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Quote: Originally Posted by queeenb /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I ordered 5-2 & 6 in the same order, I hope they didnt confuse that as me ordering 2 5-2 boxes.. I checked my order status on the site and it early states 1 5-2 & 1 6 lol.. I even got emails for shipping changes for both, saying they shipped earlier
I ordered 3 and 4 together and had the same thing happen. As soon as 3 shipped it said "Send Complete" and I had to double check with CS that I was still getting 4. From the notes on the order page it looks like they are having issues showing the status of orders with multiple shipments. But you should definitely be getting both boxes.

Quote: Originally Posted by MissJexie /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  It's actually the date that the item was made, not the expiration. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Korean and Japanese brands of cosmetics usually print their manufactured date instead of their expiration. Don't be alarmed if you get something marked 2013 or so.
  I have piles of korean products that do this.

Link is above for info on Asian cosmetic expiration/manufacture dates if that is what you were looking for.
Thank you so much! It will help all of understand these dates a lot better! Much appreciated. Wow such helpful people tonight on MUT!!!!
Quote: Originally Posted by xiaoyue52 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I saw someone started a petition to tell the company to keep true to their "only Korean" products motto...
Could you provide a link? I guess I'd like to sign it, too. I mean, I'm not deeply disappointed with this one L'Oreal product but I'm not going to like it if it's a growing trend. As many of you rightly stated: we DID preorder many boxes being led to believe they're going to include Korean products.

If you'd like to sign a petition about Memebox not including different brands than Korean in their future boxes, here's the link:

I signed it as I really wouldn't like it to be a new trend in Memeboxes. What's more important: I don't think it's fair or acceptable to change the rules about the boxes which had been advertised as containing Korean only products and which had already been prepaid.

Quote: Originally Posted by Paulina PS /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  If you'd like to sign a petition about Memebox not including different brands than Korean in their future boxes, here's the link:

I signed it as I really wouldn't like it to be a new trend in Memeboxes. What's more important: I don't think it's fair or acceptable to change the rules about the boxes which had been advertised as containing Korean only products and which had already been prepaid.
I signed it and shared it on my Facebook page. I don't mind the odd L'Oreal product in one box but I would rather receive Korean products alone, and if they continue the trend or if the number of non-Korean products increases, I don't see myself hanging around.

Quote: Originally Posted by Paulina PS /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  If you'd like to sign a petition about Memebox not including different brands than Korean in their future boxes, here's the link:

I signed it as I really wouldn't like it to be a new trend in Memeboxes. What's more important: I don't think it's fair or acceptable to change the rules about the boxes which had been advertised as containing Korean only products and which had already been prepaid.
I signed it

Hmmm... just a thought (Playing devils advocate)... I completely agree that Memebox was misleading about the "Only Korean" products and have now changed their plan.... However It doesn't mean that the new non Korean products they give you will be available or made in the united states. It could be something from Japan or Europe that isn't available in the US. 

For me, memebox is an opportunity to try products that I couldn't get my hands on otherwise and if One or two products happen to be non korean but still from brands that they don't make or sell in the US, then i'm ok with that.

If they keep sticking Loreal products in it (or other widely available brands) it will definitely hurt their business. 

Quote: Originally Posted by Shinystars88 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Hmmm... just a thought (Playing devils advocate)... I completely agree that Memebox was misleading about the "Only Korean" products and have now changed their plan.... However It doesn't mean that the new non Korean products they give you will be available or made in the united states. It could be something from Japan or Europe that isn't available in the US. 

For me, memebox is an opportunity to try products that I couldn't get my hands on otherwise and if One or two products happen to be non korean but still from brands that they don't make or sell in the US, then i'm ok with that.

If they keep sticking Loreal products in it (or other widely available brands) it will definitely hurt their business. 
Yes but some of us are from Europe and have easy access to these products.. I could say if the products were from US and not available in Europe I would be ok with that because I live in Europe.. but I am not, I can easily get US and European cosmetics cheap on ebay but Korean ones are rather expensive and rare and I just think it's missing the point of the box...

lol omg the jewelry. I love them but honestly they're like the crazy aunt of subscription boxes sometimes with all the random changes, how their not really a subscription, releasing a zillion boxes at a time but also being super nice and always wanting to be helpful etc.

*throws hands up*

I seriously give up, haha. I'm not speculating their plans or fighting for/against them anymore. I'm just going to kick back and wait for my boxes to arrive, lol.

I ordered 3 and 4 together and had the same thing happen. As soon as 3 shipped it said "Send Complete" and I had to double check with CS that I was still getting 4. From the notes on the order page it looks like they are having issues showing the status of orders with multiple shipments. But you should definitely be getting both boxes.
Hmm.... I ordered 5.2 and 6.2 together and paid one shopping charge. Maybe they are waiting to ship them together. I've been wondering why other people have 5.2 and mine hasn't spotted yet.
Quote: Originally Posted by MissKris17 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Hmm.... I ordered 5.2 and 6.2 together and paid one shopping charge. Maybe they are waiting to ship them together. I've been wondering why other people have 5.2 and mine hasn't spotted yet.
I order 5.2 and 6 together, and I've received (only 1) 5.2 already. 

Quote: Originally Posted by Aga Atarii /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Yes but some of us are from Europe and have easy access to these products.. I could say if the products were from US and not available in Europe I would be ok with that because I live in Europe.. but I am not, I can easily get US and European cosmetics cheap on ebay but Korean ones are rather expensive and rare and I just think it's missing the point of the box...
Exactly, quite many people from Europe buy those boxes - me being one of them - and we, on the other, could probably accept some products from the US, but not the ones easily available here. So it's a kind of dead end in my opinion...

Quote: Originally Posted by MissKris17 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Hmm.... I ordered 5.2 and 6.2 together and paid one shopping charge. Maybe they are waiting to ship them together. I've been wondering why other people have 5.2 and mine hasn't spotted yet.
I ordered 5.2 and 6 together and my 5.2 has been sent to me (although it hasn't arrived yet).

I don't receive this box, though I've been following this thread out of interest to see what products you all receive. I wanted to weigh in on the perception of Western vs. Korean products. While I never made it over to Korea, I did live in Japan for a number of years. One of the things that surprises many foreigners when there is the fact that many of the brands they are familiar with from back home are out on the regular shelves at supermarkets and convenience stores. These same brands may be just as common there and I would bet a whole box of melon pan (oh how miss those) that most of my students and co-workers would consider these brands as definitely Japanese and not at all Western. For example, Biore was everywhere. You could a full range of Biore products that gave every impression of being very Japanese. In fact, Biore is owned by the Kao Group (Japanese conglomerate) that owns Ban, KMS, Guhl, John Frieda, and Curel. Kanebo Cosmetics, an old Japanese cosmetics line, is also a part of the Kao Group. 

I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's hard to say that something should be considered a Western drugstore brand, when in Asia it may very well be considered an Asian brand. 


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