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Quote: Originally Posted by Renata P /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Oh, please don't be a bad prophet. I have ordered plenty of boxes and hope to get all of them.

No, no, I have three boxes to come as well, plus some 18 or so points to use up! Just worrying out loud.
I've emailed as well and hope we get some answers soon.

Quote: Originally Posted by Sheeeeeelby /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I haven't been keeping up with this thread, moves too fast for me. but omg! whats going on?!
Memebox has informed their subscribers that they will only be shipping to the US, Canada and Japan starting on March 31st and people outside of those countries are very angry about it. People are angry at me for "throwing it in their face" that I get complimentary boxes for reviewing purposes. People are also angry at me because I told them to calm down with the negativity and talk to memebox about their issues rather than yelling about them here. I just think that if you want the problem you're upset about to be solved, you should contact the company and at least try to solve it first.

And now people are doing exactly what I was concerned about, speculating and comparing memebox to other boxes that have had negative outcomes, and that is what bothers me the most.

And on another note, I take personal offense to the person who accused me of throwing my "free" boxes in their face. I work VERY hard on my reviews, and I have been completely transparent since the beginning of this thread that my boxes were complimentary. I wasn't trying to throw it in people's faces. I have gone out of my way to e-mail memebox with ALL of your questions and concerns since day 1. I have answered every questions I possibly could, even questions that were PMed to me. Sometimes someone would ask me/the group about shipping or customs or some other issue related to payment of the boxes, which I simply said I was not able to answer because I don't pay for the box (right now.) Memebox isn't going to send me review boxes forever, and I do intend on continuing to be a customer regardless. I have done nothing but try and be helpful to anyone that has any issues.

I'm sorry you're no longer getting memeboxes. I told you that you had every right to be upset, but the way some people are acting is RIDICULOUS. I'm sorry, it's a box of skincare products. It's material possessions. There are so many other things to be angry about in this world.

Clearly my existence in this thread is upsettingn people, and clearly I'm throwing things in people's face. So I'm done. I'll come back for box #7 and hopefully this ridiculousness will have calmed down by then.

Turned up to 11 around here. Yeesh. As to what happened, memebox is going through a major overhaul and their website is down but should be up later tonight. They canned all deliveries on orders after March 31 to countries that are not the US, Canada or Japan. People are saddened by it; at this time there is no explanation. As an American, I'm curious to know as well.

Stepping in to request that 1) this discussion get back on track and away from any sort of personal discussion/judgment of other members, and 2) that everyone please remember our Rule #1 (posted below).  I think enough has been said on both sides, and it's time to let the matter rest.  If you have concerns about Memebox no longer shipping to your country (for which I'm so sorry to hear about!  That stinks!), I do suggest that you contact Memebox directly for an explanation.  You are more than welcome to post their response to this thread, if you believe it will help other members understand the reasoning behind Memebox's decision.  As always, feel free to contact myself or any other moderator with questions or comments.  

Thanks!  Rule #1:

  1. Be polite and respect other members and staff. Blatant mean posts will result in banning of user account and/or ip address.
Stepping in to request that 1) this discussion get back on track and away from any sort of personal discussion/judgment of other members, and 2) that everyone please remember our Rule #1 (posted below).  I think enough has been said on both sides, and it's time to let the matter rest.  If you have concerns about Memebox no longer shipping to your country (for which I'm so sorry to hear about!  That stinks!), I do suggest that you contact Memebox directly for an explanation.  You are more than welcome to post their response to this thread, if you believe it will help other members understand the reasoning behind Memebox's decision.  As always, feel free to contact myself or any other moderator with questions or comments.   Thanks!  Rule #1:
  1. Be polite and respect other members and staff. Blatant mean posts will result in banning of user account and/or ip address.
Thank you so very much! We need this! Appreciate you stepping up!
I'm sorry to the other countries that won't be getting memeboxes after march :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I wish memebox would find a way to send boxes to your countries in the future.. Hopefully this turns out sooner than later. I would be upset as well! I would send an email to them but I WON'T ATTACK THEM. Please be mindful that they're trying to accommodate everyone, and attacking them won't help at all. [@]MissJexie[/@], please don't feel responsible for this. I am grateful you got to share this with us, and I love it! I love memebox, I love this community of memebox lovers & I have you to thank for it! I'm not always pleased with it but I've had excellent customer service from them and I love most of the stuff I get. This is my favorite sub box & I'm excited to see the same group of ladies who are as passionate as I am! I get that they're mad, I would be too, but to accuse you of not caring cuz you get boxes to review is beyond me. If I didn't see a review, I would be hesitant to buy it since I don't know anything about it, except for the fact that it's a box of Korean beauty products. It's good that they send it out to you guys before we spend money on them. That's just the way I see it.

