PopSugar Fall Style Special Edition!

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Quote: Originally Posted by naturalactions /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Same here...no movement at all...and now with the spoilers out I am so impatient!

SAME!!!!  I'm so frustrated!  I want the box!!!

Quote: Originally Posted by summergal80 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

For some reason my fall box still says processing and the FedEx site still only shows that it was initiated (which was last Wed!!) Wonder what gives....

Me three.... what is the hold up?! Wah! Gimme!

First time post! Just wanted to point out that I think this is shipping via smartpost, which means Fed ex hauls it to USPS, and then USPS is responsible from shipping from there - would explain why the shipping updates stopped after only a few days, it is probably in USPS's hands now :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by superhans /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  First time post! Just wanted to point out that I think this is shipping via smartpost, which means Fed ex hauls it to USPS, and then USPS is responsible from shipping from there - would explain why the shipping updates stopped after only a few days, it is probably in USPS's hands now :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I think the issue is on some people's box like mine fedex hasn't even received the box yet so it's unlikely to be in USPS hands yet. I had thought maybe they waited based on distance from the shipping location but since people always get there boxes well before me. I don't think the fact that I  live 12 hours a way factors into it.  Based on past experience I have had I won't receive my box until next week.. So I will try to be as patient as possible... 

I think FedEx (like USPS) may not update everyday, so we might see updates on tracking tonight or tomorrow when all the scanning data downloads and get pushed up to the tracking site(s).

Mine is in the same boat as everyone else, left Cali but no update since Friday.  

Quote: Originally Posted by superhans /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  First time post! Just wanted to point out that I think this is shipping via smartpost, which means Fed ex hauls it to USPS, and then USPS is responsible from shipping from there - would explain why the shipping updates stopped after only a few days, it is probably in USPS's hands now :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Usually it would say when the transferred to USPS happened. In the past, fedex would still keep on updating even after USPS has the box, so I don't think this is the reason why there has been no updates to Fedex for a few days. Mine has been stuck in Sacramento, CA since Thursday, which is more progress than some of you ladies have posted, but since I'm in NY, it still has a long way to go.

First time post! Just wanted to point out that I think this is shipping via smartpost, which means Fed ex hauls it to USPS, and then USPS is responsible from shipping from there - would explain why the shipping updates stopped after only a few days, it is probably in USPS's hands now :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
I love your username! Best show ever!
Mine has only been initiated.  I don't think PopSugar has dropped it off at FedEx yet.  The expected ship date was last Wednesday... but.... "shipment information was sent to FedEx" but it hasn't "Arrived at FedEx location"!  Typically it arrives, then goes to Sacramento, then makes its way to Chicago, then is transferred to the USPS, etc... But NOTHING...

Mine has only been initiated.  I don't think PopSugar has dropped it off at FedEx yet.  The expected ship date was last Wednesday... but.... "shipment information was sent to FedEx" but it hasn't "Arrived at FedEx location"!  Typically it arrives, then goes to Sacramento, then makes its way to Chicago, then is transferred to the USPS, etc... But NOTHING...
You're not alone... Same Here!!!
Just checked FedEx tracking (even though they're suppose to give me email updates), it looks like my box arrived in CT at 7:25pm.  Finally, it's on the East Coast!

If anyone isn't thrilled with their box and is interested in selling please message me! Wishing I would have ordered one!

I am so excited! I love pretty much everything in the box...nervous about the ring, since my ring size is an 8. The ring is fab though, and I really hope it ends up fitting! For some reason, my shipping isn't working. I've never had a problem tracking via reference number, and it keeps showing error for me on FedEx's website :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Hopefully I'll have a surprise waiting for me tomorrow  on my doorstep when I get home from work!

Quote: Originally Posted by Ann Tucci /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I think FedEx (like USPS) may not update everyday, so we might see updates on tracking tonight or tomorrow when all the scanning data downloads and get pushed up to the tracking site(s).

Mine is in the same boat as everyone else, left Cali but no update since Friday.  

Seriously, I get better shipping updates from USPS... And I thought FedEx and UPS were the superior shipping companies.  o_O

Mine left Sacramento on 9/5 and still no updates...  Then again, I received my first box a day before receiving a shipping notification.

Quote: Originally Posted by jrenee /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Seriously, I get better shipping updates from USPS... And I thought FedEx and UPS were the superior shipping companies.  o_O
Ha!  Not when they're shipping via SmartPost or SurePost (I think that's UPS's version).  Anyway my UPS driver told me they sometimes deliver sure post packages, but they're like last of the last in terms of priority, even after ground deliveries.  And they usually look at them like USPS's responsibility so, I take it no one is clamoring to add them to their routes and would much rather hand them off to USPS right away.  Air/Overnights are priority, of course.  I imagine FedEx SmartPost if the same...until it gets turned over to USPS.  So really we are better off getting them delivered by USPS.  But probably only slightly.  Each service certainly has it's disadvantages.

A little OT....but oddly enough UPS drivers could get in trouble for delivering a ground package before an air package, even if that means my driver has to stop in front of my building twice a day, once to deliver an overnight, then back again to deliver ground. 

I luck out because my driver will usually bring my ground items with his air shipments, so I usually get my Sample Society and Sephora orders lighting fast.  I just signed up for the Sephora Flash program.  Since they ship from Maryland, I literally placed an order Thursday afternoon last week and got it Friday morning.  Combined with free shipping for the flash program, it's saving me money by not having to drive the 25-30mins to my local Sephora. 

What's even funnier about SmartPost/SurePost is that FedEx and UPS fly USPS mail on their planes....seems it should get handed off to the USPS once it lands, but I think it continues through the FedEx SmartPost hubs THEN gets handed off to USPS once it gets to your delivering PO.  I'm sure the slowness is due SmartPost being the cheapest option for PS, or packages are prioritized below ground shipments. 

I don't even want to guess where DHL fall in the scale of shipping priority, but I'm sure it's six feet under the bottom layer of hell. 

Quote: Originally Posted by tiffanys /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Mine has only been initiated.  I don't think PopSugar has dropped it off at FedEx yet.  The expected ship date was last Wednesday... but.... "shipment information was sent to FedEx" but it hasn't "Arrived at FedEx location"!  Typically it arrives, then goes to Sacramento, then makes its way to Chicago, then is transferred to the USPS, etc... But NOTHING...

Same here! I'm all the way in Iowa, so maybe our boxes are hanging out together ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Just wanted to chime in! I'm so excited, but I too am confused about shipping info. I have been trying make this my first spoiler free box, and see how that changes my experience , so far it just make me terribly miss makeup talk!!!! Anyhow, can't wait, but mine is like it has been submitted for shipping now for oh 9 days.... Aghh


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