Memebox: Korean Beauty Box Service forums

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Quote: Originally Posted by queeenb /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Yaaay! My box arrived today! Mail carrier went to my door & delivered it to me, which was weird because I know USPS doesn't go door to door, they either leave it at the box or have it ready at the post office. Maybe it's because it's express? /kanyeshrug
I think it's because it's international - it requires a signature for delivery. 

Quote: Originally Posted by Spiritwind10 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Box #5 is on sale as of NOW!
haha wow they are just banging out the boxes, aren't they?? :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

Quote: Originally Posted by Spiritwind10 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Box #5 is on sale as of NOW!
THANK YOU NEW BEST FRIEND! Seriously, did you just happen to check the site and it was there? I think I need to add this website to an update feed. But that makes me feel like a stalker...

BTW - Got a response about the 2nd Box! Mine was shipped on the 23rd and the CS linked me the tracking code. Still haven't gotten a code though the normal email method though, so I'm not sure if they are sending them or not. Anyway, should be here sometime next week if my other tracking is any indication. And if my postal service decides to give it to me. I think I am going to leave them a signed note this time and see if that works. I am going to have too many of these things coming in for me to play that game every time.

I know what you mean. If we have to sign for them, that's a lot of days home just to sign for a package. I was just checking the site and shipping and decided to click on MemeBOx and viola!!! Box #5 came up and I didn't waste any time with purchasing! I figure I'd just get it and not have to worry about it.. It isn't shipping till Feb. 21st! Hope everyone has a good night. Off to bed for this gal!

I know what you mean. If we have to sign for them, that's a lot of days home just to sign for a package. I was just checking the site and shipping and decided to click on MemeBOx and viola!!! Box #5 came up and I didn't waste any time with purchasing! I figure I'd just get it and not have to worry about it.. It isn't shipping till Feb. 21st! Hope everyone has a good night. Off to bed for this gal!
My mail is usually delivered at about 7:00 pm. A couple times it has been after 10:00 pm.
Ahhh I can't keep up! Waiting until I get at least one of my other boxes before I order this one.
Wow! I can't keep up either! :( /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" /> it's like, I wanna buy it right now but I just bought the 4th one today lol and #2 hasn't shipped yet so it's like.. C'mon slow your roll, give us time to play with the stuff we barely got! Hahahha!
Quote: Originally Posted by queeenb /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Wow! I can't keep up either!
it's like, I wanna buy it right now but I just bought the 4th one today lol and #2 hasn't shipped yet so it's like.. C'mon slow your roll, give us time to play with the stuff we barely got! Hahahha!
I feel the same way. I just ordered 3 and 4. I would like to receive at least one before I order 5... but at the same time 1, 2 and 3 look so good, I want more o_O.... 

I think they released it because all the other editions are now sold out. I have already received the 3rd edition, but I won't be ordering the 5th edition until after I receive 4.

Quote: Originally Posted by queeenb /img/forum/go_quote.gif

Wow! I can't keep up either!
it's like, I wanna buy it right now but I just bought the 4th one today lol and #2 hasn't shipped yet so it's like.. C'mon slow your roll, give us time to play with the stuff we barely got! Hahahha!

Well, you also have to think about the fact that these have been coming out one a month since November. So even though you might not have ordered them until now, the 2nd was originally shipped 12.13 for December, 3rd was shipped 1.13 for January, then they changed their shipping schedule for later in the month making the 4th shipped on 1.28 the February box and 5th shipped on 2.21 the March box. At least that's how it is looking to me.

Quote: Originally Posted by luckyme502 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

My mail is usually delivered at about 7:00 pm. A couple times it has been after 10:00 pm.
Woah, I have never had USPS come that late! FedEx and UPS during the holidays, yes, but USPS always seems to be done by around 3 everywhere I live.

