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Quote: Originally Posted by ellesnails /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'm thinking about buying it too. But I thought shipping was free for orders over $70?

That's probably why they added in the cost of shipping with the total. They have to ship on three separate dates.

Quote: Originally Posted by myungsunkim24 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Um......*raises hand*

I bought it. I couldn't resist! I had someday paypal cash and I'm considering it my splurge of my tax return...

I have 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 on their way. OMG. What have I done?

Hey, thats right, my tax return....

hmmm. I should be expecting mine in a few days........

Serious, this is gone into hardcore range now, lol,

I went to the IPSY forum and it looks so sad and small, and boring, lol

I'm thinking about buying it too. But I thought shipping was free for orders over $70?
:edit: I see what you mean! I guess I'm okay with the $15 points back! I love this box way more than others I've done so I figure it's worth it!
Hey, thats right, my tax return.... hmmm. I should be expecting mine in a few days........ Serious, this is gone into hardcore range now, lol, I went to the IPSY forum and it looks so sad and small, and boring, lol
Hehe...I actually mod an ipsy swap Facebook group but it's become an all makeup-swap group and memebox is heating up In there too. I still have my ipsy sub but I'm considering giving it up... :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
OK!!!! I have done it to my budget!!! I go make dinner, we eat dinner, I do dishes, I turn on I pad and as usual for the last couple of weeks I check Memebox and what do I find??? Can you guess? Boxes 8-9-10 !!!! after I just bought the lucky box! Of my gosh, what am I going to do?? Well go down ex stairs and as my husbands working out, bug and put my arms around him as he's stationary biking and sweaty! Yuck??? And give him a kiss on the back of his neck and then I ask honey can I use the credit card for 3 more Korean boxes. I know I was going to not buy so much so soon, but hey will give us 15 $$$ points whatever to use on another box if we order the three at once!! At do you think honey??? Oh go ahead he says, Valentines Day is coming up and that will be your gift . I said "really" "yes, really". Oh thank you and rushed up the stairs to order before he changed his mind about it! So they are ordered and do I have a guilty conscious ???? Yes, a little! Well, NOT!!! So they are ordered and I don't have to hang out on their site like I don't know when they will come up with the next one! Blew the budget of course, but I love the products and what I don't like can go to makeup bags for disaster Relief or the pregnancy Center! Love, love, love it and a little guilty feeling which I know will pass all to soon!

Quote: Originally Posted by Spiritwind10 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

OK!!!! I have done it to my budget!!! I go make dinner, we eat dinner, I do dishes, I turn on I pad and as usual for the last couple of weeks I check Memebox and what do I find??? Can you guess? Boxes 8-9-10 !!!! after I just bought the lucky box! Of my gosh, what am I going to do?? Well go down ex stairs and as my husbands working out, bug and put my arms around him as he's stationary biking and sweaty! Yuck??? And give him a kiss on the back of his neck and then I ask honey can I use the credit card for 3 more Korean boxes. I know I was going to not buy so much so soon, but hey will give us 15 $$$ points whatever to use on another box if we order the three at once!! At do you think honey??? Oh go ahead he says, Valentines Day is coming up and that will be your gift . I said "really" "yes, really". Oh thank you and rushed up the stairs to order before he changed his mind about it! So they are ordered and do I have a guilty conscious ???? Yes, a little! Well, NOT!!! So they are ordered and I don't have to hang out on their site like I don't know when they will come up with the next one! Blew the budget of course, but I love the products and what I don't like can go to makeup bags for disaster Relief or the pregnancy Center! Love, love, love it and a little guilty feeling which I know will pass all to soon!
Oh you just gave me a great idea-I am SO going to work the Valentine's day angle!! LOL

Oh you just gave me a great idea-I am SO going to work the Valentine's day angle!! LOL
I'd much rather get the boxes than roses that will die in 2-3 days or candy that will make me gain weight! I love chocolate but I really don't need it and I seriously feel guilty if I eat it! Valentines Day is a great angle girls!
Quote: Originally Posted by kotoko /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Got the Lucky Box and now there's the triple pre-order.

I'm done.

No more, Memebox. Go home, you're drunk.
Koreans are very perfectionist in work,  and compassionate people. They must feel responsible that everyone that wants a box can get a box, For all of us helping eachother, think of how many ladies hear about it elsewhere, log in and they are sold out and they get nothing.?

