(Spoilers) Birchbox October 2013

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Quote: Originally Posted by barbyechick /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I noticed a lot of the boxes with the Liz Earle polish still had 4 items listed and that someone earlier said it was considered two products, if that is how they're going to do it (I hope not bc there are some realllyyyy good 6 item boxes) how do you review the cloth and the polish separately? Right now it looks like it counts as the same review 

I got one of those boxes (well, 2 actually). The cleanser and cloth are listed separately on the card inside the box. So, I'm guessing you will review each separately. However, since Liz Earle counts as 2 selections and you only get 2 other actual products, you will still be shorted a review compared to people who got 5 actual items. If you are like me and don't like this, send them a note. I just wrote on their FB page to say I did like my box, but I wish they'd make a policy change so items that count as 2 in 1 are only included in 5 item boxes. Hence, as great as the Liz Earle sample is, I feel like those who got it should have gotten 5 products over all (Liz Earle as 2, plus 3 actual items). I just saw someone post a box that *does* have the Liz Earle plus 3 other items. I do feel mildly cheated. Oh well. Not the end of the world, but I do find it kind of tacky on BB's part and if I get too many boxes with only 3 samples (cause honestly the Liz Earle is a set and was packaged that way) I may start to think of cancelling. Last month, I might not have cared as much because there just wasn't much that excited me from September. But this month, so sad I didn't get something else great to try. (OK, whining over). ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by Heather Hicks /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I got one of those boxes (well, 2 actually). The cleanser and cloth are listed separately on the card inside the box. So, I'm guessing you will review each separately. However, since Liz Earle counts as 2 selections and you only get 2 other actual products, you will still be shorted a review compared to people who got 5 actual items. If you are like me and don't like this, send them a note. I just wrote on their FB page to say I did like my box, but I wish they'd make a policy change so items that count as 2 in 1 are only included in 5 item boxes. Hence, as great as the Liz Earle sample is, I feel like those who got it should have gotten 5 products over all (Liz Earle as 2, plus 3 actual items). I just saw someone post a box that *does* have the Liz Earle plus 3 other items. I do feel mildly cheated. Oh well. Not the end of the world, but I do find it kind of tacky on BB's part and if I get too many boxes with only 3 samples (cause honestly the Liz Earle is a set and was packaged that way) I may start to think of cancelling. Last month, I might not have cared as much because there just wasn't much that excited me from September. But this month, so sad I didn't get something else great to try. (OK, whining over). ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
i don't really see how birchbox cheated you for giving someone else who got the liz earle six items, any more so than someone else who didn't get the liz earle getting six items, i mean they've always guaranteed 4-6 items and that's what you got.

i do think the trend of getting 2 items in one review lately is weird (i also got the davines system which was 3 items for one review and was disheartened) but i also see why they would lump the liz earle together since the intention is that you would use the items all together, and not the muslin cloth totally separately from the cleanser. plus, it would be kind of weird to just write a review on the muslin cloth alone (more so than it would be to write a review on each davines item separately).

Quote: Originally Posted by kawaiimeows /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  i don't really see how birchbox cheated you for giving someone else who got the liz earle six items, any more so than someone else who didn't get the liz earle getting six items, i mean they've always guaranteed 4-6 items and that's what you got.

i do think the trend of getting 2 items in one review lately is weird (i also got the davines system which was 3 items for one review and was disheartened) but i also see why they would lump the liz earle together since the intention is that you would use the items all together, and not the muslin cloth totally separately from the cleanser. plus, it would be kind of weird to just write a review on the muslin cloth alone (more so than it would be to write a review on each davines item separately).

I remember being irked by the davines review process.. i think if they sell them individually, we should be able to review them individually.

Quote: Originally Posted by kawaiimeows /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  i don't really see how birchbox cheated you for giving someone else who got the liz earle six items, any more so than someone else who didn't get the liz earle getting six items, i mean they've always guaranteed 4-6 items and that's what you got.

i do think the trend of getting 2 items in one review lately is weird (i also got the davines system which was 3 items for one review and was disheartened) but i also see why they would lump the liz earle together since the intention is that you would use the items all together, and not the muslin cloth totally separately from the cleanser. plus, it would be kind of weird to just write a review on the muslin cloth alone (more so than it would be to write a review on each davines item separately).

