canceled early this year and resubbed in July I think).  The worst extra type thing for me was those stupid paper coasters I got last year.
I LOVE THE PEN! My favorite pen (yes I have a favorite pen) is actually Pilot Easy Touch, usually in medium because I write hard, but I like the fine tip pens for when I write in Asian (I say Asian because I took a lot of language classes in college, like Mandarin, Japanese, and I know some Korean... but I am not super amazing at these languages lol). Since the Acroball is also made by Pilot I was already kind of drawn to them (plus it is also a ball point and not a gel pen which I find too smeary). The only downside is I can't tell how much ink is in the pen (unless I take it apart) like I can with the Easy Touch. Also I think the Easy Touch can handle pressure better than the Acroball... but the Acroballs are so cute!! I FIFO my pens... I don't like using a new pen unless I run out of ink completely in the old one. It's strange. I can't believe I just spent all this time writing about pens. 
My favorite pen is the RSVP. I love them, they are all I use. I have a dozen in purple and a dozen in black on my desk. I prefer medium point over fine also.
My favorite pen is the RSVP. I love them, they are all I use. I have a dozen in purple and a dozen in black on my desk. I prefer medium point over fine also.
Only pen I use at work. Since they won't order them I have to go on a hunt for them and usually end up with only fine point. My supervisor won't use anything else either and I've spoiled her by keeping a stash for her.

I LOVE THE PEN! My favorite pen (yes I have a favorite pen) is actually Pilot Easy Touch, usually in medium because I write hard, but I like the fine tip pens for when I write in Asian (I say Asian because I took a lot of language classes in college, like Mandarin, Japanese, and I know some Korean... but I am not super amazing at these languages lol). Since the Acroball is also made by Pilot I was already kind of drawn to them (plus it is also a ball point and not a gel pen which I find too smeary). The only downside is I can't tell how much ink is in the pen (unless I take it apart) like I can with the Easy Touch. Also I think the Easy Touch can handle pressure better than the Acroball... but the Acroballs are so cute!! I FIFO my pens... I don't like using a new pen unless I run out of ink completely in the old one. It's strange. I can't believe I just spent all this time writing about pens. 
easy touch are the best pens ever! The only kind I use at work!
Last month my Birchbox find was a foil of the Egyptian Magic cream.....give me Chapstick and pens anytime!

Quote: Originally Posted by Lolo22 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Last month my Birchbox find was a foil of the Egyptian Magic cream.....give me Chapstick and pens anytime!


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