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Quote: Originally Posted by llgemini /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Wow! That looks so much better than box 5, even with the repeat item.

In other news, I STILL have yet to get tracking for my Superbox 1 and it's frustrating me! Mine is even coming express, so I'm a little ticked.

Totally agreed! Box 5 was just not my cup of tea. With the exception of the Derma B and acne pore solution, everything went up to be traded/swapped. Oh and my mom took the lip gloss :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> haha this box - I'll probably be using most of it myself! 

I haven't gotten anything for Superbox 1 either, but with express shipping, like I mentioned previously. I only got the Box 6 tracking last night around 7? 8pm? And it showed up this morning at 9am....haha

Quote: Originally Posted by jennwzhu89 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Here you go! Box #6 below! Two things right off the bat I wasn't happy with was the repeat of items from Box 1 and 4. Well Box 1 repeat I was actually really happy with since I had wanted to order the box to try this item (Recipe by Nature Spray Essence Water). The Repeat from Box 4 is the Laneige Snow Crystal Pure Lip Gloss. It was the same shade as the one I had just received in box 4 a few weeks back which is disappointing, but it'll be going up for trade so should be fine! Everything else looked great. Loved the full size/deluxe size nautre of all of the items :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Ok, this is seriously not cool - repeated items, are you kidding me? I don't like that fact so much it's hard for me to express it how much! I mean, is it one more thing we should write to them about? Because I can live with one repeated item (I didn't buy the frist box so I don't have the mist), but what if they keep doing that? I intended to order Superbox 2 after I've seen Box 6 but in this situation I think I'll pass - what if I get the same color lipgloss again...?

Don't get me wrong, I like this box much more that the previous one anyway, but I think it's just so wrong to put in an item which we got 2 boxes ago. Sad

Yeah - I'm actually in the process of writing them now. I'm not SUPER upset about the actual repeat- I just wish they would have told us that we should be expecting a repeat now and then. The mist I can more or less understand because it is a "BEST" item and very popular. And given that the first box was shipped in early November of last year it's understandable if people liked it now would be a natural time to repeat as it's almost 4 months later. The lip gloss makes ABSOLUTELY no sense to me.. it shipped end of January...less than 3 weeks ago I received it..there's just now way I would have finished it by now and the SAME EXACT shade too....just annoying. 

Ok, this is seriously not cool - repeated items, are you kidding me? I don't like that fact so much it's hard for me to express it how much! I mean, is it one more thing we should write to them about? Because I can live with one repeated item (I didn't buy the frist box so I don't have the mist), but what if they'll keep doing that? I intended to order Superbox 2 after I've seen Box 6 but in this situation I think I'll pass - what if I get the same color lipgloss again...? Don't get me wrong, I like this box much more that the previous one anyway, but I think it's just so wrong to put in an item which we got 2 boxes ago. Sad :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Six or lucky?
You're 100% right. I'm sad too!
Maybe they weren't anticipating the same people ordering multiple boxes. I don't know I'm just glad I had a wait and see approach. I've only ordered box 7 and at one point I thought I would go broke because I wanted to order them al. With all these changes I don't have that fear anymore. I will see how box 7 is and maybe order 2 boxes a year or something. I'm definitely excited for my box next month though.

Haha I'm just so glad I did order 6, because I would have so upset to have missed out on the nature recipe spray! That's the item I was dying to try from Box 1. Wait and see is a good approach...unfortunately I don't have as great self control..haha :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> plus my boyfriend enables me... I'm much more of a skin care fanatic as opposed to makeup so this is honestly the best box for me. Especially given that Asian products work better on my skin!

I've gotten Boxes 2,3,4,5,6...still waiting on 7,8,9,10 and Superbox #1 and 2. The only thing I've held back from ordering the Superbox #3 the hydration one. But I figured I'd wait and see with that one since they're obviously not selling out as quickly!

Quote: Originally Posted by jennwzhu89 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Haha I'm just so glad I did order 6, because I would have so upset to have missed out on the nature recipe spray! That's the item I was dying to try from Box 1. Wait and see is a good approach...unfortunately I don't have as great self control..haha :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> plus my boyfriend enables me... I'm much more of a skin care fanatic as opposed to makeup so this is honestly the best box for me. Especially given that Asian products work better on my skin!

I've gotten Boxes 2,3,4,5,6...still waiting on 7,8,9,10 and Superbox #1 and 2. The only thing I've held back from ordering the Superbox #3 the hydration one. But I figured I'd wait and see with that one since they're obviously not selling out as quickly!
Oh my, no self-control here, you've bought even more boxes than me LOL

I'd be happy to hear when your Superbox 1 arrives, didn't order that one and I'm really curious what's inside. It costs 70$, must contain some great stuff I suppose.

Quote: Originally Posted by jennwzhu89 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Yeah - I'm actually in the process of writing them now. I'm not SUPER upset about the actual repeat- I just wish they would have told us that we should be expecting a repeat now and then. The mist I can more or less understand because it is a "BEST" item and very popular. And given that the first box was shipped in early November of last year it's understandable if people liked it now would be a natural time to repeat as it's almost 4 months later. The lip gloss makes ABSOLUTELY no sense to me.. it shipped end of January...less than 3 weeks ago I received it..there's just now way I would have finished it by now and the SAME EXACT shade too....just annoying. 
I'll write them too when my arrives. You're absolutely right - they could've given us at least a different color...