Well, I only mentioned the 6 (or rather 5 item) Liz Earle because I just saw someone post a pic of that box. Really, what I am complaining about is counting 1 sample as 2 and putting it in a 4 item box. This results in you getting only 3 products. Hence, I think they should make a new policy to only put 2 in 1 samples in 5 item boxes. I know it is hard to explain. Anyway, unlike last month where nothing really excited me, there just so happened to be quite a few things I wanted to try. So, getting a 2 in 1 was a big bummer for October for me. In fact, I had always assumed when I saw boxes 8 and 9 that they just hadn't added in the extra item yet. So, I actually wanted whichever box had the light Fakeup and the Liz Earle. But without the other item, I do feel cheated. It isn't really in reference to the people that got Liz Earle plus 3 other items. Great for them! I'm not upset with the subbers but with BB. Oh, and I was assuming the review would be separate because the cleanser and cloth are listed separately on the card. If it turns out it is 1 review I will go from being a bit miffed (as the British would say) to super duper pissed. Sigh...and after *hating* BB when I first subbed about a year ago, I was just starting to really like them. But this could really stick in my craw. That's just me. I have my own way of looking at things (as everyone does) and I get upset over the principle of the matter--over trivial matters or important matters both. Type A personality. I'll probably die about 10 years earlier because of it, but I am who I am.

Quote: Originally Posted by Heather Hicks /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Well, I only mentioned the 6 (or rather 5 item) Liz Earle because I just saw someone post a pic of that box. Really, what I am complaining about is counting 1 sample as 2 and putting it in a 4 item box. This results in you getting only 3 products. Hence, I think they should make a new policy to only put 2 in 1 samples in 5 item boxes. I know it is hard to explain. Anyway, unlike last month where nothing really excited me, there just so happened to be quite a few things I wanted to try. So, getting a 2 in 1 was a big bummer for October for me. In fact, I had always assumed when I saw boxes 8 and 9 that they just hadn't added in the extra item yet. So, I actually wanted whichever box had the light Fakeup and the Liz Earle. But without the other item, I do feel cheated. It isn't really in reference to the people that got Liz Earle plus 3 other items. Great for them! I'm not upset with the subbers but with BB. Oh, and I was assuming the review would be separate because the cleanser and cloth are listed separately on the card. If it turns out it is 1 review I will go from being a bit miffed (as the British would say) to super duper pissed. Sigh...and after *hating* BB when I first subbed about a year ago, I was just starting to really like them. But this could really stick in my craw. That's just me. I have my own way of looking at things (as everyone does) and I get upset over the principle of the matter--over trivial matters or important matters both. Type A personality. I'll probably die about 10 years earlier because of it, but I am who I am.

We better be able to review the chapstick for points! 30 point box is just ridiculous. I think they should stick to just 5 items=50 points per box to keep it "fair" - they can include these multiples counting as one item then and I won't complain lol

Quote: Originally Posted by misslaurelann /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I really really hope I don't get whatever that Pillow Soft Curl thing is. My hair is chemically straightened and I can't use products like that on my hair, nor would I want to...hence the chemically straightening my hair to remove every ounce of curl from it. 

As long as you don't have curly hair marked on your profile, you should be safe.

Quote: Originally Posted by MissTrix /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by misslaurelann /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I really really hope I don't get whatever that Pillow Soft Curl thing is. My hair is chemically straightened and I can't use products like that on my hair, nor would I want to...hence the chemically straightening my hair to remove every ounce of curl from it. 

As long as you don't have curly hair marked on your profile, you should be safe.

I can vouch for this! I have straight hair but my middle daughter has very curly hair and I changed my profile over to say I had curly hair just to see if I could get some products to try on her hair. I only have gotten curly hair products when I have had curly hair checked, once I switched back to straight hair I quit getting them :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

Now that I have 2 accounts I made one have curly hair and the other with straight, so we'll see if that keeps up.

