Memebox: Korean Beauty Box Service forums

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I can't believe 7 isn't sold out yet!
I Know!!! I thought they would have. Wonder why? I wonder if they made more boxes or if people stopped buying? Though people keep saying they are buying them. If they aren't buying #7 I wonder why? Too much too soon and burnt out already?? I hope not, cause I think Memebox has a lot to offer us in the future. Or maybe Memebox decided to put more boxes in inventory, which can be good to slow down having to put more boxes out there for us to buy. What does everyone think??? I have to say Memebox is living up to their end of the contract. They gave points when points were due, they sent out boxes in a timely manner,they filled the boxes up with awesome products. I don't know about you all but the products in he boxes are awesome to try and use and I know there are several I would love to get full size of. Well let us know about what you think is going on. . . . . Hmmmmm.
I can't believe 7 isn't sold out yet!
I Know!!! I thought they would have. Wonder why? I wonder if they made more boxes or if people stopped buying? Though people keep saying they are buying them. If they aren't buying #7 I wonder why? Too much too soon and burnt out already?? I hope not, cause I think Memebox has a lot to offer us in the future. Or maybe Memebox decided to put more boxes in inventory, which can be good to slow down having to put more boxes out there for us to buy. What does everyone think??? I have to say Memebox is living up to their end of the contract. They gave points when points were due, they sent out boxes in a timely manner,they filled the boxes up with awesome products. I don't know about you all but the products in he boxes are awesome to try and use and I know there are several I would love to get full size of. Well let us know about what you think is going on. . . . . Hmmmmm.
I can't believe 7 isn't sold out yet!
I Know!!! I thought they would have. Wonder why? I wonder if they made more boxes or if people stopped buying? Though people keep saying they are buying them. If they aren't buying #7 I wonder why? Too much too soon and burnt out already?? I hope not, cause I think Memebox has a lot to offer us in the future. Or maybe Memebox decided to put more boxes in inventory, which can be good to slow down having to put more boxes out there for us to buy. What does everyone think??? I have to say Memebox is living up to their end of the contract. They gave points when points were due, they sent out boxes in a timely manner,they filled the boxes up with awesome products. I don't know about you all but the products in he boxes are awesome to try and use and I know there are several I would love to get full size of. Well let us know about what you think is going on. . . . . Hmmmmm.
Quote: Originally Posted by SubJunkie /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I'm missing 3 items from my box. Is anyone else missing items? 
I would definitely contact them and let them know. They don't always have a back-stock of items, but I think they will most likely replace the items that you're missing with other products of equal value if necessary.

Quote: Originally Posted by allistra44 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I can't believe 7 isn't sold out yet!
I think it's probably because A) They most likely prepared and made a larger inventory of #7 since before they had to regroup quickly and make second versions of #5 and #6. and B) I think a lot of their customers are a bit overwhelmed with the amount of boxes that have been released lately and may have decided to take a pass on #7 for now and C) They have been reading our pleas to slow down on the box releases a bit and made sure that there was enough inventory for #7 to be available to purchase for awhile.

Or some combination of the 3, haha :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by MissJexie /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I would definitely contact them and let them know. They don't always have a back-stock of items, but I think they will most likely replace the items that you're missing with other products of equal value if necessary.
That's what I'm hoping for 

I too think it is some combination of the three! Most of us have written and said slow down and now when they have slowed down, we wonder what's wrong!!! Sounds like a woman doesn't it!!! LOL. They are probably only doing as we asked!

Drooling over the Box 4's you guys have received. Kicking my sorry self for not getting it. Looks like from the boxes people have received so far, the cheese cream is the ultimate winner, but what are your other faves? I might have splurge on some full sizes to try for myself on this cheese cream...

