Memebox: Korean Beauty Box Service forums

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Quote: Originally Posted by MissJexie /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Seriously I love memebox so much! lol.

I waited to start a thread on here until I got the first few boxes because I wanted to see how the quality would be over time and honestly, I am so thrilled with the quality and sheer amount of products to try for the price, not to mention how quickly everything arrives (although I'm still waiting on my #4, but my packages are always later than others). I'm super happy that everyone is enjoying memebox and if I happened to refer you, I'm glad I didn't steer you wrong!

I have no idea which versions of which boxes I'll be getting, considering I'm a blogging partner, so I might get the second versions of 5 and 6...but either way I just want them in my grasp so I can do a review!! memeboxes are always so fun to review because they have the most random and interesting products, haha :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Thank you for sharing it with us!!

Quote: Originally Posted by MissJexie /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Off Topic but...Did you know you can e-mail Graze and have one of your subscriptions upgraded to a weekly one? I used to get it weekly until they launched in the US and only offered bi-weekly and monthly. I e-mailed them and they upgraded me to weekly and you can just switch back at any time if you want. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Oh my god! I love/hate you for sharing this. :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I was actually thinking about signing up for a 2nd sub on alternating weeks but maybe this is what I should do instead. 

Quote: Originally Posted by jocedun /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Oh my god! I love/hate you for sharing this. :p /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> I was actually thinking about signing up for a 2nd sub on alternating weeks but maybe this is what I should do instead. 
It's much easier to control when it comes to snack selections and having a referral code etc. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by Lorna ljblog /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  box 7 is live ,

 i just ordered as i only managed to buy 5,6,and now 7.

sorry for telling you lot box 7 is live for pre order.

glossy box uk can deffo jump off the cliff now.
lol memebox totally lied when they said they were going to start slowing down.

Everyone is receiving #4 and they already have #7 up for pre-order? Geez!

I think I'm gonna pass on 7 right now.  I'm sure I will change my mind right when it sells out lol, but I just ordered 5-2 and 6 yesterday.  I also don't want to purchase a box that far in advance.

Here. I'm going to help everyone not buy 7 (but don't hate me if it's amazing):

There are only so many products you can put in these boxes! Usually there is some sort of BB/CC type of cream, a moisturizer or oil of some kind, and a liquid essence-type face product. We've occasionally seen some different/interesting items, but the majority in each box are different brands/types of similar things.

If you skip 7 that will just give you some time to breathe and play with all the new stuff coming in your zillion memeboxes that you pre-ordered! LOL

Quote: Originally Posted by MissKris17 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Not only is this my favorite box, it's my favorite thread! This is the only one I'm following where everyone is happy and in love with their boxes.

haha I know, right? The main problem is like "OMG SO MANY BOXES I WANT TO BUY AND I HAVE NO MORE MONEY!"

lol memebox totally lied when they said they were going to start slowing down. Everyone is receiving #4 and they already have #7 up for pre-order? Geez!
My budget is blown to heck!!!!! I really feel that all of us need to email Memebox and tell them we are not a money tree and to slow down!!! I love them but this is getting carried away on their part! Either that or boycott them, but then we miss out on all the great products! I am definitely torn! I can't afford anymore at this point!
Question, I was just about to buy 3 boxes...5.2,6.2 and 7.

and if I added a small product (was looking at the silk cleansing balls),

I get free shipping. (the free shipping minimum is $70)

Does anyone know if all my boxes will ship together?

Or will the ship then when they become available?

I would hate to wait an extra 6 weeks for them all to ship!

Thanks in advance.

Quote: Originally Posted by Spiritwind10 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

My budget is blown to heck!!!!! I really feel that all of us need to email Memebox and tell them we are not a money tree and to slow down!!! I love them but this is getting carried away on their part! Either that or boycott them, but then we miss out on all the great products! I am definitely torn! I can't afford anymore at this point!

They've e-mailed me about the issue and assure me they only keep releasing them because there is a high demand and they sell out of the previous box so quickly, that they are swarmed with e-mails asking them to release another one. If you've ordered most/all of the previous ones I wouldn't worry about picking up #7. Also if they see that #7 sells out more slowly then maybe they'll slow down! LOL Either way I haven't even gotten to all the items I got in my first 3 boxes, never mind the next 4! LOL

Quote: Originally Posted by LisaLeah /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Question, I was just about to buy 3 boxes...5.2,6.2 and 7.

and if I added a small product (was looking at the silk cleansing balls),

I get free shipping. (the free shipping minimum is $70)

Does anyone know if all my boxes will ship together?

Or will the ship then when they become available?

I would hate to wait an extra 6 weeks for them all to ship!

Thanks in advance.
That's actually a really good question and I have absolutely no idea. I don't think the boxes will ship together, since they all ship at different times and you're essentially pre-ordering them. However, someone did say that they bought 2 boxes and only had to pay shipping for one. I'm not sure how it works, honestly. I would try to contact them and find out, although they are getting backed up in that department too, so it might take too long and the boxes might sell out. Even so, I don't think they would hold your boxes and ship them all when #7 ships because that wouldn't make sense/be fair to you.

Quote: Originally Posted by MissJexie /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  That's actually a really good question and I have absolutely no idea. I don't think the boxes will ship together, since they all ship at different times and you're essentially pre-ordering them. However, someone did say that they bought 2 boxes and only had to pay shipping for one. I'm not sure how it works, honestly. I would try to contact them and find out, although they are getting backed up in that department too, so it might take too long and the boxes might sell out. Even so, I don't think they would hold your boxes and ship them all when #7 ships because that wouldn't make sense/be fair to you.
I just bought them all. I figured by the time I got an answer from them, the boxes may sell out.

I will let you all know how they ship and when they arrive!

This is totally exciting!

Btw, does anyone know how much earlier Box #5, ships before #5.2?

I want spoilers already. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by LisaLeah /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I just bought them all. I figured by the time I got an answer from them, the boxes may sell out.

I will let you all know how they ship and when they arrive!

This is totally exciting!

Btw, does anyone know how much earlier Box #5, ships before #5.2?

I want spoilers already. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
The site says 5 ships on Feb 11th and 5.2 on Feb 13th  :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />


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