PopSugar Fall Style Special Edition!

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Quote: Originally Posted by AshJs3 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Still no updates for me. :'( Still initiated in Gilroy, CA from 9/04.

Me too!  My regular September box is on the move from NY but the Fall Style box is just initiated....

Quote: Originally Posted by tiffanys /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Me too!  My regular September box is on the move from NY but the Fall Style box is just initiated....
Me three - my regular box is on the move but my Fall box is still just initiated. So annoying!

Finally got an estimated ship date. My box is scheduled to arrive on Saturday!!!

I'm in Boston and I got my box today...2 days early!  Love everything in it and cant wait for the next one!  I may even order 2 and gift out some or all of the items in the 2nd box for X-mas.

Has anyone in CA received their box or shipping update on either this box or the September box? I'm feeling so left out!

Quote: Originally Posted by greeneyedfoxxx /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Has anyone in CA received their box or shipping update on either this box or the September box? I'm feeling so left out!

Our boxes must be hanging out in Gilroy together. I have been initiated since 9/4 with no updates and am in So Cal...and I cannot even track by reference for my September box....misery loves company right...

Quote: Originally Posted by greeneyedfoxxx /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Has anyone in CA received their box or shipping update on either this box or the September box? I'm feeling so left out!

I am in NE Oregon and my box is still initiated in Gilroy, CA from 9/04. So Maybe they feel that Oregon and California can wait a week or two before they give the boxes to FedEx  I really think they need to take to their FedEx rep about how long it will realistically take a box to go from their shipping location to the destination. 

 I just don't understand their shipping schedule.... 

I'm in Colorado and having the same problem. Still initiated for fall and no shipping notice for the September box. They must not like us west people :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Glad I'm not alone though. Crossing my fingers it will be at my doorstep when I get home from work!

There has been no movement on my box since last Thursday.  Tracking still shows it hanging out in California & I'm almost as east coast as you can get.  

I'm getting my fall box tomorrow, FiNALLY, GOSH ! Some of you ladies say you haven't gotten any updates since 9/04, I really don't know how you do it. I would be in a looney bin by now. My other box hasn't been initiated yet but I'm hopeful FedEx will pick it up today so I can get it by Saturday and I won't be tempted to look at any spoilers like I did with the fall box. Yep, nothing but hopeful wishing.

You know I would feel better if popsugar tolde they do this with shipping on purpose to keep it exciting (ok frustrating), but at least there would be rationale.

Is it bad that I want to sell my box? Not interested in any of the items.

After 5 days of leaving CA... it's finally in Hagerstown, MD. So I'm thinking it will be in my area tomorrow. Woot!

Quote: Originally Posted by jannie135 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  After 5 days of leaving CA... it's finally in Hagerstown, MD. So I'm thinking it will be in my area tomorrow. Woot!

Nice, mine too, it usually goes to WV then a day to transit to Norfolk, then out for delivery.  I hope to have it by Saturday.

I feel slightly better that I'm not alone. :icon_conf If i don't get some sort of notification update soon I'm going to loose it! Haha! I bet it will just show up, though in the past I've aways gotten tracking prior to receiving and had packages delivered no later than the 11th, usually earlier. Just show up already!

Quote: Originally Posted by ydlr20 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I found the first unboxing video. See the spolier link


The bag is huge and so is the bubble bath

I am so sad, I would have used everything in the box.  Darn bathroom remodels, taking up all my monies.  Can't wait to see everyone's photos of their bag variations.

Quote: Originally Posted by SonyaB /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by ydlr20 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I found the first unboxing video. See the spolier link


The bag is huge and so is the bubble bath

I am so sad, I would have used everything in the box.  Darn bathroom remodels, taking up all my monies.  Can't wait to see everyone's photos of their bag variations.

I know...I was hoping to purchase a box from someone and a lovely lady offered hers and not 15 minutes before I got the message, my 16 year old fell down the stairs and ended up in the hospital getting xrays on both ankles. Fortunately it's a mild sprain on one foot and a pretty nasty sprain on the other one. All my fun monies are going to co-pays this month, so I had to say no.  But, I seriously LOVE everything in this box!


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