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Quote: Originally Posted by Patantao /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yup, I think you are right :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

But I do hope some of the products are the same. I can't wait till someone gets #4 and posts a video or photos of it! And yes, I am anxious about it. We don't have great beauty boxes here, and most of the international ones don't send to my country. I have been searching everywhere for international boxes to make reviews about beauty boxes that do send to Portugal...
 That's the great thing about Memebox! They send to SO many countries!
I just got an e-mail from them that said box #4 is starting to ship today, so there should be reviews/photos of it soon!

I have ordered #5 but I can't believe it is sold out already! WOW. I hope Memebox decides to hold off a little while before putting out box #6. I have spent so much this month on #'s 2,3,4 &5. So I hope they wait a least a few weeks before the next one!!!! LOL. I am glad they are doing well, but my goodness I think it is killing us all in the budget area!!! MEMEBOX. HOLD OFF. ANOTHER FEW WEEKS AT LEAST!!!!!!!

I have ordered #5 but I can't believe it is sold out already! WOW. I hope Memebox decides to hold off a little while before putting out box #6. I have spent so much this month on #'s 2,3,4 &5. So I hope they wait a least a few weeks before the next one!!!! LOL. I am glad they are doing well, but my goodness I think it is killing us all in the budget area!!! MEMEBOX. HOLD OFF. ANOTHER FEW WEEKS AT LEAST!!!!!!!
The thing is, they space the delivery out by a good amount, so it doesn't make sense to just keep releasing new boxes every week. I think this is where they could improve; let us actually subscribe. Then we don't have to buy 3 boxes a month that we have to wait three months to get.
I so agree about them spacing the boxes out. They will get everyone burnt out on them if they don't slow it down. Plus everyone will be budgeted out. Their boxes are awesome and I want to keep getting them, just one a month!!!! I've caught up, just let me stay caught up with everything else!!!! LOL: )

Im still waiting to see the contents of number 4, lol...

And it looks like Ill have to buy number 6. I didnt jump on 5 cause still paying off Christmas bills , Victorias Secret Semi Annual Sale, and Ipsy and Blush,

I think that video may be of the Korean memebox that is sent out in Korea since it has products from France and what not! I recognize that cow lotion, lol!

I am so excited!! I LOVED Box 3...ordered Box 4...and my boyfriend got me Box 5 as one of my Valentine's Day (will be late but who cares) gifts! I think this is my new favorite sub! I am a Korean adoptee so it is so much fun looking and playing with these things!! ^_^ /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

UGH NOOO. Missed out Box 4 and am in process of moving, so I can't really deal with shipments going on right now. I agree that Memebox would be a lot better if they spaced out the shipments a bit more. I want them all, but I can't commit to this amount of items every few weeks.

Ummm so there's a box 2nd edition for the 5th box. Lol I don't know if I should get that it wait for the first edition of the 5th box

I know right? Missed the 5th one but the 5-2 will have the same things as the 5, except for 1-2 items.. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> so confused lol
Hmm that is confusing! I feel like I should get 5-2 now since I missed 5-1. But my wallet is saying no! ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
just got out the bath to an email for  box 5 part 2,this is all getting confusing now.

i think they need to hold off box 6 till the end of feb when box 5 sends or all the boxes will be sold up to august by febuary.

Hmm that is confusing! I feel like I should get 5-2 now since I missed 5-1. But my wallet is saying no! ;) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />
Siiiighh gave in & ordered it. F--- it. Whatever. Lol gahhhh pacing pacing. Just get it.. :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> lol got the ok from my SO about getting boxes as they're released, saying I can just trade or sell whatever I don't use. :/ idk. Too much too soon!
I got the 5-1 and will not order 5-2. I think they will be making a box per month ( not counting with the 2nd or 3rd editions, etc). I guess the problem is the same to all of us: when we found memebox they still had the previous boxes and we ended up ordering all the available ones from previous months...

Quote: Originally Posted by msambrosia /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I went ahead and ordered 5-2. I missed both the 4th box and the original 5th box, so I didn't want to take a chance on this one selling out as well!
Lol that was exactly my thinking! Plus, it won't start shipping for another few weeks, so I feel fine about being settled into my new place and routine by then.


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