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Quote: Originally Posted by Jane George /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I assume we have both dodged charges tbh
i have spoken to a few people i know who work for customs and with all the info i gave them it seems that they should go straight through,the fact more people uk based are buying will also bump it up in that the packets will get recognised as opposed to say one packet only.

they say if bank holidays and such are involved either side as in both countries all stuff gets backlogged and all go through customs due to increased terror links.

also when box 4 came through the fact that stuff was being shipped to the olympics and everything was on high alert and everything was being checked

Quote: Originally Posted by Jane George /img/forum/go_quote.gif

The problem is that one slight error on the label will also stop it. TBH it might also be luck too.
oh yes. i know thats why they don't put nail polish in the notes now as that would get flagged and opened,i think it is def pot luck,but as a whole in the uk beauty subs don't get thats why its added in with the shipping prices.

we will wait and see for the next 5 boxes.

although i my uncle and friends have put memebox on the list for ok clearance so it shouldn't get flagged up,something that staff can do apparently.

It's here box5 Parcel force man said they are clamping down big time last week he had 4 customers with £200 and £400 charges omg

Quote: Originally Posted by TracyT /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hmm since I delayed, the first box I bought was #7 that seems to be the first using the "most loved among Koreans" language. It opens the door for non-Korean brands available in Korea. Box #8 seems a little vague too: "beauty wonders from Korea" as opposed to only Korean products. Sigh, is it March yet? The waiting is painful and have no idea what to even expect in my Box #7. I guess the Lucky Box since it's a greatest hits box then there isn't such an issue, I hope.

Fingers crossed!
I am in the same boat as you.  Disappointing but I guess I will reserve judgement until I see the contents...then I will get all judgey!

Quote: Originally Posted by TracyT /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I buy from W2Beauty. Alice who runs it is very nice, gives plenty of samples once she gets what you're into. If it's not on the site, I'd email her and she could pick it up for you. Free shipping though a couple bucks gets you express shipping/tracking. I've never had an issue with customs. I like Alice. She's big on CS and hand writes a note with each other.
And she adds candy to the order as a surprise! Got to love her samples, there are loads and some of them are very generously-sized.

Hmm since I delayed, the first box I bought was #7 that seems to be the first using the "most loved among Koreans" language. It opens the door for non-Korean brands available in Korea. Box #8 seems a little vague too: "beauty wonders from Korea" as opposed to only Korean products. Sigh, is it March yet? The waiting is painful and have no idea what to even expect in my Box #7. I guess the Lucky Box since it's a greatest hits box then there isn't such an issue, I hope. Fingers crossed!
I agree about box #8. Makes it seems like they might include non-korean products as well. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Quote: Originally Posted by Spiritwind10 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I ordered all the full number boxes, lucky box and the 2 super boxes. I am just going to sit back and except what they send. I have written them and told them how I feel about including non Korean products (I don't want) in the box and really that's all I can do. The products are all paid for and what ever I get I will either use, gift or trade. I am on a discovery mindset and want to try new products and I hope what ever they send me will at least give me an idea of what will work on me.
I am looking back on what I just wrote and realize that I feel like I'm setting myself up to be a science experiment??? LOL. Hopefully a good one, with good results! And without too many products that are not Korean!
I am not quite sure what Memebox is up too???? I question them changing the rules mid-way??? The only way I can counter is by letting them know, if they don't do what they originally stated they were going to do (send us Korean products), I don't have to purchase any more. I have products coming all the way to April! beyond that it depends on what Memebox does!!!!!!

Quote: Originally Posted by kotoko /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I like or rubyrubyshop on ebay or the independent site.

Quote: Originally Posted by ellesnails /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Loreal is the largest cosmetic company in the world and operates in over 130 countries.  I think most people who have time to think about and purchase cosmetics can get their hands on Loreal products.  I do think it's a fun product to try; I'm just sayin'.

I have been buying subs for a few years now, and I just want to throw out the warning that subs really need to be tested before you throw a bunch of money into them. A lot of subs/boxes have early hiccups or are just simply not good. Ordering every box a sub puts together based on one or two early attempts before a company has even been in the game a couple months is not really wise unless you have SpiritWind's attitude towards it.

