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I knew they had a referral system in place but it was just a link, not a coded discount code. They took away the referral system as of today. Does that not go against the terms and conditions when we signed up?!!!

Quote: Originally Posted by jocedun /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Not trying to stir the pot because I can understand how this whole situation was confusing, but I definitely don't think any of us understood that code was a referral code, including the person who shared it initially on MUT, so I don't see a reason to be too upset. Personally, I don't feel slighted or screwed over, and I'm not upset that I accidentally gave someone credit for referring me to a discount, because I wouldn't have been able to use a discount code otherwise. It's not like the original owner of that code was trying to spam it out to the internet for personal profit, they just shared it to a friend who shared it to us. If I were truly worried about due diligence and only giving people credit where credit is due, then I never would have used the code in the first place because it did seem awfully unique/specific. However, if you do feel that slighted, you could email Memebox to cancel the order and re-order with a different referral code (or none at all) - I'm sure they wouldn't want you to feel tricked into using a discount code, etc.

Overall, this seems to be a very new program, maybe even just a beta test on their website. Memebox might just be working out the kinks before they actually email people to tell them about the referral program, just like the random 5 promo points that they handed out before actually emailing people. They always release the boxes online before emailing to alert us, too. And when everyone does have access to their referral codes, I see no reason why you can't start earning commission, too. I don't think that Memebox is intentionally trying to screw their bloggers out of commission - rather, they probably have seen the free boxes as compensation for referrals until this point, whether that is what a blogger would deem as fair compensation or not. Yes, it would be nice if they could retroactively credit you for all of the people you have referred, but I doubt they will do that for anyone. If that were the case, some youtubers would be getting 1000s of referrals.

What I have learned from my memebox experience is that they are sortof reactionary. They try something, people notice it/comment/complain, and then they adjust, unlike other online business models that are a bit more structured and predictable. I think that this referral issue will get sorted out eventually, and for the time being we all just unknowingly stumbled upon a discount related to that program. It's only frustrating if you let yourself be frustrated by it.

I don't mean to this to come off rude, because the last thing I need is another fight on here, but if you think that getting a complimentary box is compensation for the hundreds and hundreds of people I have referred to them, then I don't even know what to say. Anyone on here that is a full time blogger (or heck, even part time) will tell you that. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Bloggers work their butts off on reviews. It takes me a long time (sometimes days or weeks depending on the product I'm reviewing) to take photos, edit and watermark them, try and test, swatch, apply products, write out my honest opinion, edit the entire post etc. Most companies know this and usually give complimentary product in exchange for the REVIEW, not as compensation for referrals, which make them huge amounts of money. That's why commission links are usually created.

I made it very clear I wasn't upset with the person who posted the commission link, as they were only trying to help us save a couple dollars. However, as someone who has spent a lot of time and energy doing reviews and spreading the word for this company, I can't help but feel irritated that someone just made potentially a lot of $$ off of people that they never referred in the first place.

I also never asked to get retroactive payment for anyone I referred. I would never expect them to do that. I think I do have the right to voice my disappointment, though.

No one understands more than I do how memebox continuously changes and adapts and is still trying to find their footing. I agree that the referral issue will be sorted out by them. I honestly think it's uncalled for to tell me  it's only frustrating if I let myself be frustrated by it. I've spent a LOT of time on this thread and on my blog reviewing memeboxes and helping people however I can, and of course it's frustrating that everyone (myself included) just gave a random person a bunch of REFERRAL credits when they did not refer us. I understand it was a misunderstanding and I am fully aware no one is at fault, but I do have every right to feel upset about it.

It's over and done with, and I'm past the point of caring. I was just expressing my irritation, as I normally do on makeuptalk when I find something to be kind of a bummer, and as we all do. Memebox is stll A-OK in my book, I just really wish they'd let their affiliates know, "hey we might be doing a beta referral/commission thing, we'll keep you updated" or something to that effect. It would have been nice to be able to put my code at the end of my blog posts.

Rant over, though. Promise. I'm not mad at anyone, I'm not mad at memebox, everything is cool!

Overall, this seems to be a very new program, maybe even just a beta test on their website... What I have learned from my memebox experience is that they are sortof reactionary. They try something, people notice it/comment/complain, and then they adjust, unlike other online business models that are a bit more structured and predictable...
You've described their business practice: Per the article, Memebox has experienced tremendous growth through bootstrapping. Profits went to marketing; that is, rather than invest in infrastructure and personnel, Memebox pushed sales growth, outsourcing what they could and hiring interns. Rather than engage in customary marketing, they focused on word of mouth (review boxes, etc.) As they attract investors we may see a change- more constancy and predictability, not so many snafus.
Quote: Originally Posted by caribbeanblue /img/forum/go_quote.gif

You've described their business practice:

Per the article, Memebox has experienced tremendous growth through bootstrapping. Profits went to marketing; that is, rather than invest in infrastructure and personnel, Memebox pushed sales growth, outsourcing what they could and hiring interns. As they attract investors we may see a change.
Thanks for posting that! I had watched that video a couple of months ago and someone asked about it way earlier in this thread and I couldn't located it again.

