Memebox: Korean Beauty Box Service forums

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Quote: Originally Posted by jennwzhu89 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Just got the following email from them. I'm thinking of these delays as good things! Haha

I received the same message ;}
(I'm from Poland)

Oh, my. Memebox, memebox, what to do with you.

So, I used to live in Seoul, and I love Korean skincare to death. I was super thrilled to read all you ladies getting skincare in deluxe sample sizes, and I caved and ordered 4 (which I got and loved) and 5 (which should be shipping...tomorrow!)

But then the insanity started. 60, 70, 90 dollars for a box or set of boxes? Too rich for my blood, and they were releasing them way too fast! Plus, there isn't even a "normal" price box up right now. ACK.

I think I've come to the conclusion like the rest of you, that this really isn't going to be a subscription service. It's just a bunch of one-off, buy when you can, don't feel like you missed out if you can't, boxes.  There's no way anyone could be rich enough to buy all of them at the various price points forever when they update this fast, right? Right?

I am so debating about the Super Box 1.

In the last week or so I purchased 5-2, 6-2, 7, Lucky Box and Super Box 2 (make up version).

But now that 8.9.10 are sold out, it is making me want another box.

Trust me, I don't need ANY of those boxes, I have tons of Missha products (cleansers, creams, masks) I haven't even touched. And a lifetime of skincare already!

No joke.

Anyone want to convince me one way or the other? :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by LisaLeah /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I am so debating about the Super Box 1.

In the last week or so I purchased 5-2, 6-2, 7, Lucky Box and Super Box 2 (make up version).

But now that 8.9.10 are sold out, it is making me want another box.

Trust me, I don't need ANY of those boxes, I have tons of Missha products (cleansers, creams, masks) I haven't even touched. And a lifetime of skincare already!

No joke.

Anyone want to convince me one way or the other? :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

You have purchased a bunch of boxes that you haven't even received yet. Once you ahve them all in front of you you're going to go crazy when you realize how much product there is! Their boxes are always chock full of items. I would just sit back, relax and wait for your boxes to start rolling in. Once they're all there you can then look at what you have and decide if you REALLY need another box right now or not :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by LisaLeah /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I am so debating about the Super Box 1.

In the last week or so I purchased 5-2, 6-2, 7, Lucky Box and Super Box 2 (make up version).

But now that 8.9.10 are sold out, it is making me want another box.

Trust me, I don't need ANY of those boxes, I have tons of Missha products (cleansers, creams, masks) I haven't even touched. And a lifetime of skincare already!

No joke.

Anyone want to convince me one way or the other? :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Superbox 1 is just going to be the same kind of stuff you get in the normal boxes, but bigger.

If you WANT full-size surprise skincare, go for it. But if your skin is kinda picky, or you just have enough? I'd hold off and see what other crazy things they come up with in the next, oh, two days. :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Okay girls, I know nothing about Korean products but everyone here seems to be crazy about these boxes. Every time I go to look at the website they are selling out of everything, is this something I "need" in my life???

Quote: Originally Posted by SaraP /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Okay girls, I know nothing about Korean products but everyone here seems to be crazy about these boxes. Every time I go to look at the website they are selling out of everything, is this something I "need" in my life???
How much do you like serums/toners and skincare? Korean beauty is huge on the "dewy fresh face" look, so their main focus is on youthful skin.  If you're into big dramatic makeup looks, Memebox isn't that. But Asian beauty products are usually high-quality and the trends over there hit sometimes years before we get them in the west. Ex: BB creams.

I'm more of a matte, full face of makeup kind of girl...Just getting in to skin care, now that I've got my acne under control (at 36!!). Out of the 2 available boxes I don't think the makeup edition would work because I'm fairly dark skined (mac nc40). Anyway to know what's in the box first or is it a total surprise?

Quote: Originally Posted by SaraP /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I'm more of a matte, full face of makeup kind of girl...Just getting in to skin care, now that I've got my acne under control (at 36!!). Out of the 2 available boxes I don't think the makeup edition would work because I'm fairly dark skined (mac nc40). Anyway to know what's in the box first or is it a total surprise?
It's a total surprise as you usualy have to pre-order boxes. They are mostly focused on skincare. I usually like a matte, full face of makeup as well but I really love memebox because I neglected a good skincare regimen for a long time, and korean skincare products seem to work for a wide variety of skin types. I've been using quite a few of the products I received recently in my skincare routine and my skin is looking amazing!

