Originally Posted by Hellocat4 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Here she goes again:
Zadidoll left out a few things. I do in fact have a tax ID number, this is how wholesalers may purchase in bulk. I admitted that my first month I was sold expired product, but unknowingly. Discontinued lines are not considered expired and there are even websites out there whom are absolutely legitimate that vend discontinued lines. As long as they are sealed and never opened, the product is absolutely usable. I also fully disclose that the reason I am able to provide full-sized samples versus samples that are tiny foils is that I have a wholesaler account with many vendors and believe it or not, you can absolutely buy premium name brands whether a discontinued line or not. Not all of my product lines are discontinued. Also, she in fact has done the most damage by contacting my sponsors both large and small. Almost every single one. It is called tortuous interference. She even went so far to contact a company that I was test-phasing a logo saying that I was using their logo (even with a stamped copyright of their product all across it) and using it for free. She or someone she suggested contacted my friend, Ofra Gaito who provided me with samples for my company and she is a large cosmetics company, Ofra Cosmetics. I do not send out people to their website to speak for me and I do not and cannot speak for myself unless I am paid member on their website. It seems a bit unfair that you cannot even rebut on a ''public forum'' unless you pay, and then seems doubly unfair that even my friends who have given honest opinions have been banned or deleted their posts. It is all a circus that is not understood by me I don't mention having a brain tumor openly to garner sales. I had disclosed that at one time to some of the members or even on FB because like others I was scared. I am well pleased to announce the tumor is now nothing but an empty sella (empty sella syndrome) and a business woman whom wants to help her business, not wallow in pity and not help myself. If you take a look at their forum, I have also have examples of where the members (many of whom have not bought from me) mock my disease, seeking me to quit what I love, and even diagnosed from a random person that I have a mental illness. They mentioned that even possibly my photos were not me. I am a signed model with an actual agency I will not disclose on this website nor their business address and I am 37 years of age as a professional. I do not agree that I am narcissistic, it is my other profession and I have a large family to support. I only mention law or litigation because it is in fact if you do not absolutely KNOW the facts that I have a legitimate Federal Tax ID, I buy from wholesalers and keep making up nonsense that affects my business, I do have rights. It is curious that makeuptalk encourages all forms of public speech unless its paid for. That is why I came to Ripoff Report ONLY. I don't want to advertise with them, but having to pay for a post in a thread gone out of hand to defend your character, your reputation and even your business is ridiculous. I am not paying to such people who would go to all lengths to destroy you, mock you, and contact personal relationships with the people I do business with. All the rest is simply petty. Paypal has only refunded one of my orders because the buyer did it correctly. She returned the items and I as the owner refunded her. We only use Paypal for buyer AND seller protection. We will also replace defective items and have done so at our cost, even though it was not policy to pay for shipping, we have at many times. Whenever there was a Paypal dispute, the answer from the client buying from us from makeuptalk most often is ''I threw it in the trash." "I gave it to a relative." They post these things and then Paypal sees these posts and one was even won in less than a day in favor of Red Carpet Box. This is not bragging, it just isn't sensible. We have very much upgraded our business, learning in the process, looking for expiration dates and we still love very much what we do. We are improving our services minute by minute. Zadidoll, I would like to say I am apologetic and to all of makeuptalk whom with it did not go well in the beginning or even now. I am forgiving, no longer want this sort of drama associated with my company. If you would like to contact me, I'll send you a gratis February bag if you can accept my apologies. If you need a personal copy of my papers, I will do that, too. I do hope we can shake hands and be comfortable with one another, even benefiting one another. I am about to do a special fundraiser through RCB and I'd love to have you involved. You having a bag in your hand is the only way you can fully know what lately I have done for Red Carpet Box. If there is anything else I can do for you, please let me know. I know I cannot post on the MUT forum, but if there is anything also I could do for your moderators, please let me know. Red Carpet Box is still working on their new website, as well. Best wishes.