Originally Posted by
gejag /img/forum/
I have not read all the posts, maybe there are several who are not happy with the cute bath wrap. There are a lot of things in other boxes that some would not choose (I could live with out the flashing giant rubber watch) but this is part of the mystery and fun of this box. When you subscribe to a box of carefully hand-selected items chosen by others (professionals) you have to accept that they may or may not always select something you would choose for yourself yourself. To the poster who implied PopSugar intentionally "lie" what would be the point? To dream up a whole marketing conspiracy makes no sense at all.
Unless you ballooned up overnight,
I would think you know by now you don't fit in a "one size" garment. And since the odds are there will be the occasional article of apparel in the Must Have Box, maybe you should share it with a lucky friend or choose a subscription more "fitting."
I think PopSugar went well over the top to satisfy the few who have no reason to complain in the first place. No one forced you to subscribe or promised you exactly what you want each month. Why on earth would they bend over backwards to accomadate such a selfish attitude. I can't imagine they would be in business long if this behavior continues to be rewarded.