Quote: Originally Posted by queeenb /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm sorry to the other countries that won't be getting memeboxes after march
I wish memebox would find a way to send boxes to your countries in the future.. Hopefully this turns out sooner than later. I would be upset as well! I would send an email to them but I WON'T ATTACK THEM. Please be mindful that they're trying to accommodate everyone, and attacking them won't help at all.

@MissJexie, please don't feel responsible for this. I am grateful you got to share this with us, and I love it! I love memebox, I love this community of memebox lovers & I have you to thank for it! I'm not always pleased with it but I've had excellent customer service from them and I love most of the stuff I get. This is my favorite sub box & I'm excited to see the same group of ladies who are as passionate as I am! I get that they're mad, I would be too, but to accuse you of not caring cuz you get boxes to review is beyond me. If I didn't see a review, I would be hesitant to buy it since I don't know anything about it, except for the fact that it's a box of Korean beauty products. It's good that they send it out to you guys before we spend money on them. That's just the way I see it.
I always have way too much to say, so I will let these little smileys do the talking for me:

But seriously, I agree with everything you said. And Thank you <3

Quote: Originally Posted by MissJexie /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Memebox has informed their subscribers that they will only be shipping to the US, Canada and Japan starting on March 31st and people outside of those countries are very angry about it. People are angry at me for "throwing it in their face" that I get complimentary boxes for reviewing purposes. People are also angry at me because I told them to calm down with the negativity and talk to memebox about their issues rather than yelling about them here. I just think that if you want the problem you're upset about to be solved, you should contact the company and at least try to solve it first.

And now people are doing exactly what I was concerned about, speculating and comparing memebox to other boxes that have had negative outcomes, and that is what bothers me the most.

And on another note, I take personal offense to the person who accused me of throwing my "free" boxes in their face. I work VERY hard on my reviews, and I have been completely transparent since the beginning of this thread that my boxes were complimentary. I wasn't trying to throw it in people's faces. I have gone out of my way to e-mail memebox with ALL of your questions and concerns since day 1. I have answered every questions I possibly could, even questions that were PMed to me. Sometimes someone would ask me/the group about shipping or customs or some other issue related to payment of the boxes, which I simply said I was not able to answer because I don't pay for the box (right now.) Memebox isn't going to send me review boxes forever, and I do intend on continuing to be a customer regardless. I have done nothing but try and be helpful to anyone that has any issues.

I'm sorry you're no longer getting memeboxes. I told you that you had every right to be upset, but the way some people are acting is RIDICULOUS. I'm sorry, it's a box of skincare products. It's material possessions. There are so many other things to be angry about in this world.

Clearly my existence in this thread is upsettingn people, and clearly I'm throwing things in people's face. So I'm done. I'll come back for box #7 and hopefully this ridiculousness will have calmed down by then.
Oh no! :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  Thanks for the update and I'm sorry about what is happening & that you feel that way. It's best to just let it go and ignore such comments. We all wouldn't have found the awesomeness of Memebox in the first place if it wasn't for you! 