Quote: Originally Posted by kira685 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by Heather Hicks /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Well, I only mentioned the 6 (or rather 5 item) Liz Earle because I just saw someone post a pic of that box. Really, what I am complaining about is counting 1 sample as 2 and putting it in a 4 item box. This results in you getting only 3 products. Hence, I think they should make a new policy to only put 2 in 1 samples in 5 item boxes. I know it is hard to explain. Anyway, unlike last month where nothing really excited me, there just so happened to be quite a few things I wanted to try. So, getting a 2 in 1 was a big bummer for October for me. In fact, I had always assumed when I saw boxes 8 and 9 that they just hadn't added in the extra item yet. So, I actually wanted whichever box had the light Fakeup and the Liz Earle. But without the other item, I do feel cheated. It isn't really in reference to the people that got Liz Earle plus 3 other items. Great for them! I'm not upset with the subbers but with BB. Oh, and I was assuming the review would be separate because the cleanser and cloth are listed separately on the card. If it turns out it is 1 review I will go from being a bit miffed (as the British would say) to super duper pissed. Sigh...and after *hating* BB when I first subbed about a year ago, I was just starting to really like them. But this could really stick in my craw. That's just me. I have my own way of looking at things (as everyone does) and I get upset over the principle of the matter--over trivial matters or important matters both. Type A personality. I'll probably die about 10 years earlier because of it, but I am who I am.

We better be able to review the chapstick for points! 30 point box is just ridiculous. I think they should stick to just 5 items=50 points per box to keep it "fair" - they can include these multiples counting as one item then and I won't complain lol

I kind of wish you would just get a set 50 points each month, provided you reviewed every item. Some months you might review 6 items for 50 points, but others you'd review 4 and it would even out. It would also keep your points even so you'd get $10 credit every two months. I went for months where I was stuck just 10 points shy (like I had 140, 190, etc.) the 90s especially drove me crazy SO close to the next $10. Haha, I'm sure they do that on purpose. BUT I certainly wouldn't complain if they went to a flat 50 point system each month for everyone. 

Quote: Originally Posted by kira685 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
We better be able to review the chapstick for points! 30 point box is just ridiculous. I think they should stick to just 5 items=50 points per box to keep it "fair" - they can include these multiples counting as one item then and I won't complain lol

I agree. But honestly, I'd still be upset because everyone got the chapstick. In fact, I just realized that if we only get 10 points for Liz Earle, we will be double cheated. The first cheat is getting only 2 items with the Liz Earle. The second cheat would be the loss of points. If this happens, and they don't do something like giving those of us with box 8 or 9 10 points credited to our account, I probably will cancel. (I'm not asking for 100, just the 10). It just isn't fair. This isn't a complaint about *what* I got compared to others, but rather about how BB has set up a system that treats us differently than other subbers in 2 ways. I trashed BB last year because I just didn't like what they sent me one month (as in, it was quite literally the worst box they could have sent me--complete with crappy bar soap). But honestly, until this issue came up, I had done a complete 180. I was actually a BB lover. Now, not so much. I don't mean to dwell. I know not everyone agrees with me. That's fine. But yep, I have decided how I think and feel about the situation. I'm really unhappy. They could at least have tossed in the tiny Reality Based foundation sample or a foil packet sample. SMH

Quote: Originally Posted by cari12 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I kind of wish you would just get a set 50 points each month, provided you reviewed every item. Some months you might review 6 items for 50 points, but others you'd review 4 and it would even out. It would also keep your points even so you'd get $10 credit every two months. I went for months where I was stuck just 10 points shy (like I had 140, 190, etc.) the 90s especially drove me crazy SO close to the next $10. Haha, I'm sure they do that on purpose. BUT I certainly wouldn't complain if they went to a flat 50 point system each month for everyone. 

I would LOVE that. It would treat everyone the same and thus be super fair. I am kind of obsessed with fairness. (I know, I know. The world isn't fair, but I still crave fairness nonetheless). I have a touch of OCD. Most of it relates to items that touch me or to counting. If something touches me on one side of my body, I want it to touch the other side in the same spot and with the same length of time, force, etc. To me, this "evens things out" and hence equates to fairness. The same with even numbers. They are more "fair" in my mind. Yep. I have issues, lol! But they are mostly harmless.

All 3 of my accounts now have clicky trucks. Still waiting on #3 to update but I am 99.9% certain that I won't be getting any dupe boxes. However, I feel like I am 100% guaranteed to get dupe products since there doesn't seem to be a ton of variety this month.

Box 1 - 0.50 lbs (box 33, maybe)

Box 2 - 0.614 lbs

Box 3 - ???

Quote: Originally Posted by MissTrix /img/forum/go_quote.gif
As long as you don't have curly hair marked on your profile, you should be safe.

