(Spoilers) Birchbox October 2013

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am i missing something? i wasn't aware that the chapstick wasn't reviewable, i feel like we're really jumping gun here since pages haven't even updated yet and i haven't seen any boxes that were only four reviewable items including the birchbox find. i guess it just seems weird to see people plan out complaints before even knowing what they're getting.
This is exactly what I was thinking. Has anyone actually physically received a box with the Liz Earl stuff+2 samples+Chapstick? Because I really don't think (if the Liz earl counts as 1 product and you hypothetically can't review the Chapstick) that BB would send out a box with only 3 items to review. I also agree that I've never seen a BB find that hasn't been reviewable. Let's just wait and see what happens when the box pages update...
My box should be here today!! Everything looks awesome, and I don't think there's a single box I'd be bummed to get! As long as there is one thing I'm excited about in the box, I'm happy.

So much drama! Also, most people who subscribe to Birchbox don't even know about the point system. I also agree that some people are definitely jumping the gun on complaining. You know what assume does...

I think they sent out postcards as a bb find that weren't reviewable.. but they were in addition to the 4-5 reviewable items in your box. 
Those weren't a find. The find label has been reserved for the drug store products they share with us.
My Box:

1) Chapstick - feels nice on lips.

2) Joie - smells nice and it is the little spray bottle.

3)Miss Jessie's Original conditioner - nice big foil packet.  Wish it wasn't a foil, they are hard to keep closed in the shower.  I have hard water so I am a bit leery of using a paper clip (rust).

3) Pop Beauty - color isn't as pigmented as I thought it was going to be.  Not a fan of the plastic paddle application. Sticky, but it does have a nice tingle and it does look nice on the mouth.

4) (and 5?) Liz Earle - I only used it once...not sure if it is a big deal that a lot of people claim it is.  Will have to use again to form an opinion.

They do list the cloth and polish as two separate things.

 When I got the Davine's a few months ago - I got: the shampoo, a packet of conditioner and packet of oil.

 I could only review it as one whole package not individually. 

Birchbox Find Alert:

Look for the baggie with your Birchbox Find, a mass-markey discovery we think is just plain awesome.  Don't worry- these are always in addition to, never in place of, your usual samples.

That is verbatim from the card.

I, too, have one of the many .62 lb boxes! Mine says it's in Boston, so hopefully it'll get to me today! It said the projected delivery date to be the 12th but I really hope it's here today! Also, thanks to all who responded about the curl cream. I looked at my profile and it doesn't look like I had a hair texture, other than damaged and chemically treated, checked! 
 So here's hoping I still don't get it! I have straight checked now, though! All I want is the fakeup!

Quote: Originally Posted by misslaurelann /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I, too, have one of the many .62 lb boxes! Mine says it's in Boston, so hopefully it'll get to me today! It said the projected delivery date to be the 12th but I really hope it's here today! Also, thanks to all who responded about the curl cream. I looked at my profile and it doesn't look like I had a hair texture, other than damaged and chemically treated, checked! 
 So here's hoping I still don't get it! I have straight checked now, though! All I want is the fakeup!
This is what I'm hoping for the most! And since I got the Stainiac last year and that rules out all those boxes, my chances for getting the Fakeup are looking pretty good! We shall find out today!!!

I also got annoyed the one time that I got a box with only 4 products to review (it was the Davine's box in June -- THREE separately reviewable products that counted as one).  Then I realized that I was being annoyed over $1 worth of points, and that I'd wasted more than $1 of my time being annoyed about it, so that was that for me.  I might have felt differently if I was just getting a last box to "top off" points to get to an even $$ amount, but if you are planning to stay subscribed, I bet it will even out over time.  I did get a 6 item box a couple of months later.

BB says that you get 40 - 60 points a month for reviews, and I know I've reviewed tea and a pen for points, so I am pretty sure that if there are only 3 "reviewable items" in any boxes in addition to the Chapstick that we will be able to review the Chapstick to get 40 points.

The idea to get 50 points a month for reviewing all of the products in your box is a good one, as it might take some of the "sting" out of getting a 4 product box (or 2 4 product boxes ... ugh!).  Strangely, aside from the Davine's stuff -- which was too heavy for my baby-fine hair -- I really loved the other 3 items in my box that month and it was one of my favorites.

my box should most likely be here tomorrow! one city away right now, the perks of living beside atlanta.

First box had a delivery date of 10/11 and I got it on 10/8!

Second box has a date of 10/12 but was transferred to USPS yesterday...hope its here today (and different from box 1)

Quote: Originally Posted by JimmyJazz /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  My Box:

1) Chapstick - feels nice on lips.

2) Joie - smells nice and it is the little spray bottle.

3)Miss Jessie's Original conditioner - nice big foil packet.  Wish it wasn't a foil, they are hard to keep closed in the shower.  I have hard water so I am a bit leery of using a paper clip (rust).

3) Pop Beauty - color isn't as pigmented as I thought it was going to be.  Not a fan of the plastic paddle application. Sticky, but it does have a nice tingle and it does look nice on the mouth.

4) (and 5?) Liz Earle - I only used it once...not sure if it is a big deal that a lot of people claim it is.  Will have to use again to form an opinion.

They do list the cloth and polish as two separate things.

 When I got the Davine's a few months ago - I got: the shampoo, a packet of conditioner and packet of oil.

 I could only review it as one whole package not individually.

Someone on the BB forum suggested just poking a little hole with a safety pin near the top of the packet rather than tearing it open.  I've tried this and find that even if the packet lays flat, the stuff keeps fairly well.  You could also put it in a zip-loc type baggie to help keep it dry.

I love this. And, I just want you to know that whenever you post something I imagine Finn from Adventure Time saying it.

Everyone's talking about points, and I'm just sitting here waiting for my clicky truck.
Quote: Originally Posted by AshJs3 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

So much drama! Also, most people who subscribe to Birchbox don't even know about the point system. I also agree that some people are definitely jumping the gun on complaining. You know what assume does...

I've noticed this as well. I had to tell 3 different people I've met IRL who have birchbox how to review for points and they were like :eek: /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> when they found out.

Quote: Originally Posted by queenofperil /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Everyone's talking about points, and I'm just sitting here waiting for my clicky truck.

Nothing for me either:(


Quote: Originally Posted by goldenmeans /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Nothing for me either:(


And I am dying...


I really don't get the uproar over this 40 vs 50 vs 60 point thing, either. It's only 10 points or $1. Yeah, it can be slightly annoying being at 90 points or whatever, but you'll get a box with 6 reviewable products at some point and it will even out. I also can't see bb changing the policy over a small minority freaking out over $1's worth of a view. They probably will view it as "not that big of a deal" (because really- it's not). Ps. If you really need that 10 points, if you cancel your sub and resign up, you get 10 points again. (Also there is no waitlist).

Quote: Originally Posted by gemstone /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I really don't get the uproar over this 40 vs 50 vs 60 point thing, either. It's only 10 points or $1. Yeah, it can be slightly annoying being at 90 points or whatever, but you'll get a box with 6 reviewable products at some point and it will even out.
I also can't see bb changing the policy over a small minority freaking out over $1's worth of a view. They probably will view it as "not that big of a deal" (because really- it's not).

Ps. If you really need that 10 points, if you cancel your sub and resign up, you get 10 points again. (Also there is no waitlist).

What I don't get is why we're making a fuss about it when the box pages won't even update until tomorrow! This all seems like very premature freakage to me. Let's moooooove on and wait until we actually have a reason to get perturbed.


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