Quote: Originally Posted by Lorna ljblog /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Oh god glossyuk is the pits gone so downhill. Oct/nov boxes were a big low for glossy but January box hit new time low and over half of subbers have now unsubbed. And more daily just read Facebook.
The themed and limited ed boxes we have got the crap while other countries continue to get the decent products and fullsize products.
When you hit the uk go for you beauty discovery box £6.95 omg all good 2 products from shisheido to nails inc choice of 12 you pick 2 .
And love me beauty £12 you choose 1 out of the 3 boxes for the month. 5 fullsize products.

None of my sub boxes get caught in customs as they are exempt. I think they take a week to arrive from Korea or States.
I think it may be different for memebox I will see.
Yeah I have seen the January one rather disastrous :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> But from what I have read the guy who founded Glossy closed or wants to close a few branches the Canadian one was closed I think.. Glossy was great here but from some time they were putting full size product with expiry dates almost done. So you had a month for example to test a face cream. and to be honest I ordered this months one just for the cute box ...

Oh and thank you I will def check the boxes you suggested !!

Quote: Originally Posted by kotoko /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Drooling over the Box 4's you guys have received. Kicking my sorry self for not getting it. Looks like from the boxes people have received so far, the cheese cream is the ultimate winner, but what are your other faves? I might have splurge on some full sizes to try for myself on this cheese cream...
Box #1 had some real winners for me.

I LOVED the SN's SN-T Plant Stem Cell line. They gave us like 5 foil packets for each product so I was able to try it for 5 days and I couldn't believe how amazing my skin looked and felt. The cleanser, toner and cream is something I plan to repurchase soon.

Also from the first box, I loved This Spray water Essence:

It has a very light fruity scent and it really does moisturize and refresh my skin. I use it a lot and I'm only about halfway through it since getting it in November.

The other boxes I haven't had a whole lot of time with to really know my favorites yet (other than the cheese cream! hehe)

Quote: Originally Posted by MissJexie /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Box #1 had some real winners for me.

I LOVED the SN's SN-T Plant Stem Cell line. They gave us like 5 foil packets for each product so I was able to try it for 5 days and I couldn't believe how amazing my skin looked and felt. The cleanser, toner and cream is something I plan to repurchase soon.

Also from the first box, I loved This Spray water Essence:

It has a very light fruity scent and it really does moisturize and refresh my skin. I use it a lot and I'm only about halfway through it since getting it in November.

The other boxes I haven't had a whole lot of time with to really know my favorites yet (other than the cheese cream! hehe)

I'm totally enabling, but the SN-T Plant Stem Cell cream is on sale today.  I really liked their description of it and wondered what others thought.  

Quote: Originally Posted by ellesnails /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm totally enabling, but the SN-T Plant Stem Cell cream is on sale today.  I really liked their description of it and wondered what others thought.  
I really, really loved the line. Not to mention, a little goes a VERY long way. I only needed about a dime-size of each thing to really cover my face well. It's very gentle but effective. I have combo skin and it didn't make me too oily or too dry, which is nearly impossible haha :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by Spiritwind10 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Box #7 is SOLD OUT!!!
Now the countdown long are they going to wait before they put out #8? LOL

Your guess is as good as mine????? Who knows ! But who ever finds out first let the rest of us know!!! : )

My gosh, I thought I would be proud of myself for practicing some self restraint and not ordering #7..Truth is, I am kind of kicking myself for not ordering it now! Oh well, bring on a "Best Of" box and I will be all over that!!lol Love me some Meme 

I started using the IOPE Bio Essence product that came in box #4. I really love how everything came included in the sample.

It claims on the package that you will notice a difference in your skin within 3 days, and the sample is 3 days worth.

You're supposed to use it morning and evening, and they give you 6 cotton pads and the small bottle of essence (which is their word for toner, in case anyone was wondering!) The great thing I noticed, is that the bottle has markings on the side to measure out 6 even uses so you know how much you should pour out onto the cotton pad for each use.

I've used it twice so far, so I'll let you know if I notice a difference in a couple days! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


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