Memebox: Korean Beauty Box Service forums

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Quote: Originally Posted by Malaperelka /img/forum/go_quote.gif

My has nothing to say in this case because he just started new business and I am the only person in my family who earn money

Well, then you definately have the upper hand
In my family we both work (in several places in fact) so I get to spend my money on my hobbies. And as he earns a bit more he owes me a nice gift from time to time

Quote: Originally Posted by Paulina PS /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I try NOT to calculate how much I spend on my boxes and now I've limited myself to Memebox only. We don't really have any great subs in Poland so now I'm only interested in international ones. Anyway, it's good my hubby is not the kind to nag me about spending too much on cosmetics or clothes - he actually supports my addictions and pays for some of them LOL
Mine doesn't nag me either, but then again I pay for all of my beauty products from my own paycheck. 

Quote: Originally Posted by BlackMagicRose /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I'm very excited for this box! It looks awesome! 5.2 was my first box, so I don't have the repeat problem yet, but I am not sure that it would bother me too much. I mean, would people be really upset if they repeated the cheese cream? If the item was good, why wouldn't people want more? I know Memebox encourages feedback, and they are still in the beta phase, but they must be very surprised about all the negative feedback they are getting for kind of minor things. 
Yes, as a subscription box subscriber, I love it when I love a product so much and get a repeat. Dream come true for me.

For example, I went to Total Beauty shops to get a second box package that included my favorite 33 dollar lipstick for only 20 bucks along with other items, I got it the first time, loved it so much, I went back for the same. You cant beat that.

IPSY too, my daughter and I each get a bag and of course we will get some same items and if we like it, its all fine with us,

Quote: Originally Posted by OiiO /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Mine doesn't nag me either, but then again I pay for all of my beauty products from my own paycheck. 
I hope that was said kindly and not in a cheeky way. Some of us are housewives or earn less income from our spouses, No dollar figure can add up to how Im able to take my kids to school, pick them up , have home cooked meals waiting for them, and how I have time online to find the best deals.

Some husbands are proud to support their wives even  if their wives dont work, 100 percent cause what dollar figure can you place on maid and nanny and chef services, lol.

Part of my reward is beauty care from makeup boxes to look my best when he comes home and when im out and about shopping, Some of us rely on husbands income and Im not ashamed to say that I do.

Quote: Originally Posted by pinkgirlie /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I hope that was said kindly and not in a cheeky way. Some of us are housewives or earn less income from our spouses, No dollar figure can add up to how Im able to take my kids to school, pick them up , have home cooked meals waiting for them, and how I have time online to find the best deals.

Some husbands are proud to support their wives even  if their wives dont work, 100 percent cause what dollar figure can you place on maid and nanny and chef services, lol.

Part of my reward is beauty care from makeup boxes to look my best when he comes home and when im out and about shopping, Some of us rely on husbands income and Im not ashamed to say that I do.
Nope, I'm not known on these boards for excessive cheekiness, I'm your resident mellow girl :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I'm actually envious of those of you who can get your husbands/boyfriends to buy you things, mine never does. Everything has to have practical value for him to spend even a penny on it. #SMH

I'm a stay-at-home housewife too and I cook homemade lunches and dinners every day (hubs is so cheap, he comes home for lunch to eat!!), we go out to eat maybe twice a month at most, so I definitely understand how time-consuming it is. My income is mostly from occasional freelance projects and blog revenue.

How it pays off for me being home is that over the years I learned the sales cycles of stores almost like a insider. Some deals out there are so good, that theres some that last only a day and Im first one there.

Im able to give my family a best dressed reputation on very little unbeknowest to others, cause Im able to find such good sales. I know some will say, why not just work so you can just afford whatever you want  . but I like being in comfort of my own home and making sure my kids are safe. Kids are snatched just walking to the bus stop these days .

Back to Memebox, I only ordered the 5.2 and loved it, I ordered the 7 box, Im still undecided if Im specifically crazy for korean brands, Seems like all upper end makeup round the world has similiar quality.

Looking forward to at seeing reviews for the 6th one. Been enjoying this forum.

