Quote: Originally Posted by MissJexie /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Why doesn't memebox just suck it up and do a stinkin' subscription?! LOL "Pre-order" is basically saying "subscription" that your paying for in advance, like buying a 3,6,or 12 month subscription from another company.
I love the products in the memeboxes SO MUCH that I let stuff slide with them, but honestly, I've sent them hundreds of customers, review all of their boxes and as of last week they've completely stopped responding to my e-mails. I have no idea why, either. They said they were sending me box 6 and it never arrived. I e-mailed them to ask if it had shipped yet and asked about the tax issues that you were all wondering about and they haven't responded. I'm a little upset that I kind of worked my butt off to get their name out there and they haven't taken the time to get in touch with me.
I'm too poor to buy the boxes from here on out, so I'm just going to sit and admire everything that everyone else gets, but I will say to be cautious with your money. That's an awful lot of boxes to be buying up front from a company who has changed all kinds of things in just a few months. Not saying they'll be bad, but it's a gamble, as always!
Exactly. Just one box once a month. I think I have 4 boxes coming and I am being very cautious of ordering any more.