Quote: Originally Posted by Sheeeeeelby /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Oh no! :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />  Thanks for the update and I'm sorry about what is happening & that you feel that way. It's best to just let it go and ignore such comments. We all wouldn't have found the awesomeness of Memebox in the first place if it wasn't for you! 
You're right about letting it go. Not being able to sometimes is probably one of my biggest flaws. lol :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Next time I start to get stressed or sassy on these threads someone needs to step in and be like,


Quote: Originally Posted by MissJexie /img/forum/go_quote.gif

And on another note, I take personal offense to the person who accused me of throwing my "free" boxes in their face. I work VERY hard on my reviews, and I have been completely transparent since the beginning of this thread that my boxes were complimentary.
Non-bloggers wouldn't understand, to them it's just you bragging about getting "free stuff". I had people tell me that as well, and at first I was offended, too. Now I just don't care. It takes me at least 3-4 hours to create a blog post for subscription boxes, most of it editing pictures in 3 different programs (4, if I need to make a collage). Do they really think that a $20-some box is a fair payment for all that work? Of course, not, but we do it because we want to share, and nobody would know what to expect without those reviews. 

Sure there are lazy bloggers who snap 1 picture, write down a list of products and call it a day, but you're not one of them. You went above and beyond to help the ladies in this thread, and even spoke to Memebox on everyones behalf. It would be a shame if you now withdrew from this thread, after all you were the one who introduced most of us here to this awesome subscription 

Non-bloggers wouldn't understand, to them it's just you bragging about getting "free stuff". I had people tell me that as well, and at first I was offended, too. Now I just don't care. It takes me at least 3-4 hours to create a blog post for subscription boxes, most of it editing pictures in 3 different programs (4, if I need to make a collage). Do they really think that a $20-some box is a fair payment for all that work? Of course, not, but we do it because we want to share, and nobody would know what to expect without those reviews.  Sure there are lazy bloggers who snap 1 picture, write down a list of products and call it a day, but you're not one of them. You went above and beyond to help the ladies in this thread, and even spoke to Memebox on everyones behalf. It would be a shame if you now withdrew from this thread, after all you were the one who introduced most of us here to this awesome subscription :ura:  
Go girl!!! I am so thankful for MissJexie!!
Quote: Originally Posted by Spiritwind10 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Go girl!!! I am so thankful for MissJexie!!
Me too! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Her blog posts have been extremely helpful.

Quote: Originally Posted by OiiO /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Non-bloggers wouldn't understand, to them it's just you bragging about getting "free stuff". I had people tell me that as well, and at first I was offended, too. Now I just don't care. It takes me at least 3-4 hours to create a blog post for subscription boxes, most of it editing pictures in 3 different programs (4, if I need to make a collage). Do they really think that a $20-some box is a fair payment for all that work? Of course, not, but we do it because we want to share, and nobody would know what to expect without those reviews. 

Sure there are lazy bloggers who snap 1 picture, write down a list of products and call it a day, but you're not one of them. You went above and beyond to help the ladies in this thread, and even spoke to Memebox on everyones behalf. It would be a shame if you now withdrew from this thread, after all you were the one who introduced most of us here to this awesome subscription 

Thank you SO much! <3 That is exactly, exactly it. Everything you said! I love blogging because I genuinely love helping people and giving as much information on a product as I can. Getting the product "for free" is anything but. Like you said, it takes hours and hours of work, research, testing, photography, editing, writing etc to make a blog post that is comprehensive and genuine. I hope that most people here know I'm genuinely here to help and be excited along with everyone else, and not to try and rub anything in anyone's face. I definitely won't withdraw from the thread, but I think I will definitely take a deep breath and ignore it next time rather than add fuel to the fire. Totally a mistake on my part, but I won't let it change how I feel about the gals I've met because of our mutual love for memebox, or how much I participate in the thread. Now that I'm calmed down I'm just sad for anyone that can't participate, and excited to see what the memebox website looks like when it comes back up!

Quote: Originally Posted by Patantao /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Site is back up...
Well then! LOL

Wow it looks great! Much more clean and professional!