I ordered box 5 and am waiting to see what it is like before I sink another penny into Meme. Not trying to lecture or anything, but I have been following subs on here and other places for a few years now; I am at a point where most of my skincare and a a lot of my hair and body care comes from subs- my skin loves the frequent product changes. These new boxes should always be entered into with the mindset that the box might suck and the company might not be so great.

anyone else's MEMEBOX 5.2 stuck at customs in JFK? This didn't happen for box 3 and 4... I wonder what's going on :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
My box 5 looked like it was being held up in customs but was actually on its way. Also keep in mind if you do opt for slower shipping they will be held up in customs a lot longer.
I have been buying subs for a few years now, and I just want to throw out the warning that subs really need to be tested before you throw a bunch of money into them. A lot of subs/boxes have early hiccups or are just simply not good. Ordering every box a sub puts together based on one or two early attempts before a company has even been in the game a couple months is not really wise unless you have SpiritWind's attitude towards it. I ordered box 5 and am waiting to see what it is like before I sink another penny into Meme. Not trying to lecture or anything, but I have been following subs on here and other places for a few years now; I am at a point where most of my skincare and a a lot of my hair and body care comes from subs- my skin loves the frequent product changes. These new boxes should always be entered into with the mindset that the box might suck and the company might not be so great.
I agree with you. Memebox seemed incredibly appealing because the products were unique and they had high value items but everyone who preordered numerous boxes were really taking a chance. I've loved every box I've received so far though. The problem is, at least for me, I feel almost like an impending doom that they'll start to decline rapidly. Hopefully that is not the case but I know now not to order anymore until I'm really comfortable with it. I'm only waiting on my five which seems like a decent box (at the po) and seven right now.
Memebox has contacted myself and the other youtubers/bloggers that are partnered with them with a lot of updated information. Here's some excerpts from the e-mail they sent. I hope it clears up some confusion for some of you! I also bolded some stuff that might be of interested to the majority. Email Excerpt: There might be a delay in replying to your email. We are having so high volume of email from customers and many bloggers and youtubers, and response takes longer than expected. We are keep working on improvements to get back to you as soon as possible. We launched Superbox to offer more various selection of beauty boxes. We noticed some of our customers love to have many items, but there are also customers who want to have full size products and have enough volume to fully experience the products. So we launched Superbox that only includes full size products. This is the first-of-its-kind beauty box with only full size products. By launching Superbox, we also launched Makeup edition box, Superbox #2, which many of customers requested. Superbox will include more than 4 full size products, and have at least double its retail value. For Superbox #1, shipping is free and Superbox #2 a charge of $6.99 fixed shipping for each box. We are continually working on having better and better quality boxes :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> If you have any feedback on any of boxes, please let us know anytime.   We will continue to have Korean beauty brands at this moment. We included first non-Korean beauty brands in Memebox #5. Although we carefully chose the products that are loved by Korean beauty experts, some of our customers were unhappy about having non-Korean beauty products. We decided to have only Korean beauty brands for the boxes we already sold. Even though we would love to expand into wider range of beauty brands in the future, we will let you know when we make an expansion.   **** While most of the e-mail was just more information for bloggers/youtubers about our reviews and stuff, I thought that it was important to let you guys know that they have made it clear that they will only include Korean brands for the boxes that have already been sold. I think it's wonderful that they listened to everyone who were upset or concerned about that. Also, take note that they did say that they would like to expand to a wider range of brands in the future, which means any Memebox past #10 will most likely have non-korean-exclusive brands. Take that information how you will, but I thought it would help!   <3  
Thanks Rachel!! I so appreciate everything you have done for us!A. Thank you for sharing! Nancy
Mine has been at JFK since the 14th.
Mine has been in Chicago for the past few says it is being retained there and the reason is "other". Not the most helpful description....
Quote: Originally Posted by ellesnails /img/forum/go_quote.gif

My box 5 looked like it was being held up in customs but was actually on its way. Also keep in mind if you do opt for slower shipping they will be held up in customs a lot longer.
I agree with you. Memebox seemed incredibly appealing because the products were unique and they had high value items but everyone who preordered numerous boxes were really taking a chance. I've loved every box I've received so far though. The problem is, at least for me, I feel almost like an impending doom that they'll start to decline rapidly. Hopefully that is not the case but I know now not to order anymore until I'm really comfortable with it. I'm only waiting on my five which seems like a decent box (at the po) and seven right now.
It was EMS, they usually get here in 3 days. That's weird :/

I feel so bad for all of you that your boxes have been held whether its customs, or airlines or USPS, my heart goes out to you cause I know you want your products to play with and use. I know mine was in customs longer this time around for some reason, but I got box #5 on Sat. Here is hoping you all get you boxes soon with out costing you all too much more. Especially those of you in Great Britian and Poland! It is awful that costs you so much to get it out of customs! One more way to cost the people $$$. I just shake my head at it all! I hope you all get them soon! Nancy

Mine should reach my greedy paws at least tomorrow! It has been in customs since Friday :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I have my wisdom tooth out on Wednesday and badly want to get my box before that so I can at least have a look and quickly do a blog post, and think about it when I'm having half my jawbone wrenched out in the dentist's chair


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