Quote: Originally Posted by Paulina PS /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Oh my, no self-control here, you've bought even more boxes than me LOL

I'd be happy to hear when your Superbox 1 arrives, didn't order that one and I'm really curious what's inside. It costs 70$, must contain some great stuff I suppose.

Haha I have a total lack of self control when it comes to Memeboxes. I was just proud of myself that I haven't ordered Superbox #3 yet!! Althought...I most likely willl, I've got $27 in points that I need to redeem. 

Superbox 1 should have shipped out already but still haven't received tracking...I'll definitely post here when I receive it!

So my friend was just riding me about how much I spend on subs. She would have a field day with you all! Literally wanted me to calculate it and it averages $117 a month. I didn't think that was too bad. Although I was a little surprised when I started adding up my BB shop purchases....oops. But hey some people smoke or do drugs, I do subscription boxes. It's all good right?!?!?

Quote: Originally Posted by angienharry /img/forum/go_quote.gif

So my friend was just riding me about how much I spend on subs. She would have a field day with you all! Literally wanted me to calculate it and it averages $117 a month. I didn't think that was too bad. Although I was a little surprised when I started adding up my BB shop purchases....oops.
But hey some people smoke or do drugs, I do subscription boxes. It's all good right?!?!?
HAHAHA I'm totally with you on that. The nerd/geek in me actually keeps an extremely detailed spreadsheet on all of my subs so that I can calculate how much I've spent and how much it averages out to be and so far, I'm pretty comfortable with it overall.

My sub addition also eliminates my previous itch to online shop and the massive skincare hauls I would have when I visited Chinatown or Koreatown. Those trips would easily cost be a few hundred dollars to get me more or less the same stuff I am getting in on Memebox. And it's so time consuming visiting those places because it's near impossible to read labels and get good recommendations when you don't speak the language!

I'm very excited for this box! It looks awesome! 5.2 was my first box, so I don't have the repeat problem yet, but I am not sure that it would bother me too much. I mean, would people be really upset if they repeated the cheese cream? If the item was good, why wouldn't people want more? I know Memebox encourages feedback, and they are still in the beta phase, but they must be very surprised about all the negative feedback they are getting for kind of minor things. 

Quote: Originally Posted by BlackMagicRose /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I'm very excited for this box! It looks awesome! 5.2 was my first box, so I don't have the repeat problem yet, but I am not sure that it would bother me too much. I mean, would people be really upset if they repeated the cheese cream? If the item was good, why wouldn't people want more? I know Memebox encourages feedback, and they are still in the beta phase, but they must be very surprised about all the negative feedback they are getting for kind of minor things. 
Totally take your point and I would be DELIGHTED if they repeated the cheese cream. That's one of the main reasons I ordered the luckybox so that I could get a repeat of that...*fingers crossed*

That's why I was excited about the facial spray from Box 1...but I'm still not convinced that logic applies to the lip gloss...there's really just no need to repeat the same color/shade of lipgloss that was included just a few weeks ago. Maybe it's just me? But i definitely don't need two of the same and don't use it that quickly! My email was sent and was balanced. It's great if they repeat items that were HUGE hits with customer from previous boxes, but they should at least let us know in advance so that we aren't so caught off guard.

Quote: Originally Posted by jennwzhu89 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Totally take your point and I would be DELIGHTED if they repeated the cheese cream. That's one of the main reasons I ordered the luckybox so that I could get a repeat of that...*fingers crossed*

That's why I was excited about the facial spray from Box 1...but I'm still not convinced that logic applies to the lip gloss...there's really just no need to repeat the same color/shade of lipgloss that was included just a few weeks ago. Maybe it's just me? But i definitely don't need two of the same and don't use it that quickly! My email was sent and was balanced. It's great if they repeat items that were HUGE hits with customer from previous boxes, but they should at least let us know in advance so that we aren't so caught off guard.
I totally agree, I see no point and logic in repeating the same shade of lipgloss we got at the beginning of this month. If they want to repeat products we should be informed and it should apply to items which were included in the boxes at least a few months ago.

Quote: Originally Posted by angienharry /img/forum/go_quote.gif

So my friend was just riding me about how much I spend on subs. She would have a field day with you all! Literally wanted me to calculate it and it averages $117 a month. I didn't think that was too bad. Although I was a little surprised when I started adding up my BB shop purchases....oops.
But hey some people smoke or do drugs, I do subscription boxes. It's all good right?!?!?
I try NOT to calculate how much I spend on my boxes and now I've limited myself to Memebox only. We don't really have any great subs in Poland so now I'm only interested in international ones. Anyway, it's good my hubby is not the kind to nag me about spending too much on cosmetics or clothes - he actually supports my addictions and pays for some of them LOL

Anyway, it's good my hubby is not the kind to nag me about spending too much on cosmetics or clothes - he actually supports my addictions and pays for some of them LOL
My has nothing to say in this case because he just started new business and I am the only person in my family who earn money :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

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