Originally Posted by freddygirl /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thank you for taking it as I meant it, an honest criticism about the behavior I've seen & adding your own respectful take on it. I do agree with you to a large extent. I have seen her Ripoff Report posts as well and if she were on this thread joining in, I would take her to task for her nasty and vindictive behavior. My "squickiness" lies more with the people who have posted the laughing emojis and seemingly taken great glee in the drama.
Kinda reminds me of the scene in Christmas Story where Ralphie loses it on the red-headed bully and all the other kids were laughing and cheering. Part of me is glad to see the bully-ee take on the bully-er, but another part of me feels bad for the little ginger a**hat.
Ah. Gotcha. Hopefully, I didn't do any of that. I'm only just now getting used to using emoji, so it prolly wasn't me. ,')
BUT, I have to admit that many times, I would have loved to. As I said, my MIL suffers from the same mental issues ~ and when I say "suffers," I really mean that her family suffers the most. I've managed to distance myself emotionally from her after all these years, but the rest of the family hasn't been so lucky. :/
Anyway, what I'm getting at (or trying to) is that when you deal with rampant narcissism, it's almost ... cathartic to gleefully verbally pummel that person when the opportunity presents itself. And I'd be willing to bet that a distressingly large portion of society has dealt with an unrepentant narcissist at some time or another. So, I think that rather than it being that people here are being cruel for the purpose of being cruel to the RCB owner, it's more as though they're using her as a proxy for their own past dealings with narcissists in their past.
I feel sorry for her, too (deep down). It's got to be utter hell to be narcissistic and histrionic. Relationships that *should* be satisfying never are (never can be, either). While many people can appreciate the blessings/good fortune in their lives, a narcissist/histrion never can. :/
BTW, I love that you referenced Christmas Story ~ it's one of our family's must-see movies over the holidays. The tie for awesomest scene EVAH is between that scene and the one where he says "Fudge" (not where he gets in trouble, but where he blames it on poor Schwartz ~ "Do you know where he heard it?" "Probably from his father!" LOL!). Just brilliant. <3
And I doubt that you need me to tell you this, but you write very eloquently and it was very easy to tell that you were speaking from the heart and out of kindness. You're Good People. <3