IDK about their decision making process. I had my skin tone marked as light-medium in my profile and got foundation samples clearly made for someone with dark skin (medium-dark at the LIGHTEST) and when I emailed them about it they said I should try to use the sample as a highlighter :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Now, I'm worried I'll get curly hair stuff for my pin straight hair

Quote: Originally Posted by cari12 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I kind of wish you would just get a set 50 points each month, provided you reviewed every item. Some months you might review 6 items for 50 points, but others you'd review 4 and it would even out. It would also keep your points even so you'd get $10 credit every two months. I went for months where I was stuck just 10 points shy (like I had 140, 190, etc.) the 90s especially drove me crazy SO close to the next $10. Haha, I'm sure they do that on purpose. BUT I certainly wouldn't complain if they went to a flat 50 point system each month for everyone. 

haha I feel you exactly on the fairness concept.. and the evening out of the points! because of my purchases, I have a completely odd number of points and it drives me crazy to see every time! I have actually tried to make my purchases so I can get an even number again, but it hasn't been easy lol. I don't think they would do the lumped points though because it's probably easier for them to give points per review - I have a feeling the brands fund that somehow. I can see the uproar from subscribers as well, if they forget to review one item and end up forfeiting all 50 points.

Quote: Originally Posted by Heather Hicks /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I agree. But honestly, I'd still be upset because everyone got the chapstick. In fact, I just realized that if we only get 10 points for Liz Earle, we will be double cheated. The first cheat is getting only 2 items with the Liz Earle. The second cheat would be the loss of points. If this happens, and they don't do something like giving those of us with box 8 or 9 10 points credited to our account, I probably will cancel. (I'm not asking for 100, just the 10). It just isn't fair. This isn't a complaint about *what* I got compared to others, but rather about how BB has set up a system that treats us differently than other subbers in 2 ways. I trashed BB last year because I just didn't like what they sent me one month (as in, it was quite literally the worst box they could have sent me--complete with crappy bar soap). But honestly, until this issue came up, I had done a complete 180. I was actually a BB lover. Now, not so much. I don't mean to dwell. I know not everyone agrees with me. That's fine. But yep, I have decided how I think and feel about the situation. I'm really unhappy. They could at least have tossed in the tiny Reality Based foundation sample or a foil packet sample. SMH

that's interesting because I would think that everyone getting it would appeal to the fairness driven part of you! (no sarcasm, I promise!)

Quote: Originally Posted by kira685 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
We better be able to review the chapstick for points! 30 point box is just ridiculous. I think they should stick to just 5 items=50 points per box to keep it "fair" - they can include these multiples counting as one item then and I won't complain lol

i've never seen a birchbox find that couldn't be reviewed. but i hope that doesn't mean they start making them unreviewable now!

I think one month there was something that was not reviewable and they changed it half way through.  Now, where is my clicky truck?!?!?!

Quote: Originally Posted by kira685 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
that's interesting because I would think that everyone getting it would appeal to the fairness driven part of you! (no sarcasm, I promise!)

No, I see what you are saying. I would love to get points for a chapstick review. But, with box 8 or 9, you would get only 40 review points (assuming Liz Earle is only a 10 point review). For those who got 4 products (but no Liz Earle counting as 2 of them) would get 50 total points (40 for products + 10 for chapstick). Those who got 5 products (but no Liz Earle) will get 60 points (50 for products + 10 for chapstick. I can accept getting 10 less points than others because I understand how BB says they work--they claim you get either 4 or 5 products, hence, you should expect 40-50 points (without the chapstick). But if you add in the chapstick for everyone and let them review it, you have to bump up the expected level of points to 50-60. We would thus still be 10 points lower than everyone else. So yes, getting to review the chapstick would be fair as everyone got it. But we'd still be 10 points down. I don't know. Maybe this is exactly what happened last month. Didn't some people get a shampoo/conditioner set with only 1 review? I was lucky not to get it. I had heard it was counted as 2 products. I did *not* know if they got 2 or 3 products on top of it. I also did *not* know about the review possibly counting as 10 points only. If I had heard of that, I would have been upset about it even though I wasn't affected. But it took having it happen to me to make me realize what the situation meant. Sorry. Again, even though I love to write, I find talking about this a bit difficult, lol!

Quote: Originally Posted by wadedl /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I think one month there was something that was not reviewable and they changed it half way through.  Now, where is my clicky truck?!?!?!

That would be great! And I'd probably move on to next month if they did that in relation to the double Liz Earle products. I know lots of people hate it when someone complains in a thread. But if we don't communicate with BB, how will they know what we are thinking? And, for me, discussing things on here helps me refine what I think of a situation before communicating with BB. Please don't kick me out of the treehouse? Ok! 



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