Memebox: Korean Beauty Box Service forums

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Guys - should I get the superbox? I'm just really curious what it's like! And at $69.99 it qualifies for free shipping and I had $20 in points to that makes it only $49.99 with express shipping. Anyone know if the Membox does SuperBoxes for their Korean subscribers? Just curious to see how it's different from the normal Memebox!

Anyone else a little overwhelmed? 

I haven't ordered a box yet, and they sell out so fast.  How many boxes have been received?  Trying to look for pictures!

I e-mailed them last night on the "partner e-mail" which gets a slower response but a more detailed one. Hopefully I can clear some things up with them and also figure out what is going on with the boxes in the future and why they are banging these boxes out so quickly.

I also think we have to remember that this isn't a subscription service. They're essentially selling a product, and every time the put the product up for sale, it sells out. To meet demands, they keep putting up more, and putting up different forms of the product in different price ranges to see what will work best for them.

They're still newly launched and figuring things out and while it can be overwhelming, I think we all need to start realizing that there's always going to be a new box from them, and that each box is not ~*super exclusive*~ like every subscription box will have you believe.

I say, get a box or two. Enjoy them and play around with all the stuff, and if you feel in the mood for another one, wait around for a release and grab it. No need to get every single one!  If you look at it that way, you'll see a constant new box as a good thing rather than a stressful one! Plus it'll make the trade thread for memebox much more active! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I signed up for Memebox yesterday hoping to buy the lucky box but was sold out. Where/how do I find that $5 credit for signing up? I just received the welcome email but no mention of a $5 credit/bonus.

Ha, this is just crazy. If they were including makeup to be part of more of their boxes I would be absolutely buying all of these but since it is mostly skincare I won't be. It is very disappointing that they won't be re-releasing 8,9, and 10 and honestly that is enough to make me walk away from this box for a while since I just have no idea what is going to happen with it on a daily basis. Golden Tote was stressful enough this month without adding another site that I need to refresh on a daily basis!

I get that this is a "Beta" run for them through... It looks like they are trying out different models and seeing what the reaction is. But I do think they are trying them out too quickly. Seriously, it's just February and how many boxes have they released at this point! 

We have had the regular non-subscription, individual box model. The "variation" versions of 2 of the main boxes. Then we have a three box bundle. Now we have a special edition box. It's like every subscription box model rolled up into 1.5 months. 

All that being said... I would just start throwing money at them if they included more makeup, ha!

OMG! have you guys checked the site recently? Now there's a "Super Box"!!

This is getting ridiculous, #8-10 just came out a few days ago!! 

Anyone planning to get this? Worth it?

I am wondering if they are going bundle mode now. If they are I will be out. I have 3 boxes on order. While I love the boxes, if they are moving away from individual offerings I will not be buying.

Quote: Originally Posted by Donna529 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I am wondering if they are going bundle mode now. If they are I will be out. I have 3 boxes on order. While I love the boxes, if they are moving away from individual offerings I will not be buying.
That is something I have recently e-mailed them about. I'm assuming that they will continue to do bundles here and there, but I expressed that some of their customers are concerned that this is going to become the norm, and that many of us aren't going to be able to afford bundles like this on a regular basis, or in general. I'm interested to hear a reply back because I think we're all kind of wondering what the heck they're doing lol.

I think they are going to keep pushing supply higher and higher and wilder until they can see the point at which demand falls, where people stop buying them. It makes sense really.

Quote: Originally Posted by devadorned /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I think they are going to keep pushing supply higher and higher and wilder until they can see the point at which demand falls, where people stop buying them. It makes sense really.
It makes sense especially for a company that has just launched in the US and is trying to find their footing/what works for them. Thing they don't realize is we're all shopaholics even though we hate it LOL

Quote: Originally Posted by LadyManah /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  omg!! I want to buy the superbox, but $70.

It does say Super box #1, so I'm assuming they'll be more in the future. Better to hold off and see what's in the first one and then decide whether or not to get it in the future. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by MissJexie /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Quote: Originally Posted by Donna529 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I am wondering if they are going bundle mode now. If they are I will be out. I have 3 boxes on order. While I love the boxes, if they are moving away from individual offerings I will not be buying.
That is something I have recently e-mailed them about. I'm assuming that they will continue to do bundles here and there, but I expressed that some of their customers are concerned that this is going to become the norm, and that many of us aren't going to be able to afford bundles like this on a regular basis, or in general. I'm interested to hear a reply back because I think we're all kind of wondering what the heck they're doing lol.

I was looking at your blog and another's to get the value breakdown for the ones that actually have shipped. I did notice a trend that the values were slightly decreasing. HOWEVER, the total value was still at least 3x the purchase price.

In short, it's still a good box but value is dropping... It makes me weary of buying so many in advance without more actually being shipped.

Quote: Originally Posted by TracyT /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I was looking at your blog and another's to get the value breakdown for the ones that actually have shipped. I did notice a trend that the values were slightly decreasing. HOWEVER, the total value was still at least 3x the purchase price.

In short, it's still a good box but value is dropping... It makes me weary of buying so many in advance without more actually being shipped.
I noticed that too, however I've also noticed that the amount of items has gone up. So I'm assuming they try and stay around a certain price range value-wise, and if there are lower cost items that they are adding into the box, they will include more of them. Of course I'm only speculating but that seems to be the trend. We'll see as more boxes come out!

Oh blimey not another one! I got #4, have #5, and the 8-10 bundle on the way and will pass this. I'll get box #100 next month with the $15 voucher instead.

Quote: Originally Posted by BeautyJunction /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Oh blimey not another one! I got #4, have #5, and the 8-10 bundle on the way and will pass this. I'll get box #100 next month with the $15 voucher instead.
oh come onnn renu keep up 

Quote: Originally Posted by Lorna ljblog /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  oh come onnn renu keep up 
Eeeek! *Runs to stack of empty Lip Factory boxes on top of cupboard and hugs them* I'll have to give up all my other subs and hauling makeup - spent $140 on Memebox in one week already!


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