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Quote: Originally Posted by Malaperelka /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Are they doing some kind of tests on us or something??? The should research market before start business, not now.
I actually don't mind them doing tests on us. They are trying to see what works and what doesn't. If we don't agree with something then we don't buy it, so they will know it doesn't work. But trust me, there are more and more Memebox fans all over the world everyday, so what might not work for some, might be perfect for others... That's what I think.

Oh and to be honest that cheese cream is not that moisturizing on my skin but I am 33 maybe my skin needs something more ;P I am testing the pore thingy from box 5 and 5.2, so far my forehead is still shiny and no change with pores although it's been just 3 days...My fav is actually the sun filter from box 3 it's perfect! Use it everyday and it's so efficient, you need just a tiny bit to smear on your face.

Quote: Originally Posted by Patantao /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I actually don't mind them doing tests on us. They are trying to see what works and what doesn't. If we don't agree with something then we don't buy it, so they will know it doesn't work. But trust me, there are more and more Memebox fans all over the world everyday, so what might not work for some, might be perfect for others... That's what I think.
That's true but I still think a subscription option is way more efficient then this. You know you will get a box every month you don't have to stalk the memebox page everyday refreshing every hour to see if something changed or sold out already. And I don't have funds to buy so many in just one month. I ordered 3 boxes 2, .5.2 and 6.2. And for now I will just wait and see what happens, I'll be  mad at myself when I see all those goodies you girls will receive but I have to be more self controlled here ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I have only ordered 1 box (box 7) and haven't received it yet. It ships March 11 they pushed it back once already not sure if that is the first or second date but I am waiting before I place any additional orders with them. I am fine with changing things as they go so they can figure out what works for them, but I don't agree with changes after orders were placed. When I placed my order it was for Korean beauty products after that they changed the delivery date, and added the "and Korean favorites" to the box 7 page. And as far as the preorder situation (not being able to use points to pay) I have no intention of supporting that and if others do the same they will get the hint. They seemed to respond favorably to the Korean vs non korean feedback. Even though it's killing me, I'm gonna wait and see how things pan out before I dish out any more money. It is truly killing me though. If they would did a monthly sub I would sign up but this day to day changing situation just isn't for me. I'm a sad panda though ðŸ¼

I was wavering on this box and this just pushed me not to get it. I sent them an email letting them know why I won't get it.

I just wrote them a long email to say how I feel about all the changes lately and their not that great service here and now. I mean, we still haven't got a clue about box 6 and 6-2 shipping. I think they're just trying to sell a bit too much a little too fast. Their globale service is quite new, I get it, but there's been just a bit too much going on and changing lately and I seriously feel quite confused and concerned sometimes.

The honest truth is that most companies that expand too fast tend to have difficulties and most never recover... PREtty worried about preorders atm.

Just found memebox so I ordered nr # 9. I do not mind the waiting. I think pre-order could be so they can have enough stock so boxes do not sell out so quickly maybe.

Quote: Originally Posted by queeenb /img/forum/go_quote.gif

TURN DOWN FOR WHAT!!! Lol sorry I had to! I'm scared to check this new system that everyone is speaking of.
Cheese cream, anti hair loss pack, derma b, tea tree essence, dr jart eye serum!!! I want more of these. The maple sauce is ok, I'd rather have the tea tree though.
I forgot about the Tea Tree essence! Really like that one too..I haven't tried the eye serum yet (still working on my skyn iceland). I broke out around the time I used the Maycoop but I had also introduced the Acure probiotic cream that I got in the Yuzen box so I am not sure which one was the culprit. 

Quote: Originally Posted by Aga Atarii /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I don't like the whole " you will get your box in April thing I mean it's over 2 months! They really should start a monthly subscription it would make life so much easier as this is ridiculous I will not pay in advance for something that will reach me in 2 months :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> And the next box that comes out will be what November ? Monthly subscriptions please !! and what will I use my points on now :/
Yes, agreed. Monthly is more consistent. All this preorder stuff is very confusing!

Quote: Originally Posted by elainecad /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Yes, agreed. Monthly is more consistent. All this preorder stuff is very confusing!

Quote: Originally Posted by allistra44 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
To me its like setting a high reserve bid on ebay. Its for people that are very busy and dont have time to log into the internet each day and hour.  lol. Maybe they want to be assured they get it. I stalk internet deals is exhausting to me, lol. even though Im a stay at home mom and have the time to. Maybe others dont. They just want to do it and forget about it.  I think its a great service to have , this pre order.

For example, I often get my heart broken at Victorias secret Pink (clothing and accessories)  line, they have seasonal fashions and accesories and freebies that are  so popular they sell out in a day !!! and if youre a day late, your size is sold out and all the freebies are gone, and no word up when that day will be,  Wish they had pre order too, lol

I had to come here post this, for those who know my journey with customs in my beloved Portugal:

Memebox #4 has left customs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yes, box #3 is still there... see how things work here? I got #5 already, will be getting #4 next week and still have no clue about #3...

I had to come here post this, for those who know my journey with customs in my beloved Portugal: Memebox #4 has left customs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yes, box #3 is still there... see how things work here? I got #5 already, will be getting #4 next week and still have no clue about #3...
Grats. They are doing a countdown. Hope you don't do a lift off at the end.
I had to come here post this, for those who know my journey with customs in my beloved Portugal: Memebox #4 has left customs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yes, box #3 is still there... see how things work here? I got #5 already, will be getting #4 next week and still have no clue about #3...
At least one of them managed the prison break. Box four is a good one.
Quote: Originally Posted by Jane George /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Grats. They are doing a countdown. Hope you don't do a lift off at the end.
I don't think there will be anything for me to pay, but... anything is possible.

Quote: Originally Posted by ellesnails /img/forum/go_quote.gif

At least one of them managed the prison break. Box four is a good one.
I am very happy! I really was hoping to get a serum or BB cream and box #5 ha none (lucky me...). So box #4 is a very nice surprise :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I still have other boxes there: 2 Glamabox + Glamabox lucky box and a Glam guru box. One day they will find their way out of there lol

Quote: Originally Posted by Jane George /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Lol, I was thinking like a rocket ship. I spend too much time with a toddler!
Looooooooooooooooooooooooooool That too... looooooooooooool

But it could be lift off of money from my wallet too :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


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