Quote: Originally Posted by MissJexie /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I don't mean to this to come off rude, because the last thing I need is another fight on here, but if you think that getting a complimentary box is compensation for the hundreds and hundreds of people I have referred to them, then I don't even know what to say. Anyone on here that is a full time blogger (or heck, even part time) will tell you that. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Bloggers work their butts off on reviews. It takes me a long time (sometimes days or weeks depending on the product I'm reviewing) to take photos, edit and watermark them, try and test, swatch, apply products, write out my honest opinion, edit the entire post etc. Most companies know this and usually give complimentary product in exchange for the REVIEW, not as compensation for referrals, which make them huge amounts of money. That's why commission links are usually created.
Agreed with this section totally. I'm not really a beauty blogger by any means because its so time consuming and i'm just always busy with school. But when I get an influenster box I always do the required and bonus tasks, and a lot of them involve creating blog reviews. And holy cow even my half-assed reviews are time consuming, and half of the time I end up losing my patience.

Quote: Originally Posted by kawaiimeows /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Agreed with this section totally. I'm not really a beauty blogger by any means because its so time consuming and i'm just always busy with school. But when I get an influenster box I always do the required and bonus tasks, and a lot of them involve creating blog reviews. And holy cow even my half-assed reviews are time consuming, and half of the time I end up losing my patience.
Oh gosh Influenster KILLS me. They'll send me a toothbrush and then be like, "write a comprehensive review, tweet about it, like the toothbrushes facebook page and write 10 paragraphs as to why you love it. Make a vine showing you brushing your teeth! Post a photo on instagram of you and your toothbrush on top of the empire state building!" It's never-ending! LOL. I think that's why they rarely e-mail me to participate in boxes because like you, I just lose my patience after one or two tasks haha :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

To be fair, Jocedun isn't saying you should feel compensated by their review boxes. What she said is that Memebox seems to think that their review boxes are compensatory: "I don't think that Memebox is intentionally trying to screw their bloggers out of commission - rather, they probably have seen the free boxes as compensation for referrals until this point, whether that is what a blogger would deem as fair compensation or not." And she's actually right, it seems, at least from the article I posted above.

I have to agree that beauty blogs do take over your life and I have only done mine since October it is a very long and frustrating process doing even one box review but it is, for most bloggers, a worthwhile thing. Personally, Ihave found that my writing is a NEED and whether it is a blog article or a novel I have to do it. I really never thought it would take so long to do a post but it does. Sorry to ramble but just my two pence. Now off to bed. J

Quote: Originally Posted by MissJexie /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I don't mean to this to come off rude, because the last thing I need is another fight on here, but if you think that getting a complimentary box is compensation for the hundreds and hundreds of people I have referred to them, then I don't even know what to say. Anyone on here that is a full time blogger (or heck, even part time) will tell you that. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> Bloggers work their butts off on reviews. It takes me a long time (sometimes days or weeks depending on the product I'm reviewing) to take photos, edit and watermark them, try and test, swatch, apply products, write out my honest opinion, edit the entire post etc. Most companies know this and usually give complimentary product in exchange for the REVIEW, not as compensation for referrals, which make them huge amounts of money. That's why commission links are usually created.

I made it very clear I wasn't upset with the person who posted the commission link, as they were only trying to help us save a couple dollars. However, as someone who has spent a lot of time and energy doing reviews and spreading the word for this company, I can't help but feel irritated that someone just made potentially a lot of $$ off of people that they never referred in the first place.

I also never asked to get retroactive payment for anyone I referred. I would never expect them to do that. I think I do have the right to voice my disappointment, though.

No one understands more than I do how memebox continuously changes and adapts and is still trying to find their footing. I agree that the referral issue will be sorted out by them. I honestly think it's uncalled for to tell me  it's only frustrating if I let myself be frustrated by it. I've spent a LOT of time on this thread and on my blog reviewing memeboxes and helping people however I can, and of course it's frustrating that everyone (myself included) just gave a random person a bunch of REFERRAL credits when they did not refer us. I understand it was a misunderstanding and I am fully aware no one is at fault, but I do have every right to feel upset about it.