It would be a embarassing to them to only show  a wall of the words SOLD OUT if newcomers logged in, so Im sure they are pushing to have a memebox on sale for all those who missed out and this time they give them a opportunity to order early.

Quote: Originally Posted by Spiritwind10 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

OK!!!! I have done it to my budget!!! I go make dinner, we eat dinner, I do dishes, I turn on I pad and as usual for the last couple of weeks I check Memebox and what do I find??? Can you guess? Boxes 8-9-10 !!!! after I just bought the lucky box! Of my gosh, what am I going to do?? Well go down ex stairs and as my husbands working out, bug and put my arms around him as he's stationary biking and sweaty! Yuck??? And give him a kiss on the back of his neck and then I ask honey can I use the credit card for 3 more Korean boxes. I know I was going to not buy so much so soon, but hey will give us 15 $$$ points whatever to use on another box if we order the three at once!! At do you think honey??? Oh go ahead he says, Valentines Day is coming up and that will be your gift . I said "really" "yes, really". Oh thank you and rushed up the stairs to order before he changed his mind about it! So they are ordered and do I have a guilty conscious ???? Yes, a little! Well, NOT!!! So they are ordered and I don't have to hang out on their site like I don't know when they will come up with the next one! Blew the budget of course, but I love the products and what I don't like can go to makeup bags for disaster Relief or the pregnancy Center! Love, love, love it and a little guilty feeling which I know will pass all to soon!

Thats such a CUTE story ! hehe. I really enjoyed reading that. He sounds so sweet, what a sweetie for him to do that for you, Mine would just roll his eyes, lol

Yeah, I saw this at work, then started doing the math on the way home and it just wasn't working out in my head unless they are increasing the price again? It takes a while to go through skincare products, especially the generous samples and  full sizes Memebox has. I think I am going to be good for quite some time if that is all they are going to continue sending out. However, if they got into more makeup products, I would so keep going on this crazy train. But since I haven't even seen 5, 6, or 7 (or 5.2 and 6.2) I just am not in any way willing to make that commitment.  Not saying I'm not tempted... But at this point I think it's better for me to sit back and enjoy my boxes 2-7. And I can't help but wonder how many people are going to buy this?
I can't do it. I just did our taxes and we owe $3700.00!!!!!! Glad I ordered box 7 before the taxes were done😄 time to save my dollars.
Thats such a CUTE story ! hehe. I really enjoyed reading that. He sounds so sweet, what a sweetie for him to do that for you, Mine would just roll his eyes, lol
He is really sweet! I love him so much! We've been married for 37+ years and started going out 39 years ago Valentines Day! So VD is a special day and night for us! We were in High. School, he was a senior and I a Junior and got married I was 18 and he was 19 and we both love being married to each other! I think I got the best deal though, though he got one too! hehehehehehe. But I ken if I asked it would be OK? I usually don't ask if its under $100 but over I do, just to make sure we have enough to cover it. This was close to that and I thought I would honor him by asking!! I really try not to take advantage to much, but I love these Memeboxes!!! I love the products and their customer service is awesome. And now I don't have to think about buying for a while, I hope!!! LOL.
Quote: Originally Posted by Spiritwind10 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

He is really sweet! I love him so much! We've been married for 37+ years and started going out 39 years ago Valentines Day! So VD is a special day and night for us! We were in High. School, he was a senior and I a Junior and got married I was 18 and he was 19 and we both love being married to each other! I think I got the best deal though, though he got one too! hehehehehehe. But I ken if I asked it would be OK? I usually don't ask if its under $100 but over I do, just to make sure we have enough to cover it. This was close to that and I thought I would honor him by asking!! I really try not to take advantage to much, but I love these Memeboxes!!! I love the products and their customer service is awesome. And now I don't have to think about buying for a while, I hope!!! LOL.
Wow, 37 years !!! That is so special ! that is a milestone ! My hubby and I reached 10 years, and its funny in that years 3-7 are difficult like they all say and then suddenly the storm is over and its all love bonding and understanding from then on. We have that open ness too, I can shop but if its a certain amount we discuss and ask.

 I almost married someone else that was super, super controlling with finances in a sleeping with the enemy type of scary  and Im glad I didnt , hehe.