Quote: Originally Posted by OiiO /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Nope, I'm not known on these boards for excessive cheekiness, I'm your resident mellow girl :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I'm actually envious of those of you who can get your husbands/boyfriends to buy you things, mine never does. Everything has to have practical value for him to spend even a penny on it. #SMH

I'm a stay-at-home housewife too and I cook homemade lunches and dinners every day (hubs is so cheap, he comes home for lunch to eat!!), we go out to eat maybe twice a month at most, so I definitely understand how time-consuming it is. My income is mostly from occasional freelance projects and blog revenue.
Hi Mellow girl ! hehe, .
. Hope I never come across as cheeky either, About your freelance, now that is the best job, to be independant and free and blog revenue WOW. now thats something Ive been thinking about for years. esp doing beauty reviews.

Happy to be on same page. If ever my hubby spoke up on my makeup and clothes , Id find a way to do that. It would be a very enriching experience, I love to write.

Noooooooo I didn't get the 1st box and had been dying to try the nature essence spray because of the great reviews it had. I JUST caved and bought it off the site :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />((( It hasn't come yet but I guess if it's amazing I can give one to my mom so she will stop nagging me about spending too much money haha.

Quote: Originally Posted by llgemini /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Wow! That looks so much better than box 5, even with the repeat item.

In other news, I STILL have yet to get tracking for my Superbox 1 and it's frustrating me! Mine is even coming express, so I'm a little ticked.
Same here. I sent a ticket. Hopefully the respond. I really want to track my superbox!

Quote: Originally Posted by MissJexie /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Geez, I must have sent it really cheaply or something because it took almost a month to get to her. My grandparents on both sides were born in Poland. I've heard that it's written/pronounced Babcia, however we've always called her babci and my grandfather dziadzia. Although we usually just shorten it to sound like "Babch"  lol
It travelled probably by boat:) if you don't put an air mail sticker on the package it will go by boat which is approx a month :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I also received box #6 today and I am excited to try everything out! I guess the Recipe Spray water was a repeat (I didn't get box #1) and also the lip gloss which I have already received. I was a little surprised to see the lip gloss again but it's not a biggie (I will give it to my daughter). Heck, I would be ELATED to have the Bounce Cream Cheese, Tea Tree Essence or Miguhara B.P. cream show up later on!lol Hope all of you get yours soon-let the playing with new goodies begin 

I have to say this is the first time I'm disappointed with memebox. Both of the repeat items are great items, but why would they send repeats? I thought that was what the Lucky Box was for? Are these items going to be in the Lucky boxes too?

As a blogger, and as someone who works with memebox closely, it bothers me that I have to review a box like this and point out to my readers that there are TWO repeat items in one box. When memebox partners with youtubers and bloggers, we are basically putting our trust in their company. I encourage my readers to sign up and spend their money because I feel that it's a good deal.

I really think that the repeat items should not happen, or they should make it clear that boxes will occasionally contain repeat items. They JUST sent me the RE:CIPE Green Tea Oil Cleanser for review, and I personally think the cleanser should have been in this box instead of the mist, and the lip gloss should have at least been a different color.

Bummed out about this. I'm going to refrain from e-mailing them as so many of you are and it will only clog up the system. But I'd love to hear what they say.

I'm still really excited for this box though. I will probably just do a quick giveaway on my blog with the doubles or donate them.

Hi Miss Jexie, I entered the giveaway drawing, I recognize about half in the items. I mustve bought a box with the variations. Hope I win, (smiles)

If theres a giveaway from any member with the whitening stuff, Id love to try it , being ethnic, Its something I would really like, Didnt get a chance to buy the 6th box.

Again, I dont mind the repeated items. It is still a great amount of products for 29 usd, and I cant complain about that. Please keep in mind that koreans aim to please: dont be too harsh with them. I dont mibd the non korean products since they are korean favs, I dont mind the repeats as long as it doesnt become a habbit and the products are best sellers, I dont even mind they treating us as test customers lol But then again, I am the portuguese girl that has learned to be pacient since customs here are soooooo slowwww :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> As long as I get products worth 100 usd for 30usd, I am a happy gal.

You know I have got my box #6 yet as I didn't get express shipping. But I have to say even with the repeats, the item from box #1 is something I didn't get since I didn't get box #1 so it's a first time for me. And the lip gloss I happen to like the color and it will be great to keep one in my purse and one in my makeup stuff in the bathroom. So I'm pleased, very please and what it's worth over $100+ who couldn't be happy. The lip gloss is only a few of those $$$ so I'm not worried. Yes, they should tell us there might be repeats, but over all I think it's an awesome box!!!

