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OMG @usofjessamerica...I am trying to find a foundation right now tooo....In the past two weeks I have accumulated literally 17 little foundation samples....I am trying to find something mousse like--as close to the consistency of Porefessional...I have found 2 that I really like---Tarte Amazonian Clay foundation and one by Japonesque....They both have medium to full coverage and are AMAZING....I think Tarte is my fav so far!!!  Don't know what you are looking for in a foundation, but I thought I'd put in my 2 cents;-)

Fan Friday:  DDMGFAN--Deluxe Clinique Dramatically Different gel moisturizer.  LOVE this stuff!!!  So much lighter and less greasy than the original!!!


Fan Friday:  DDMGFAN--Deluxe Clinique Dramatically Different gel moisturizer.  LOVE this stuff!!!  So much lighter and less greasy than the original!!!
I forgot that I wanted to try this!! I'm almost to the bottom of the lotion and was contemplating switching to gel for summer. Hmmmm I may go feel it in person on my hand when I'm in store on Sunday.
Quote: Originally Posted by Tiffany27la /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I have tried this, lol! I think it's probably the universe's way of telling me I reeaally don't need anything else from Sephora. sigh.
Ugh sucky =( well just fyi this thread is often ahead of the email =) I will find out about something here and an hour later get the email. That can mean everything's gone by the time your email comes. AND they have sent out multiple emails that are different for different members.

I shave my upper lip and have been for 18 years or so, I don't find it grows back faster and I don't need to everyday. Sometimes not for a few days, it only takes 2 seconds and on the days I can see one or two hairs growing back I just pluck them. Easy peasy and no extra time to my morning routine.


Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

@FormosaHoney. OMG. no one has EVER. ever. Ever mentioned my lady stache to me. EVER. I usually just wax that at home since it's fool proof and cheaper. I know sometimes I am rocking a lady stache if I'm busy but I'm super horrified every time I look in the mirror and I think it's noticeable. I'll ask my boyfriend if he can tell and, bless his heart, he almost always says no. If he does say yes then I'll 1. Cry 2. Make us stop whatever we're doing so I can get a wax/ wax it myself.

I have had the ladystache threaded and I just didn't like how it felt (a bit too intense). But I've been waxing since I was like 10 and I don't feel like it grows back darker or anything. My best friend in high school would shave hers... Yeah I wouldn't do that though.
Quote: Originally Posted by FormosaHoney /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What wax do you use?  Maybe the lady stache is a recent thing... but that photo I had up for four months, is a recent photo, so unless you are up close and expertly looking for it, it is hard to notice... but the fact that 2 people mentioned it in the space of 6 months when it has NEVER been remarked upon might be the world giving me a nudge, Haha...  Now I have a valid reason to buy SOMETHING!!!
Quote: Originally Posted by kawaiimeows /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Shaving seems like an awful idea.....I never thought about waxing though! I just use that smelly removal cream. It works for me and lasts like a few months. The pains of having dark hair everywhere...

GUYS GUYS. IM IN SIJCP RIGHT NOW SWATCHING AWAY AND THE SALES ASSOCIATES ARE APPLYING MAKE UP ON THEMSELVES STRAIGHT FROM THE TUBE. I'm talking lippies mascara eyeliner... I swear a staff member just did her whole face. OMG I'm dying

Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

GUYS GUYS. IM IN SIJCP RIGHT NOW SWATCHING AWAY AND THE SALES ASSOCIATES ARE APPLYING MAKE UP ON THEMSELVES STRAIGHT FROM THE TUBE. I'm talking lippies mascara eyeliner... I swear a staff member just did her whole face. OMG I'm dying

GUYS GUYS. IM IN SIJCP RIGHT NOW SWATCHING AWAY AND THE SALES ASSOCIATES ARE APPLYING MAKE UP ON THEMSELVES STRAIGHT FROM THE TUBE. I'm talking lippies mascara eyeliner... I swear a staff member just did her whole face. OMG I'm dying
Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

GUYS GUYS. IM IN SIJCP RIGHT NOW SWATCHING AWAY AND THE SALES ASSOCIATES ARE APPLYING MAKE UP ON THEMSELVES STRAIGHT FROM THE TUBE. I'm talking lippies mascara eyeliner... I swear a staff member just did her whole face. OMG I'm dying

SEPHORA QUESTION : my game plan to day is to swatch swatch swatch foundations in SiJCP. It's smaller but they're nicer and more likely to make samples because it's so slow. If you were on a foundation mission, would you go out with a bare face? Just eyes done? All out/how you would normally?
This may be unpopular but I always go with my best matching foundation. Sephoras lighting is just so crazy for me that I my skin looks so weird in stores compared to what it is. If I went bare faced with my Rosacea and areas of hyperpigmentation id get matched to those redder or darker areas. The lighting plus different personal factors just screw it up. So if it seems like it blends into my current foundation then I get a sample. This works best for my situation though and has oddly made a huge difference in finding right tone
Lol It's kind of interesting how different Sephoras are. At the one at the mall if I Want to try on a lipstick they will scrape of the top layer, dip it in alcohol and then scrape off that layer. They use the spray cleaner on brushes between each person and let that brush dry. If I want to try on a powder they use tissues and take off a thick layer. Mascara wands and lipglosses have no tips. Also I go to an aveda salon and they do the same thing and for powder items after removing the top layer they scrape tiny bits of the onto tissue for the complimentary makeup touch up.

Quote: Originally Posted by usofjessamerica /img/forum/go_quote.gif

GUYS GUYS. IM IN SIJCP RIGHT NOW SWATCHING AWAY AND THE SALES ASSOCIATES ARE APPLYING MAKE UP ON THEMSELVES STRAIGHT FROM THE TUBE. I'm talking lippies mascara eyeliner... I swear a staff member just did her whole face. OMG I'm dying

Quote: Originally Posted by BSquared /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Are you Rouge? If so, there's a dedicated thread on the sephora boards for email issues that seems to be getting a good response from the admins there.
Not yet...but I'm (sadly) only $183 dollars away..pretty sure I'll hit Rouge before the end of chic week, so..if worse comes to worst, I'll hold out until then and just call the Rouge hotline..thanks for suggesting this, though!

Quote: Originally Posted by SaraP /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Ugh sucky =( well just fyi this thread is often ahead of the email =) I will find out about something here and an hour later get the email. That can mean everything's gone by the time your email comes. AND they have sent out multiple emails that are different for different members.
I have definitely noticed this..WTH, Sephora?? I thought had subbed to this thread months ago, but clearly not..lol

Has anyone found the numbers to be off when they calculate the amount you've spent? I reached Rouge last year and I think that count was off, so now I've been keeping track. I've spent spent $183 after $69.08 in returns but it looks like I've only spent 4...any ideas?

GUYS GUYS. IM IN SIJCP RIGHT NOW SWATCHING AWAY AND THE SALES ASSOCIATES ARE APPLYING MAKE UP ON THEMSELVES STRAIGHT FROM THE TUBE. I'm talking lippies mascara eyeliner... I swear a staff member just did her whole face. OMG I'm dying
I would have lost it. They should know better how many people come through and test those out. I would have even been able to control my facial expression. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Sheer horror.
Quote: Originally Posted by Lolo22 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I got this in an email.  I REALLY want to try that Vita Liberata, anyone like it?

I like it! the sample is definitely enough for at least 2 full body applications! 


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