It's over and done with, and I'm past the point of caring. I was just expressing my irritation, as I normally do on makeuptalk when I find something to be kind of a bummer, and as we all do. Memebox is stll A-OK in my book, I just really wish they'd let their affiliates know, "hey we might be doing a beta referral/commission thing, we'll keep you updated" or something to that effect. It would have been nice to be able to put my code at the end of my blog posts.

Rant over, though. Promise. I'm not mad at anyone, I'm not mad at memebox, everything is cool!
I definitely did not say that doing reviews is not a lot of work, because I don't believe they are easy. I just said that Memebox, as the business handing out free boxes, has probably considered free boxes a form of payment in exchange for referrals "until this point" (quoting myself here). And now, just like you said, they have created commission codes/links to actually compensate their bloggers, which I think we can both agree is good. I was just trying to reassure you after your first rant that Memebox is not trying to maliciously under-fund their supporting bloggers (you didn't say that, I know), but instead they are trying to create a new referral program that will eventually get worked out (just like everything they do is a work-in-progress initially) to positively affect their bloggers. Yay!  

I only mentioned the retroactivity payments because you posted, "I'm pretty sure I've referred hundreds of people to them since they launched...where's my dang commission? :("     <--- This clued me in to your sentiment that you would like to be paid/given commission for the hundreds of people who've referred. As I stated, unfortunately that probably won't happen since Memebox probably won't pay out retroactive commission. You're right, you didn't say that you wanted to be retroactively paid, but I inferred it.

If you think it is uncalled for for me to say, "it's only frustrating if you let if be frustrating," then I am sorry to have offended you. I said that because I personally think that it's pre-mature to be frustrated by a referral program that isn't even fully launched yet. Genuinely, I was just trying help alleviate some of the frustration, since this is another small bump in the very rocky Memebox road. It's a cliche, and I didn't really think it was offensive (other than the fact that cliches in themselves can be lame, I guess). But, depending on how you read it, I guess any cliche I used could have been deemed offensive - it's not a good idea to tell people how to feel, and I should have known that. I definitely wasn't saying that your complaints and frustrations as a blogger aren't legitimate, but like you have said, there have been a lot of problems with Memebox, and it is my understanding that they have mostly been solved to some extent, and this too shall pass (look, another cliche). Memebox is reactionary, and they will listen to your concerns. For example, if you wanted to contact them and ask for them to take your accidental credit away from the person you gave it to, I'm sure they would find some way to remedy it. Like I said, I'm sure they don't want you to feel tricked into giving someone else commission. 

Td;dr - my initial point was just to say that while frustrations are legitimate, there is light at the end of the tunnel that Memebox is working to make right by bloggers and subscribers by giving them a real referral program, even if we all fell prey to mistakenly using someone else's discount code in the mean time. I really wasn't trying to offend, either - just put a positive spin on things. 

Quote: Originally Posted by Dayo Steph /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Sorry! I'm only just getting caught up so I'm not sure if it was already mentioned, but Super H Mart is a Korean/Asian superstore in Skokie, not too far north of Chicago.  They have several beauty boutiques within the store. I didn't recognize brands, but they had everything from high end to drug store, it's definitely worth the scope-out.  And if you're that close, head next door to King Spa - a traditional Korean day spa, it's soooooo awesome in the winter!
Whoa that sounds amazing...I think we have an H Mart in Michigan, but I don't know if it's a "Super" H Mart. Sometimes it would just be nice to be able to see the products on a shelf rather than just looking online. I feel like part of the fun is just getting items that aren't as easy accessible in the U.S. at the drug store.
  Thanks so much for the info!

Whoa that sounds amazing...I think we have an H Mart in Michigan, but I don't know if it's a "Super" H Mart. Sometimes it would just be nice to be able to see the products on a shelf rather than just looking online. I feel like part of the fun is just getting items that aren't as easy accessible in the U.S. at the drug store. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />   Thanks so much for the info!
Was there today. They have a whole FaceShop store. Very cool but some of the prices on ebay are better
Quote: Originally Posted by puppymomofthree /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  What do you ladies think is the chance of a Luckybox 3 popping up soon?
Hopefully soon!! They seem to be cranking one out every few days! Those $5.00 in points are burning a hole in my pocket! I am torn about whether to try the Hair and Body, #11, or just wait it out!

