Yah! Looks like I can post again. That was weird.
Anyway, I saw soooo many boxes I wanted that I wasn't focusing on boxes I would hate. When I did that, I came up with 8 boxes out of what has been posted so far that have nothing in them I want or need in any way. (Boxes 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, and 24). The only good news is that I should not get 6 of those boxes because they have Stainiac in them. That leaves only 2 boxes I could get that I'd absolutely hate--6 and 19. I don't want to jinx it, but those are pretty good odds. I'm just hoping they don't come up with tons of new box variations they haven't posted yet which I will also hate. I know I'm not the type of person who should sub to BB because I'm so picky, but when I get a good box it makes me so happy. And unlike last month, this is a month where I really care about what I get. The...suspense...is...killing...me!!!