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Thoughts on the new reserve your box for 1.99 and pay the balance the day before it ships plan that Memebox is offering on Box 9?! 

Thoughts on the new reserve your box for 1.99 and pay the balance the day before it ships plan that Memebox is offering on Box 9?! 
Huh... I think that idea will just make it easier for them to pre-sell further and further out... also not digging the other changes that go along with it, like how you can't use points. From the site: However, there are few things that are different from the previous order experience at Memebox. - You can only purchase Memebox #9 from this order. - Your order history won't be available at, however, it will be available via order confirmation email from Celery. - You cannot use your points to pre-order Memebox #9. - You can update your shipping, payment and request for cancellation at “My orders†page. You can only get access to “My orders†page link from the confirmation email.
Which products from the Memeboxes so far have you loved? I was just thinking that each Memebox has produced a product that I really love and a few of the boxes there was more than one! I love that and I am happy to spend the money to find them. So far I love the Bounce Cream Cheese, Anti Hair Loss Pack, Derma B Body Lotion, Maycoop Raw Sauce and the Tea Tree Essence.. How about you?!

Quote: Originally Posted by goldendarter /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Huh... I think that idea will just make it easier for them to pre-sell further and further out... also not digging the other changes that go along with it, like how you can't use points. From the site:

However, there are few things that are different from the previous order experience at Memebox.
- You can only purchase Memebox #9 from this order.
- Your order history won't be available at, however, it will be available via order confirmation email from Celery.
- You cannot use your points to pre-order Memebox #9.
- You can update your shipping, payment and request for cancellation at “My orders†page. You can only get access to “My orders†page link from the confirmation email.

Well this is kind of confusing/overwhelming. I hope they work out the kinks with all the zillion changes eventually... because I would really like to use my points!

Huh... I think that idea will just make it easier for them to pre-sell further and further out... also not digging the other changes that go along with it, like how you can't use points. From the site: However, there are few things that are different from the previous order experience at Memebox. - You can only purchase Memebox #9 from this order. - Your order history won't be available at, however, it will be available via order confirmation email from Celery. - You cannot use your points to pre-order Memebox #9. - You can update your shipping, payment and request for cancellation at “My orders†page. You can only get access to “My orders†page link from the confirmation email.
I was loving the idea of reserving a box for $1.99 until I saw that you cannot your use points :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I guess I'll have to use my points for the superbox
Not a big fan of the new system tbh but I ordered the bundle so won't order nine anyhow. Anyone got tracking yet or are boxes just gonna turn up this time?

I've just ordered Box 9 with this new system and although it's quite easy, I dont' really like the way it looks. You have to fill all your personal information in yet again and use the confirmation link to view your status. I mean, it's not complicated or very troublesome, but I'd just prefer to have all my orders visible in one place. Maybe I'm a bit OC LOL

What I definately like about it is the fact that I'll have to pay most of the sum in April and not now, and it's nice as it's rather hard for me to afford to pay for a few boxes monthly.

It's a pity, however, that I didn't get to use my 10$ points
I guess I'll just end up ordering Makeup Suberbox, especially since hubby volunteered to pay the rest

Not a big fan of the new system tbh but I ordered the bundle so won't order nine anyhow. Anyone got tracking yet or are boxes just gonna turn up this time?
TURN DOWN FOR WHAT!!! Lol sorry I had to! I'm scared to check this new system that everyone is speaking of.
Which products from the Memeboxes so far have you loved? I was just thinking that each Memebox has produced a product that I really love and a few of the boxes there was more than one! I love that and I am happy to spend the money to find them. So far I love the Bounce Cream Cheese, Anti Hair Loss Pack, Derma B Body Lotion, Maycoop Raw Sauce and the Tea Tree Essence.. How about you?!
Cheese cream, anti hair loss pack, derma b, tea tree essence, dr jart eye serum!!! I want more of these. The maple sauce is ok, I'd rather have the tea tree though.
About box #9, I am really disappointed that I will not be able to use my points towards it. I was really looking forward to using my points on my next bo. I kind of feel like it was a bait and switch now. I will not be ordering another box until I am able to use my points on one. I liked the deposit idea, but hate that my order will not be seen on the memebox site, when I hear things like that I get the something's fishy and not right here feeling. I will be waiting till I get the two boxes I ordered and hope all goes well with them.

I really hope they get the cheese cream on the website soon as I want to try it. I love most skincare and this sounds lush.

So where can we use the points now? This irks me. They bring it back, take it away, now they're not even giving points on box 9. What the eff?! I myself can't hang anymore, but I'm only speaking for myself. I get that they're new & all but this is getting ridiculous. They don't have a consistent system and that disappoints me as a consumer.

I really am wondering if anyone got a tracking email. Gotta agree about changing goalposts. WORried it will end in tears personally.

Still no shipping for box 6 looking back the last email said it should be with me soon that was like the day after 5 shipped and never received anymore info . I wonder if they have gone back to the original end of the month 28th . I have brought the box set so not ordering the 9. BUT- these changes in rules are happening to often and I think if you are a seasoned box buyer it gets your back up and loses you customers. To be fair Id rather pay for 3'boxes straight off like a 3 mth sub it's easier but they need to just do the basic single box as a straight off payment. I don't think they had any need to put box. 9 and 10 up until nearer the shipping date that way the ones who never got the set have saved money and can and will but outright there and then. I think they need to concentrate on the boxes ordered and readdress via email to all customers the rules as standard and need to step back and breathe they have learnt the box is popular relax get there thoughts together now .'or they won't be around much longer.

Ordered box 9 but i have not received ANY confirmation apart from the one from paypal future payments! Not happy! I guess everyone is getting normal order confirmations?

I got this:

Thank you for placing your order with Memebox!

This email is to confirm your order on 02/20/2014.

Shipping Address:

(my details)

1x Memebox Global #9 for $29.99 each
  - Shipping Method: Standard Shipping

Update your mailing address or credit card at any time in My Orders (direct link to my order).

You may contact Memebox at [email protected] or by replying directly to this email.

As I said before, I will be skipping box 9. I don't mind this new system, though I don't know why they aren't giving the 5pts this time...

Never got it:( only got the one from paypal. I wrote to memebox as I want to be sure I will get my box ( and be able to track it) so far only payment but no box confirmation :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I don't like the whole " you will get your box in April thing I mean it's over 2 months! They really should start a monthly subscription it would make life so much easier as this is ridiculous I will not pay in advance for something that will reach me in 2 months :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> And the next box that comes out will be what November ? Monthly subscriptions please !! and what will I use my points on now :/


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