My hubby and I get along like two peas in a pod and hes understanding of my makeup addition.  I'm ten years older than him and doing all I can to keep away the wrinkles . Ill lose out soon being in my 40s but all the other products make me feel young. and i feel like a kid opening those surprises in the mail

Guys - this is seriously an addiction. I've already ordered Boxes 2-7....and now I've just ordered boxes 8-10 and a lucky box (hoping I get some of my favs as repeats). I just couldn't pass up a box! They've got such great items and such great value in each box. Figured I can give some of the extra skincare products to my moms (who loves korean skincare)! I TRULY hope they slow down's just been too much!

Quote: Originally Posted by jennwzhu89 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Guys - this is seriously an addiction. I've already ordered Boxes 2-7....and now I've just ordered boxes 8-10 and a lucky box (hoping I get some of my favs as repeats). I just couldn't pass up a box! They've got such great items and such great value in each box. Figured I can give some of the extra skincare products to my moms (who loves korean skincare)! I TRULY hope they slow down's just been too much!
I know it's really bad because I think they've proven that their boxes are always awesome, unlike other "box" companies. I feel it's like, if anyone passes up a box they'll be so sad because it'll be filled with awesomeness.

I'm hoping they're doing a pre-order of 8,9 and 10 and then they will slooooowly release them one at a time after the pre-order which will give peopel a little time to breathe.

I keep saying that though, and they keep throwing boxes out relentlessly LOL

Quote: Originally Posted by MissJexie /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I know it's really bad because I think they've proven that their boxes are always awesome, unlike other "box" companies. I feel it's like, if anyone passes up a box they'll be so sad because it'll be filled with awesomeness.

I'm hoping they're doing a pre-order of 8,9 and 10 and then they will slooooowly release them one at a time after the pre-order which will give peopel a little time to breathe.

I keep saying that though, and they keep throwing boxes out relentlessly LOL

Totally! I just don't want to miss out in case there's another absolutely AMAZING product, which there seems to be at least one in every box. But seriously box #10 is scheduled to go out in May...even at that pace that's almost 2 boxes per month, which is a bit too much of skincare heavy products.

Haha I guess we'll see what they come out with next...hopefully they'll be pre-occupied fulfilling all the orders that we've placed? I've noticed that their CS has gotten a bit delayed in their's been 3 days since I emailed them and no response. Previously they would get back to you in max 1 day!

Quote: Originally Posted by Spiritwind10 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I'd much rather get the boxes than roses that will die in 2-3 days or candy that will make me gain weight! I love chocolate but I really don't need it and I seriously feel guilty if I eat it! Valentines Day is a great angle girls!
I am with you all the way!! Skin care is definitely the way to my heart!lol 

Quote: Originally Posted by angienharry /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I can't do it. I just did our taxes and we owe $3700.00!!!!!! Glad I ordered box 7 before the taxes were done😄 time to save my dollars.
I'm right there with you on the taxes :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

My V-Day/B'Day splurge was the Golden Tote this month, which is yet another reason I am going to sit this bundle out and hope they release them individually in the future.

Quote: Originally Posted by jennwzhu89 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Guys - this is seriously an addiction. I've already ordered Boxes 2-7....and now I've just ordered boxes 8-10 and a lucky box (hoping I get some of my favs as repeats). I just couldn't pass up a box! They've got such great items and such great value in each box. Figured I can give some of the extra skincare products to my moms (who loves korean skincare)! I TRULY hope they slow down's just been too much!

I resisted as long as possible. I caved in to a Box 7 and Lucky Box as a catch up since I skipped on the others. While I will likely love a few things from each box it's rough to pre-order 3 boxes. I'd rather wait or pick/choose. I'm a huge fan of Korean skincare and have been dying to try more makeup.

Word to the wise there is a new Korean beauty box called TheMazBox which is a monthly sub billed on the 1st of every month. January 2014 was the first, February is going out now. I just received my Feb box and am sorely disappointed. For $25/month the 6 unique items came out to about a $29 value featuring items I priced costing anywhere from $2 to $7/each. The overall packaging is cute. The items are full size. Unfortunately it felt very dollar section shopping. While I liked the Etude House pack brush I got, that was the most expensive single item. Ack! Sadly since I waited until after I received my box to decide on canceling, I'm stuck with the March box too.

Korean Beauty Fan be alert!


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