I have to say this is the first time I'm disappointed with memebox. Both of the repeat items are great items, but why would they send repeats? I thought that was what the Lucky Box was for? Are these items going to be in the Lucky boxes too? As a blogger, and as someone who works with memebox closely, it bothers me that I have to review a box like this and point out to my readers that there are TWO repeat items in one box. When memebox partners with youtubers and bloggers, we are basically putting our trust in their company. I encourage my readers to sign up and spend their money because I feel that it's a good deal. I really think that the repeat items should not happen, or they should make it clear that boxes will occasionally contain repeat items. They JUST sent me the RE:CIPE Green Tea Oil Cleanser for review, and I personally think the cleanser should have been in this box instead of the mist, and the lip gloss should have at least been a different color. Bummed out about this. I'm going to refrain from e-mailing them as so many of you are and it will only clog up the system. But I'd love to hear what they say. I'm still really excited for this box though. I will probably just do a quick giveaway on my blog with the doubles or donate them.
Yea, I can see how that puts you in a bit of an awkward position... I don't think I've seen them do repeats in their Korean boxes so I think its weird that they would do so here. Maybe they really weren't counting on so many people buying concurrent boxes. I have to say though that I would have LOVED to get that cleansing oil! I'm still interested in using the mist though. I am personally hella excited about this box because I am pretty sure I will use all of it, except maybe the repeated gloss. What exactly is the Dr Jart item? A BB cream? Btw- on the subject of the gloss, Target is now carrying some Laneige products.
I have to say this is the first time I'm disappointed with memebox. Both of the repeat items are great items, but why would they send repeats? I thought that was what the Lucky Box was for? Are these items going to be in the Lucky boxes too? As a blogger, and as someone who works with memebox closely, it bothers me that I have to review a box like this and point out to my readers that there are TWO repeat items in one box. When memebox partners with youtubers and bloggers, we are basically putting our trust in their company. I encourage my readers to sign up and spend their money because I feel that it's a good deal. I really think that the repeat items should not happen, or they should make it clear that boxes will occasionally contain repeat items. They JUST sent me the RE:CIPE Green Tea Oil Cleanser for review, and I personally think the cleanser should have been in this box instead of the mist, and the lip gloss should have at least been a different color. Bummed out about this. I'm going to refrain from e-mailing them as so many of you are and it will only clog up the system. But I'd love to hear what they say. I'm still really excited for this box though. I will probably just do a quick giveaway on my blog with the doubles or donate them.
Miss Jexie, please don't feel bad about this. Actually as you can see from a couple of posts ago that I am happy, very happy with box #6 and why I was happy with it. Who know maybe they had a lot of lip glosses in stock and decided to throw another one in for prosperity, I don't know, but it doesn't bother me and it didn't take up much room in the box size wise or $$$ wise. And as for the item from box #1 most of us except for you didn't get box #1 so it isn't a repeat for us and they probably know at. So I would worry about it. Just enjoy the boxes ladies and realize we are getting awesome Korean products and the opportunity to try them out for really a good price! 29.00 for $100+ is not a bad return and I don't think I payed that as I used some points! Really Rachel! I am blessed to call you friend and to know that you are kind and giving and doing your best. Don't worry, I know you will any way, but I am thankful to be able to get these products at such an awesome price and really from a company who cares and is trying to keep up with all of us Memebox stalkers! LOL
Quote: Originally Posted by Spiritwind10 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Miss Jexie, please don't feel bad about this. Actually as you can see from a couple of posts ago that I am happy, very happy with box #6 and why I was happy with it. Who know maybe they had a lot of lip glosses in stock and decided to throw another one in for prosperity, I don't know, but it doesn't bother me and it didn't take up much room in the box size wise or $$$ wise. And as for the item from box #1 most of us except for you didn't get box #1 so it isn't a repeat for us and they probably know at. So I would worry about it. Just enjoy the boxes ladies and realize we are getting awesome Korean products and the opportunity to try them out for really a good price! 29.00 for $100+ is not a bad return and I don't think I payed that as I used some points! Really Rachel! I am blessed to call you friend and to know that you are kind and giving and doing your best. Don't worry, I know you will any way, but I am thankful to be able to get these products at such an awesome price and really from a company who cares and is trying to keep up with all of us Memebox stalkers! LOL

You are so sweet Nancy
I really hope that what you're saying is the case in that they had extra glosses so they decided to put them in and the essence spray because not many people got to try it since it was in the 1st box. I just get worried because I don't want to steer anyone in the wrong direction with their hard earned money! I will as always, reserve judgement until box #7 is released. If there are more repeats then I think I'll start to get worried. But for now, I'll just be excited for the box to come! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


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