(Spoilers) Birchbox October 2013

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I am sure this has bern asked a million times before-- but I just upgraded to a yearly (yay coupon code + plus two mystery pack!) subscription but I was also charged for my October box. Will I get two boxes for October or will my yearly subscription start in November?

My account has switched to October already!  No clicky truck yet but this is a much earlier change than I've had in the last few months.  Usually mine changes around the 8/9 

Quote: Originally Posted by meaganola /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Last year during the holidays, I got two Lip Smacker tins with probably six tubes of lip balm each (because two-for-one coupon!). I also picked up a half dozen NYC Applicious balms in June or so. I have used maybe two of each -- but I am still insanely excited about the Chapstick! I am a serious lip balm fanatic. I always have at least one within reach. I get twitchy if I so much as leave my office to get a sandwich to bring back to my desk and don't take some with me. It goes back to a horrible sunburn in high school. Marching band. Saxophone. Rose Parade. It's been more than twenty-five years, but just *thinking* about it makes me want to buy more lip balm!

^ This! Exactly this...I've been in the camp of horribly blistered sunburned lips too. Ugh...I looked like I had an extreme break out of herpes for two weeks! No I go nowhere without some sort of lip protection. It's in my office, pretty much in every room of my house and I have several in my purse. 

At first, I wasn't that excited over chapstick (especially two of them), because I have a lifetime supply of lip balm built up and because all I can think of is that waxy stuff in the black tube that resembles cork grease more than something I'd put on my lips. But the more I see it as a primer, maybe it will be ok. I'll give it a try anyway.

Quote: Originally Posted by dotybird /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I am sure this has bern asked a million times before-- but I just upgraded to a yearly (yay coupon code + plus two mystery pack!) subscription but I was also charged for my October box. Will I get two boxes for October or will my yearly subscription start in November?

I hope you got the mini blow dryer too!

And I called CS about this yesterday - my account stated that the yearly was to start in November so I'm pretty sure yours is too!

I hope you got the mini blow dryer too! And I called CS about this yesterday - my account stated that the yearly was to start in November so I'm pretty sure yours is too!
Thanks! Unfortunately, I upgraded before the mini hair dryer was available. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Can't win 'em all!
Am I the only one who literally never gets any of the items from the sneak peek videos? I always just get a bunch of random things, but I too am excited about the chapstick. Its always good to have especially during the cold months!


Am I the only one who literally never gets any of the items from the sneak peek videos? I always just get a bunch of random things, but I too am excited about the chapstick. Its always good to have especially during the cold months!
I've been subscribed for eight months. I've never NOT gotten at least one item from the sneak peak video.
Quote: Originally Posted by kayglass /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Just bit the bullet and got the annual sub with the dollhouse sized hair dryer (maybe it will be good for my daughter?) and the code and the mystery pick 2. Thanks for all of the codes and tips ladies!
What is the code for the mystery pick 2?

Quote: Originally Posted by bellatrix42 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I've been subscribed for eight months. I've never NOT gotten at least one item from the sneak peak video.
With the exception of the products that everyone gets, I dont get any of the products from the sneak peak. Do you think I should update my profile?

Quote: Originally Posted by eternalsnshine1 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  What is the code for the mystery pick 2?

No code, just add it to your cart from the bonus shop.

Quote: Originally Posted by Scooby Dynamite /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  So I'm up late, as usual, and doing a bit of brainstorming regarding bb points and gifting subscriptions, and I thought someone might have some insights on a few things.

I have two accounts for which I pay by the month. I'll be up to 500 points on one account soon, and was thinking about attempting to use my points to 'gift' my second account a 6 month subscription for $60, making the cost $10 for 6 months after using the $50 in points. 

First, is it possible to give a gift sub to a month-by-month account? And if so, let's say I gifted the subscription after I receive my October boxes...would the gift sub then take the place of the month-to-month sub on that account for 6 months, with the first box starting in November? And what would I need to do as far as making sure the gift takes affect, so I'm not charged the monthly fee on November first? 

If anyone knows or has attempted this, I'd love to hear how it worked out :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
i gifted myself a 3 month sub back in march with my points. it works and they don't bill you the $10 on the 1st as long as it's in a gift sub. you might get one of those "Welcome boxes" though.

Hey I don't know if anyone else mentioned this yet, but if you use the YEARLY99 you can also get the Amika travel hair dryer AND the mystery pack for free.

Quote: Originally Posted by magicalmom /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I am sorry to burst any bubbles, but I'm pretty sure they just added LM to the store, not our Oct boxes.  Someday!!!  

But didn't we think that last month with Elizabeth Arden and it ended up being in boxes too? 

I purchased a second subscription that I am planning to turn over to my mom at Christmas. (I am going to take the Oct and Nov boxes and decorate them for her to open on Christmas - fun!). Anyway, I forgot to add the hair dryer - darn! - so I emailed customer service and they said the offer isn't available with just a subscription purchase. I guess the folks who did remember to add the hair dryer got to take advantage of a system glitch.

I canceled my auto-renew (set to renew on the 1st) and my "subscribe" button wasn't showing up, so I emailed CS and asked them to subscribe me under the YEARLY99 code. 

I got a reply that said that I wasn't eligible--that only new and monthly subscribers could use it. I was like...this does not help me with my issue...but then I logged into my account and the subscribe button magically was back. It let me use the code + pick two + blowdryer so I am not sure why she was trying to tell me it wasn't possible, but I am a happy camper! Now I can be excited about the chapstick too!

Woohoo! So excited for the Chapstick item!  I also wouldn't mind the Staniac again, but got it June 2012... does anyone know if I'll get dupes after canceling my subscription and resubbing after about a year?

Okay, every time someone mentions the chapstick, I instinctively grab mine and slather another coat on...Weird, just weird....

Okay, every time someone mentions the chapstick, I instinctively grab mine and slather another coat on...Weird, just weird....
They are coming to get your Chapstick! Hurry and use it all up!

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