If you're just getting into skincare I couldn't recommend these box highly enough!

I'm a box junkie, started with a gift purchase for my mom and I just keep buying them!! BUT $69 is pricey for me with no seems like the price keeps going up, do you think anymore $23 boxes will show up again?

Quote: Originally Posted by MissJexie /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You have purchased a bunch of boxes that you haven't even received yet. Once you ahve them all in front of you you're going to go crazy when you realize how much product there is! Their boxes are always chock full of items. I would just sit back, relax and wait for your boxes to start rolling in. Once they're all there you can then look at what you have and decide if you REALLY need another box right now or not :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
You are so right!  You helped this to pass.

You are good :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> 

Quote: Originally Posted by FracturedFemme /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Superbox 1 is just going to be the same kind of stuff you get in the normal boxes, but bigger.

If you WANT full-size surprise skincare, go for it. But if your skin is kinda picky, or you just have enough? I'd hold off and see what other crazy things they come up with in the next, oh, two days. :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Right! Thank you!

It's been a while since I posted in this thread, but I've stalked it almost everyday lol. I think it's crazy how quickly new boxes are released and it's just sooo hard to resist ordering more. I'm waiting on boxes 5-2 and 6 and really wanted to get both Super Boxes (yes makeup!!) even though I just received some birthday goodies to play with.
  Truthfully I don't NEED anything. There's a full drawer of unopened skin care products waiting for me to try. I might not even be able to get through them all before they go bad.

So...I took the money allocated for Super Boxes 1+2 to take mom out for brunch today and bought her a nice silk scarf for the spring (which can't come soon enough!)

Gotta say it made me feel much better than buying new "stuff" I may never get around to use.

Someone please tell me I did good!

Quote: Originally Posted by coralpeonies /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  It's been a while since I posted in this thread, but I've stalked it almost everyday lol. I think it's crazy how quickly new boxes are released and it's just sooo hard to resist ordering more. I'm waiting on boxes 5-2 and 6 and really wanted to get both Super Boxes (yes makeup!!) even though I just received some birthday goodies to play with.
  Truthfully I don't NEED anything. There's a full drawer of unopened skin care products waiting for me to try. I might not even be able to get through them all before they go bad.

So...I took the money allocated for Super Boxes 1+2 to take mom out for brunch today and bought her a nice silk scarf for the spring (which can't come soon enough!)

Gotta say it made me feel much better than buying new "stuff" I may never get around to use.

Someone please tell me I did good!
Oops....forgot to quote you!

You did very well indeed....way to go!

Hi @coralpeonies

You did more than good. That was perfect!

I would give up every sub box, every item in my make up bags, every piece of jewelry, each shoe, designer handbag...

literally everything I own - for the chance to have brunch with my mom. Just one more time.

She passed away a few years ago.

On a lighter note, the real joy of these boxes and this crazy beauty addiction is to be able to share it. I have more than enough stuff for one person. But for all my friends...well, not really. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> So the shopping continues.......

Thank you @angienharry, you're so sweet!

@LisaLeah, I'm so sorry. There are never right words for such great loss. My mom lost her mother at a very young age ( I've never met grandma). She and I are very close and is THE person that I can't imagine not having in my life. You're right our makeup and subscription box obsession is made that much better through joy of sharing with our loved ones

@coralpeonies, I love your sentiment! I have been making my mom her own "sub box" out of all the stuff I have been getting. She always hems and haws over me spending $$, but gladly accepts the boxes of goodies when I give them to her.
I am 28 now, but when I think of all the headaches I gave her during my snarky adolescence, she deserves every great thing this world has to offer! 

on the topic of memeboxes...i can't wait to share with her #5.2 and 6!!

Quote: Originally Posted by myungsunkim24 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I noticed they added that the makeup box is worth over $90 in value!

I was sooo tempted but then realized I'd rather have sample sizes! Too dark of a skintone to gamble on getting a ton of pale BB creams marketed as 'makeup' :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


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