They're usually pretty speedy with releasing the boxes, because they are in high demand. However, the 5th box won't be shipping unti February, and the 4th box was/is scheduled to ship at the end of January. They were putting some of the earlier boxes back up for sale because there was a big demand for it. They're still very new in the US, so they're trying to keep up with the demand and also keep people interested and happy. :) /emoticons/[email protected] 2x" width="20" height="20" />

I think that is why they don't have a subscription service. Because there's a high demand, and they have enough product to put out boxes a bit more quickly than a monthly service would. That's why they don't require you to buy each one. I know it's SUPER tempting when they keep coming out with boxes, but you don't want to burn yourself out on them too quickly, either.

My 1st edition box was received at the end of November,2nd edition box was shipped to me back in December (shipping issues made it arrive in Jan, which is why they've upgraded to express shipping lately), 3rd edition was early January, 4th edition will be shipped/coming late Jan/early Feb, and finally 5th edition will be late February. So since their global launch in November, and by the end of February, they will have had mailed 5 boxes in 4 months, which is only 1 more than a monthly sub would send.

Went against better judgement and got the latest box. I figure, it looks like they're spacing them out for us, so I'm not going to get them all at once, I'm just holding my place.

I think they are just trying to keep us interested in the boxes and are trying their best to keep and order to it with out overwhelming themselves. They sold out really quickly once the word got out about them and instead of having unhappy people because they didn't get the 4th box they want to give them the opportunity to get a 5th box! I appreciate it and I am glad they put on the site when the shipping date is so everyone knows that it won't ship till then! Good for you MEMEBOX!!! If I know something about the Korean people they want their customers to be happy! My husband work for years with the Korean people and my SIL and BIL were both missionaries in S Korea and they want everyone to be happy and satisfied and are very unhappy when something happens and they can't deliver. They will do about anything to make their customers happy!!! Well, I ordered the 5th box, knowing that I won't get it till the end of the month and that's OK. Those of you who didn't get the 4th and want the '5th this is your opportunity to try the box out by ordering the 5th! Hope everyone has a blessed and happy day!!!!!! : ). : )

One thing to note about Box 5 is that they have now raised the price from $21 to $23 due to the dollar losing value against the Won. The note on the page says: *Please note that there has been a price change to Memebox due to currency exchange rate. We will adjust the price accordingly.* When I bought it yesterday it was still $21 so I assume they will continue to honor that, but from now on it will be $23 + Shipping.

Quote: Originally Posted by goldendarter /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  One thing to note about Box 5 is that they have now raised the price from $21 to $23 due to the dollar losing value against the Won. The note on the page says: *Please note that there has been a price change to Memebox due to currency exchange rate. We will adjust the price accordingly.* When I bought it yesterday it was still $21 so I assume they will continue to honor that, but from now on it will be $23 + Shipping.
I think memebox's ONE flaw (a very small one) is that they're not informing their partners (youtubers/bloggers) about these changes. They never sent us an e-mail about no longer offering the $7 in credits to reimburse shipping, and they said nothing about the price increase. So I would have continued to tell people about it and not know. They are really awesome at getting back to me and they've been super generous with planning giveaway items and review items for their partners etc, but I would have loved an e-mail letting me know about all the changes!

I think I might e-mail them and see if there's anything else that might change in the coming months due to the extremely high demand for their boxes!

I feel the same way. I just ordered 3 and 4. I would like to receive at least one before I order 5... but at the same time 1, 2 and 3 look so good, I want more o_O.... 
I know right?! Torn! I'll hold off too. Let me know when you order yours. Lol!
Quote: Originally Posted by MissJexie /img/forum/go_quote.gif
  I think memebox's ONE flaw (a very small one) is that they're not informing their partners (youtubers/bloggers) about these changes. They never sent us an e-mail about no longer offering the $7 in credits to reimburse shipping, and they said nothing about the price increase. So I would have continued to tell people about it and not know. They are really awesome at getting back to me and they've been super generous with planning giveaway items and review items for their partners etc, but I would have loved an e-mail letting me know about all the changes!

I think I might e-mail them and see if there's anything else that might change in the coming months due to the extremely high demand for their boxes!
Contacting them sounds like a good idea! Let us know if you hear anything new. I wouldn't have even noticed the price change if someone else hadn't pointed it out on /r/beautyboxes


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