Quote: Originally Posted by jocedun /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I definitely did not say that doing reviews is not a lot of work, because I don't believe they are easy. I just said that Memebox, as the business handing out free boxes, has probably considered free boxes a form of payment in exchange for referrals "until this point" (quoting myself here). And now, just like you said, they have created commission codes/links to actually compensate their bloggers, which I think we can both agree is good. I was just trying to reassure you after your first rant that Memebox is not trying to maliciously under-fund their supporting bloggers (you didn't say that, I know), but instead they are trying to create a new referral program that will eventually get worked out (just like everything they do is a work-in-progress initially) to positively affect their bloggers. Yay!  

I only mentioned the retroactivity payments because you posted, "I'm pretty sure I've referred hundreds of people to them since they launched...where's my dang commission? :("     <--- This clued me in to your sentiment that you would like to be paid/given commission for the hundreds of people who've referred. As I stated, unfortunately that probably won't happen since Memebox probably won't pay out retroactive commission. You're right, you didn't say that you wanted to be retroactively paid, but I inferred it.

If you think it is uncalled for for me to say, "it's only frustrating if you let if be frustrating," then I am sorry to have offended you. I said that because I personally think that it's pre-mature to be frustrated by a referral program that isn't even fully launched yet. Genuinely, I was just trying help alleviate some of the frustration, since this is another small bump in the very rocky Memebox road. It's a cliche, and I didn't really think it was offensive (other than the fact that cliches in themselves can be lame, I guess). But, depending on how you read it, I guess any cliche I used could have been deemed offensive - it's not a good idea to tell people how to feel, and I should have known that. I definitely wasn't saying that your complaints and frustrations as a blogger aren't legitimate, but like you have said, there have been a lot of problems with Memebox, and it is my understanding that they have mostly been solved to some extent, and this too shall pass (look, another cliche). Memebox is reactionary, and they will listen to your concerns. For example, if you wanted to contact them and ask for them to take your accidental credit away from the person you gave it to, I'm sure they would find some way to remedy it. Like I said, I'm sure they don't want you to feel tricked into giving someone else commission. 

Td;dr - my initial point was just to say that while frustrations are legitimate, there is light at the end of the tunnel that Memebox is working to make right by bloggers and subscribers by giving them a real referral program, even if we all fell prey to mistakenly using someone else's discount code in the mean time. I really wasn't trying to offend, either - just put a positive spin on things. 

No worries. I think misunderstandings are wide and far here today on the memebox thread. I'm just letting all this nonsense roll off my back and moving forward because truthfully, it's not a huge deal in the grand scheme. I appreciate you clarifying your thoughts, and I agree that I'm sure memebox will figure stuff out as they always do.

Quote: Originally Posted by Dragngrl03 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  Hopefully soon!! They seem to be cranking one out every few days! Those $5.00 in points are burning a hole in my pocket! I am torn about whether to try the Hair and Body, #11, or just wait it out!

I bought the hair and body memebox and now I'm having mini-panic attacks that they're going to release Luckybox 3 and I'll have used all my points LOL I've been meaning to grab a lucky box to surprise my sister with, because she hasn't been able to get any of the past memeboxes yet, but ugh I can't afford any more boxes this month! I do hope they come out with one soon though! They might wait until memebox 8 is released so they have more boxes to choose items from.

Quote: Originally Posted by QueenJane /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Was there today. They have a whole FaceShop store. Very cool but some of the prices on ebay are better
OMG...I am so jealous. I really want to try some face shop products and I missed the chance to get the face shop memebox. If you don't mind me asking, did you get anything?

I spent my points on box 11, but maybe I will have to get LB 3 if it ever pops up.  My only other purchases were the two previous LB's.

Quote: Originally Posted by MissJexie /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I bought the hair and body memebox and now I'm having mini-panic attacks that they're going to release Luckybox 3 and I'll have used all my points LOL I've been meaning to grab a lucky box to surprise my sister with, because she hasn't been able to get any of the past memeboxes yet, but ugh I can't afford any more boxes this month! I do hope they come out with one soon though! They might wait until memebox 8 is released so they have more boxes to choose items from.
For your sake I am hoping they hold out for another week or two so you will be able to purchase one!

Quote: Originally Posted by puppymomofthree /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  For your sake I am hoping they hold out for another week or two so you will be able to purchase one!
haha I hope they hold out too but at the same time hope they release one so people can use their points! :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I got my Memebox Superbox #2 today. I'm loving the CC Cushion and the Mascara (I'll eventually use it), but I am going to trade or gift the lip gloss.

I'm on the fence about the Princess Mermaid liners. On one hand, I love the colors and they're so cute, but on the other, the only liners I can actually use are the fat Tarte Smoldereyes because they have a large enough tip for me to use. XD I'm nearly blind in my left eye, so it makes it hard to apply eyeliner...

I dunno if I should keep it and practice or just trade it. >____<


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