Yikes. Um, anyway... It's taking me a zillion years to review all of my boxes because I'm trying not to introduce too many skincare things at once and I'm finally getting around to all the 'essences.' I know someone posted a really helpful guide on Asian skincare but I can't find it for the life of me. At what point in your routine do you apply the essence? Before or after toner? Or instead of a toner?

Quote: Originally Posted by allistra44 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Yikes. Um, anyway...

It's taking me a zillion years to review all of my boxes because I'm trying not to introduce too many skincare things at once and I'm finally getting around to all the 'essences.'

I know someone posted a really helpful guide on Asian skincare but I can't find it for the life of me. At what point in your routine do you apply the essence? Before or after toner? Or instead of a toner?

I forgot who posted it but I saved it because it was SO helpful!!

I put on the liquid essence instead of a toner. Sometimes there are gel/serum essence products that probably should be used along with a toner...but I'm definitely no expert. I think this link is invaluable though!

Quote: Originally Posted by allistra44 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Yikes. Um, anyway...

It's taking me a zillion years to review all of my boxes because I'm trying not to introduce too many skincare things at once and I'm finally getting around to all the 'essences.'

I know someone posted a really helpful guide on Asian skincare but I can't find it for the life of me. At what point in your routine do you apply the essence? Before or after toner? Or instead of a toner?

You are welcome.

EDIT - Jexie was faster lol

Quote: Originally Posted by MissJexie /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I made myself very clear in saying that there is a difference between having a legitimate complaint, or even feeling disappointed about something, and complaining about every single thing that is out of a companies control, complaining about things that have been stated repeatedly (IE: they are in a testing phase in their company and to expect some changes now and then) and so on. I have also repeatedly said people have the right to feel any way they want, especially bummed out when it comes to no longer being able to get boxes. But I read up there that memebox "tempted" them into buying boxes only to "take them away." And the arguments at this point are becoming absurd.

Just as they have a right to complain about whatever the want, I have every right to say how exhausting it is to read endless negativity about a company that has obviously made a few mistakes, but has bent over backwards to fix them, and it's still not good enough for people. I think that people tend to get vindictive and start placing blame when there doesn't need to be blame placed in most situations. Are you bummed out about not getting memebox anymore? Sure, let's hear about it. But it really grinds my gears to constantly read things that I have repeatedly answered time and time again, or how people are making irrational demands of a company that is clearly just trying to find their footing, and at the same time make sure everyone is happy, which is just not possible.

I tend to ramble so here's the shortened version: People can complain all the want. But I believe I also can tell them I'm tired of hearing them complain. If this is how this thread is going to be until this all blows over, then I will kindly show myself out and wait for it to die down before I continue commenting. I have never had a problem with people's negative opinions or concerns with any other box in any other thread because as you said, people are entitled to say what they want. But I become offended when people start ripping apart a company that I know means well and I know is being transparent and doing whatever they can to not only be successful, but also to make their customers happy. If it is negatively affecting the company to ship worldwide, then I think they did the right thing in giving everyone a month's notice to say that they are no longer shipping worldwide. I don't feel that a company should start getting compared to other failed or dishonest companies just for doing something that not everyone is happy with.

I do not  have issues with people voicing their concerns or disappointments.  I have a huge issue with people jumping the gun, drawing conclusions, or bad-mouthing for no reason. Maybe I came off a bit unfair or a bit callous, but I speak my mind and that's what I was thinking at the time. Just as they're allowed to complain endlessly, I'm allowed to say how I feel about it.
Actually it was not my intend to offend anybody neither in general nor personally. I can understand that writing a blog is a work like every other. It needs time and getting involved. However the above post made me feel really bad as I don't understand how anybody can depreciate others concerns and doubts in such a way. Is it really so easy and arbitrary divide other people complains into legitimate or not. Who has the right to do this actually? Some of us, all of us? I am sorry but I find this post rather offensive and I don't fill like even the most deserving blogger can tell me or somebody else when to complain. It concerns rather general matter than the Memebox itself.


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